Xbox Store 300 Kč - elektronická peněženka
Předplacená karta Vám umožní nabít Vaši peněženku a poté ji využít při platbách v Xbox Store a Microsoft Store.Tento předplacený poukaz umožní každému vybrat a stáhnout skvělý obsah na PC a konzole Xbox 360, Xbox One a Xbox Series z on-line nabídky služby Xbox Store.Díky předplatné kartě můžete využít výhod služby Xbox Live i bez platební karty. Získáte tak přístup k obchodu s online hrami a zábavou, který je plný skvělých a inovativních titulů. Může to být i skvělý dárek, který umožní zakoupení exkluzivních her.Zakoupení a použití karty pro Xbox Store je opravdu jednoduché. Jakmile máte kartu, stačí jen: 1. Přihlásit se na Xbox Live. 2. Navštívit obchod Xbox Store, zvolit možnost „Use a Code“ a zadat kód.3. A je to! Ihned můžete vložené peníze utrácet, za cokoli si budete přát.Přístup ke službě Xbox Live vyžaduje připojení k síti Internet! Tato karta je prodávána pouze formou elektronického klíče pro aktivaci kreditu!  309 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Kulatá keramická knopka s růžovými ornamenty – Ø 3 cm Clayre & Eef
Kulatá keramická knopka s růžovými ornamenty – Ø 3 cmBarva: Krémová / Růžová / ZlatáMateriál: Keramika / Kov 100 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Fasádní obkladový kámen Gl. burgund 24,5/6,5
269 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Nástěnný obklad Carmen light 25/50
289 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Shrnovací dveře Accordion tmavý ořech 820mm
Shrnovací dveře obsahují madlo, zámek s lištou a vodící profil. Shrnovací dveře, nebo vodící profil je možné upravit na délku zkrácením podle typu dveří. Dveře Accordion je možné zkrátit na libovolný rozměr. Je nutné používat nářadí určené k řezání plastů. V případě poškození dveří zapříčiněných jakoukoliv jejich úpravou, ztrácí zákazník záruku.Zobrazené na webových stránkách barvy se mohou lišit od skutečných kvůli různým nastavením monitoru. 1 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Kámen Portina karmel bal=0,7m2
369 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Kontejner na stromy + otvory 65 l 55 x 41 cm
Kontejner na stromky s držadly pro snadnější manipulaci. Kontejner má otvory. Barva: černá. Objem: 65 l. Rozměry: d 55 x 41 cm. 359 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Svítidlo 15188H3 LW1
Závěsné svítidlo, kov nikl matný, plast, textil stříbrný, akrylové křišťály průhledné, ø 400, V:1400, bez 1xE27 60W 230V. 2 079 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Vysokoteplotní žárovka 40W E27 2700K
Vysokoteplotní speciální žárovka (lampa pro speciální účely) určená k použití pro topné a ventilační přístroje, kuchyňské digestoře, chladicí a další zařízení pro podobné účely. Konstrukce zajišťuje trvalý chod v rozsahu od -30°C do +90°C. 29 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Sprchový závěs Star 180x200 černý
Textilní (polyesterový) sprchový závěs se obvykle pere při teplotě 40-60 stupňů. Tím se zabrání růstu bakterií a plísní. 249 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Zapékací mísa 24x14,5 60zf02
199 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Pevná sprcha samocistící 250x 20mm nerez RUP/251,4
1 099 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Dekor Strass Blanco Brillo 30/60
99 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Dřez granitový 1k. Fi51. šedý DRGM1/51GA
Granitový dřez s přepadem. Dřez má průměr 51 cm a hloubku 17,9 cm. Automatické otevírání a zavírání výpusti knoflíkem. Součástí balení je sifon. Prodloužená záruka 5 let. Barva je pro vaši kuchyni to pravé. Moderní granitové dřezy si zamilujete. Rychlé a snadné odstranění nečistot bez zdlouhavého drhnutí. Granitové dřezy jsou stvořené pro vaše experimenty v kuchyni. Vydrží i rozpálený hrnec a stále vypadají jako nové. 3 299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Svitidlo 18078-3Y KOX PLAF CHR LW3
1 549 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Garnýžový set satén 160 dvo Rullo FI 19
999 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Dekor Panama Green A 30/60
349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Sada dřevěných prkének 22 cm, 4ks
Sada dřevěných prkének, vyrobených z březového dřeva. Prkénko má kulatý tvar s drážkou po okrajích. Prkénko není vhodné do myčky na nádobí. Sada obsahuje 4 ks krájecích prkének. 204 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

319 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Zahradní křeslo MODERNÍ s područkam natur
