The Book of Power: The Greatest Works of the Ages on Attaining Mastery, Magnetism, and Personal Power is Edited and introduced by Mitch Horowitz Discover the Secrets to Higher Living in One Volume: - The Kybalion by Three Initiates - The Secret of Power by Robert Collier - The Master Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill - The Magic Story by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey - Your Invisible Power Genevieve Behrend - At Your Command by Neville - The Game of Life by Florence Scovel Shinn From Mitch's introduction: "About two years ago I experienced a turning point in my spiritual search when I realized what I was truly after. Power. Does that sound unspiritual, self-reverential, or shallow? It is not. It is the aim--often obfuscated by false displays of modesty or a patina of deference--that I believe underscores all of our spiritual searches, whether we acknowledge it or
V naší podkategorii Knihy, která je součástí širší kategorie Filmy, knihy, hry, si můžete užít strhující literární dobrodružství. Najdete u nás široký výběr knih, které vás zavedou do fantastických světů plných záhad, emocí a napětí. Naše knihy pokrývají širokou škálu žánrů, včetně detektivních příběhů, historických románů, dobrodružných epopejí a sci-fi ság, abychom uspokojili všechny vášnivé čtenáře. Každá kniha, kterou nabízíme, je pečlivě vybrána a zaručuje vám nezapomenutelný zážitek. Naše seo-friendly stránky vám umožňují snadno procházet a vyhledávat mezi knihami podle autora, žánru nebo oblíbených sérií. Můžete si tak snadno najít svého oblíbeného spisovatele nebo objevovat nové talenty a literární skvosty. Kromě toho, že nabízíme knihy k prodeji, také se s vámi rádi podělíme o recenze, tipy na nejnovější literární trendy a informace o nadcházejících událostech nebo autorských setkáních. Rozšiřte si svou knihovnu o naše unikátní a neodolatelné tituly, které vám zaručeně dodají radost ze čtení a umožní vám uniknout do úžasného světa literatury.
During the Vietnam War, the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Studies and Observations Group (MACVSOG) was a highly-classified, U.S. joint-service organization that consisted of personnel from Army Special Forces, the Air Force, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance units, and the CIA. This secret organization was committed to action in Southeast Asia even before the major build-up of U.S.
Jan Jacob Slauerhoff\'s 1934 novel Adrift in the Middle Kingdom is an epic sweep of narrative that takes the reader from 1920s Shanghai to a forgotten city beyond the Great Wall of China. Narrated by a Belfast ship\'s radio operator who travels inland on a gun-runner\'s mission, desperate to escape the sea. He moves through extraordinary settings of opium salons, the house of a Cantonese watch-mender,
This book focusses on Russia\'s cultural statecraft in dealing with a number of institutional cultural domains such as education, museums and monuments, high arts and sport. It analyses to what extent Russia\'s cultural activities abroad have been used for foreign policy purposes, and perceived as having a political dimension.Building on the concept of cultural statecraft, the authors present a broad
The most up-to-date and thorough compendium of scholarship on social movements This second edition of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements features forty original essays from the field. With contributions from both established and ascendant scholars, the Companion seeks to present current research on social movements in all its diversity. It is the most up-to-date, comprehensive volume
Master the blues Everything you need to learn the blues on the 3 String Cigar Box Guitar (GDG). A complete method with over 330 pages Included in the book: blues tunes and patterns; hundreds of blues riffs; blues chord progressions: 12 bar, 8 bar, 16 bar, minor, jazz blues, shuffle blues; walking bass; blues scales and maps with tablature and notations; blues strumming and fingerstyle patterns; complete
An attempt to melt an iceberg with a blowtorch, an indoor lake of tequila, an ascent of Mt Everest, driftwood burnt with sunlight focused through a magnifying glass and a doorbell that emits the sound of a dying star; these are some of the extraordinary artistic strategies covered in this collection. Gathering together texts published since 2002, as well as specially written new essays, In Land traces
\'An instant Scottish classic\' The SkinnyAzzy Williams is ready. Ready to smoke, pop pills, drink wine and ready to fight. But most of all, he\'s ready to do anything for his friends, his gang, his young team.Round here, in the schemes of the forgotten industrial heartland of Scotland, your mates, your young team - they\'re everything.Azzy Williams is fourteen; a rising star, this is his life and
Late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, once viewed as periods of decline after the grandeur of Greece and Rome, are now understood as times of extraordinary skill and creativity in the decorative arts. This was particularly true in the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), with its deep cultural links connecting the Mediterranean world and the East. Many spectacular artifacts from this period (4th-15th
What could be more perfect than an interactive adventure with Peppa Pig? The beloved, worldwide sensation is back for hours of hands-on fun. On a beautiful day, Peppa gets to do all of her favorite things: ride in the car, have a picnic, play with friends -- and there\'s a surprise, too Press out the characters of Peppa, her family, and her friends and add them to removable pop-up vehicles. What\'s
Complete full-color coverage of the basis of cancer and molecular biology - from globally recognized expertsBasic Science of Oncology, Sixth Edition is an engagingly written intermediate level review of cancer causation, cancer biology, and the biology underlying cancer treatment. It is ideal for health professionals, students, advanced undergraduates and graduates in biological sciences, and clinicians
\"In this insightful, fascinating portrayal, Elizabeth Lev brings Caterina Sforza and her times very much to life.\"--Kathleen Turner, actress and author of Send Yourself Roses A strategist to match Machiavelli; a warrior who stood toe to toe with the Borgias; a wife whose three marriages would end in bloodshed and heartbreak; and a mother determined to maintain her family\'s honor, Caterina Riario
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a cat and be able to get into, under and beneath cars, houses and especially trees where you would be able to see everything around you? Meet Blue Bell, who is a very special cat who lives in Greenfield Parade. No one owns Blue Bell, but everyone loves her. Interested and curious in all things living, Blue Bell has great freedom to roam in her neighbourhood
\"An urgent look at emotional labor....Hackman\'s words reveal the agency of women is still possible while the power of care, empathy, and love in action can lead us to the best in our humanity.\"― Eve Rodsky, New York Times bestselling author of Fair Play From Journalist Rose Hackman, a deeply-researched foray into the invisible, uncompensated work women perform every day--and a profound call to action.
This book is concerned with tangent cones, duality formulas, a generalized concept of conjugation, and the notion of maxi-minimizing sequence for a saddle-point problem, and deals more with algorithms in optimization. It focuses on the multiple exchange algorithm in convex
Píše se rok 1982 a v patnáctileté Janě se kromě dospělosti probouzí i poznání, že s minulostí její rodiny není cosi v pořádku. Otec před rokem zemřel a v matčině ložnici se ukrývá sešit plný nepochopitelných zápisků. Prarodiče se chovají přinejlepším výstředně a mluvit před nimi o některých tématech je tabu. Jana dospívá v totalitním bezčasí, přesto není otupělá – a tak se pouští do pátrání. Dokáže
Celý život jsem strávil na cestách po místech, nad kterými zůstává rozum stát. Spadl jsem s letadlem, potopil se s lodí a přejelo mě auto. Kousl mě had, pes, pavouk, opice a jedna malá ryba u pobřeží Asie. Chtěli mě lynčovat, zabít, deportovat, podplatit a jednou i sníst, ale myslím si, že jsem si to tenkrát jen špatně vyložil. Chcete vědět, co vás čeká? Buďte v klidu, protože to vám nikdo dopředu
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