Zahradní křeslo MODERNÍ s područkami, přírodní dřevo, je moderní, stylové, stabilní, masivní, venkovní křeslo. Naprosto dokonalé na zahradu nebo terasu. Vytvoří místo pro pohodlný odpočinek nebo pro posezení s rodinou a přáteli. Je vyrobeno výhradně z vybraného masivního olšového dřeva. Výrobní proces začíná dlouhodobým několikaletým venkovním sušením dřeva, které zaručuje dlouhou životnost a odolnost vůči slunci, vlhkosti, větru a nízkým teplotám. Až před finální výrobou je dřevo dosušováno v sušičce na požadovaný stupeň vlhkosti. Moderní zahradní křeslo bylo vyrobeno v kombinaci oceli a výběrového olšového dřeva. Dřevěné prvky nejsou ošetřeny impregnačními prostředky na ochranu dřeva. Dřevo si přesto zachovává svůj ušlechtilý vzhled, charakter a dlouhou životnost. Ocelové nohy s profilem 6 x 4 cm jsou pokryty práškovým antikorozním nátěrem. Díky této dokonalá ochraně může být nábytek umístěn venku celoročně. Rozměry: 87 x 67 x 47 cm, výška sedáku: 45 cm Nosnost: 250 kgKe křeslu lze zakoupit samostatně stůl a lavičku. Přírodní masivní olšové dřevo vás oslní svou elegancí. Zahradní křeslo MODERNÍ s područkami je dokonalou volbou pro ty, kteří oceňují jednoduchý styl, eleganci a komfort, ve spojení nejvyšší kvality a trvanlivosti výrobku. Bude zdobit vaši zahradu nebo terasu po mnoho let. 3 699 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Růžovobílá keramická dóza s víkem Rabbit Heart - Ø 11x20 cm Clayre & Eef
Růžovobílá keramická dóza s víkem Rabbit Heart - Ø 11x20 cm Barva: BílýMateriál: KeramikaHmotnost: 0,69 kg 634 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Mýdlenka Grenada 06901 Bisk
329 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Vnitřní žlabový roh 150 mm Bryza grafitová
PVC ŽLABOVÝ SYSTÉM BRYZA je produktem se zavedenou pozicí na trhu. Již léta je určujícím faktorem kvality a spolehlivosti. Škála osmi barev ve čtyřech velikostech poskytuje široké možnosti a umožňuje vybrat ten správný systém pro každou budovu. Spolehlivá těsnost, snadná montáž a sada příslušenství umožňují nejen odvod dešťové vody, ale také její velmi efektivní zpětné získávání.Návod: 209 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Koberec BCF Kronos 1,6/2,3 7032 1 0222
Koberec Kronos v tlumených jemných odstínech hnìdé a šedé vnese do vašeho bytu útulnou atmosféru. Klasický design kolekce dìlá z tìchto kobercù skvìlý doplnìk do každého obývacího pokoje, ložnice nebo pokoje pro mládež. Koberec se vyznaèuje vysokou odolností proti hnìtení a vyblednutí barvy. Vlas koberce neabsorbuje vlhkost, snadno se èistí, je antielektrostatický, co zajištuje snadnou údržbu. Výhodou kobercù je dobré vedení tepla, lze je použít i na podlahové vytápìní. 829 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Koberec 0.67/1.2 KMDV155 hnědá
Protiskluzový koberec se zajímavým vzorem bude ideálním řešením do více frekventovaných místností. Díky použití gumové podložky koberec neklouže po podlaze. Polypropylenový koberec se snadno čistí. Koberec je ideální pro použití v předsíni nebo v kuchyni. 299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Koberec Frisee Sevilla 0,8/1,5 1221b Bos Jz 24
Kolekce koberců Frisee Sevilla jsou krásné koberce vyrobené z vysoce kvalitní polyesterové příze s velmi jemným vlasem. Koberec Frisee Sevilla bude dokonalým doplňkem do vašeho obývacího pokoje v moderním industriálním stylu. Bude vhodný i jako doplněk do pokoje pro teenagera. Koberec má velmi dobrou tepelnou vodivost, díky čemu je vhodný pro použití v místnostech s podlahovým vytápěním. Má antistatické vlastnosti, je odolný proti molům, skvrnám a vlhkosti. 749 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Bezešvá podprsenka Iron Aesthetics Elegance, černá
Černá bezešvá podprsenka Elegance představuje kombinaci pohodlí, stylu a jednoduchosti. Je vyrobena z elastického materiálu, který se přizpůsobuje vaší postavě, což zajišťuje dokonalé přiléhání bez omezení. Je prodyšná, což znamená, že udržuje pokožku suchou a komfortní po celý den. Tato podprsenka je navržena tak, aby se zajistila vaše maximální pohodlnost a jednoduchost nošení, přičemž je přes jedno rameno, což přidává zajímavý a stylový designový prvek. S bezešvou podprsenkou Elegance se můžete cítit dobře a zároveň vám poskytuje spolehlivou podporu po celý den. 489 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Emotional Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Psychological Balance and Compassion (Dalai Lama)(Paperback)
Two leading thinkers engage in a landmark conversation about human emotions and the pursuit of psychological fulfillment At their first meeting, a remarkable bond was sparked between the Dalai Lama, one of the world's revered spiritual leaders, and the psychologist Paul Ekman, whose groundbreaking work helped to define the science of emotions. Now these two luminaries share their thinking about science and spirituality, the bonds between East and West, and the nature of our emotional lives. In this unparalleled series of conversations, the Dalai Lama and Ekman push toward answers to the central questions of emotional experience. What are the sources of hate and compassion? What does science reveal about Buddhist meditation, and what can Buddhism gain from the scientific method? Here, they invite us to join them in an unfiltered view of two great traditions and two 365 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

My Broken Vagina: One Woman's Journey to Solve Sex (Bushe Fran)(Pevná vazba)
This book is one woman's funny, moving, and sometimes awkward quest to fix her sex life, but it's the story of millions of women everywhere - half of all women have felt pain during sex. During award-winning writer and performer Fran Bushe's journey towards building a better relationship with her genitals, doctors advised her to have a glass of wine to loosen up, and male friends suggested she simply hadn't 'tried' the right penis yet. Unsurprisingly, neither worked. After a visit to Sex Camp and many attempts to fix her 'broken' vagina, Fran decided to share her own hilarious, excruciating, and sometimes upsetting experiences. With the help of her 16 year old self's diary, expert advice, candid and enlightening interviews with others about sex, and some self-care exercises, Fran sets about trying to make herself, and other people, feel like they're not being gaslit by their 421 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Sun Is a Compass: My 4,000-Mile Journey Into the Alaskan Wilds (Van Hemert Caroline)(Paperback)
For fans of Cheryl Strayed, the gripping story of a biologist's human-powered journey from the Pacific Northwest to the Arctic to rediscover her love of birds, nature, and adventure.During graduate school, as she conducted experiments on the peculiarly misshapen beaks of chickadees, ornithologist Caroline Van Hemert began to feel stifled in the isolated, sterile environment of the lab. Worried that she was losing her passion for the scientific research she once loved, she was compelled to experience wildness again, to be guided by the sounds of birds and to follow the trails of animals.In March of 2012, she and her husband set off on a 4,000-mile wilderness journey from the Pacific rainforest to the Alaskan Arctic, traveling by rowboat, ski, foot, raft, and canoe. Together, they survived harrowing dangers while also experiencing incredible moments of 357 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Totally Wired - Postpunk Interviews and Overviews (Reynolds Simon)(Paperback / softback)
Along with interviews, we get 'overviews': further reflections by Simon Reynolds on key icons and crucial scenes, including John Lydon and Public Image Ltd, Ian Curtis and Joy Division, and the lineage of glam grotesquerie running from Siouxsie & The Banshees to the New Romantics to Leigh 506 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Lonely Wife (Wood Val)(Paperback)
A powerful story about a woman's struggle in a loveless marriage, from the Sunday Times bestselling author Val Wood.1850 Beatrix Fawcett is just eighteen when her father tells her she is to marry a stranger. Hesitantly, but with little choice, she agrees to the match - in the hope of a good husband in Charles, and a happy new life together in rural Yorkshire. As Beatrix sets about making their house a home, she falls in love with it and the surrounding countryside. But she does not fall in love with her husband... Charles has chosen her simply to meet the requirements of his inheritance and has little interest in his young wife. Soon, the only spark in Beatrix's lonely life is her beloved children. But when Charles threatens to take them away from her, Beatrix must find strength in desperate times. Can she fight against her circumstances and 261 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Applied Creativity: Your guide to revolutionary thinking and the six skills to unlock your creative potential. (Sellers Christopher S.)(Paperback)
Creativity is globally recognised as the most critically in demand skill for the future of work and education... so what is it and why don't we have it? Is creativity defined by innovation, or is there something more? Can the arts offer any insight, or do original ideas rely on natural genius? A career described as 'fifteen years of hopscotch between corporate and creative...' Christopher articulates the creativity problem-how standard education devalues creative intelligence and why models of productivity cripple innovative outcomes. He shows that collaboration is rarely an organisation's strongest choice and explores how you can overcome risk to lead with original ideas. Drawing on Aristotle, Diane Arbus, Shakespeare, Steve Jobs, Uber, Tarantino and some sleight of hand, Christopher offers a radical model of creativity and demonstrates how Six Creative Skill Sets are universal to your 506 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Little House Life Hacks: Lessons for the Modern Pioneer from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Prairie (Bailey Angie)(Pevná vazba)
A humorous yet practical book of life lessons from the seminal Little House on the Prairie, blending Laura Ingalls Wilder's timeless teachings with her surprisingly timely penchant for homesteading, crafting, and the lifestyle we now call Cottagecore. The Little House on the Prairie was a childhood TV classic for a generation of kids, and Laura Ingalls Wilder's novels have never gone out of style for young bookworms. Her stories of her family's life in the 1870s offer countless gems of wisdom, and many facets of their lifestyle and the skills they relied on have become some of the hottest trends of today, from sourdough bread and modern pioneering to DIY prairie dresses and needlepoint. Little House Life Hacks playfully compiles the most crucial takeaways from that world, practical enough to work for pioneering stock and updated for today's 406 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Practical Grammar 3 - Student Book without Key (Hughes John)(Mixed media product)
Presents a comprehensive new three-level course that presents essential grammar in a user-friendly format. This title helps students learn usage as well as the form of each grammatical 917 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Nkjv, Evangelical Study Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Christ-Centered. Faith-Building. Mission-Focused. (Thomas Nelson)(Imitation Leather)
Be refreshed by the power and beauty of faithful Christ-centered teaching. Engage the issues of today. Build a firm foundation for this generation--and the next.To be an evangelical is to believe in life-changing truth; it is to believe that the Bible not only gives us the key to eternal life in Jesus but also the way to live today. This is news worth sharing. But how do we do this in a rapidly changing culture that appears to be shifting from a general disinterest in the gospel to a more active opposition to it? When it feels like our faith is being challenged in every area, how should we respond?The Evangelical Study Bible will rejuvenate your faith through the unchanging truth of the gospel. With verse-by-verse commentary and interesting sidebars that dig deeper into the historical and contextual background of Scripture, it will help you 2 112 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

You've Got This: Seven Steps to a Life You Love (Dunbar Michaela)(Paperback)
From a rising clinical psychologist and founder of Instagram's @myeasytherapy, an accessible, life-enhancing guide to reframing self-doubt and negative thought patterns to unlock your potential.?We all experience self-doubt and anxiety at certain points throughout our lives, some of us more often and more intensely than others. Anxiety is an emotion, a chemical reaction, and a fundamental part of being human. It can help us to stay alert and focused, spur us to action, and motivate us to solve problems. But left unchecked, it can have the opposite effect, holding us back and preventing us from living the lives we want.In You've Got This, Dr. Michaela Dunbar introduces the program she's developed after years of helping ambitious women master their anxiety and overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Through her clinical practice as well as 540 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

A Little Book of the Orchestra: The Cello (Auld Mary)(Pevná vazba)
A Little Book of the Orchestra series is an inspiring collection of stories for learning about orchestras, their instruments, and the music they make. Created in partnership with, and featuring music downloads by, the London Symphony Orchestra 407 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Endless Vessel (Soule Charles)(Pevná vazba)
856 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers (Rice Richard G.)(Paperback)
This book is a Solutions Manual to accompany Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, Third Edition. There are many examples provided as homework in the original text and the solution manual provides detailed solutions of many of these problems that are in the parent book Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, Third 1 590 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Health and Social Care Research Methods in Context: Applying Research to Practice (Tilly Liz)(Pevná vazba)
This is the first textbook to show how research using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods relates to improving health and social care practice. The book shows how different research approaches are undertaken in practice and the challenges and strengths of different methodologies, thus facilitating students to make informed decisions when choosing which to use in their own research projects. The eleven chapters are each structured around different research methods and include: A brief overview of the research and research question Identification and overview of the research approach and associated methods selected to answer this question The sample and recruitment, including issues and challenges Ethical concerns Practical issues in undertaking the research approach Links between the research 3 444 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice (Cook Neal)(Paperback)
The essential guide to anatomy and physiology for nursing students. The new edition of Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice brings together text, video, full-colour illustrations, interactive activities, and more, to provide nursing students with a comprehensive introduction to understanding the healthy functioning of the human body. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and includes new videos, improved online support, revised learning activities, and clear explanations that will help nursing students feel confident when learning anatomy and physiology for the first time. Key Features: Students can use their phone or tablet to scan QR codes throughout the book and instantly watch informative animations, mini-tutorials, and other useful videos. Introduces all the essential anatomy 1 087 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Imagining Sculpture: A Short Conjectural History (Abe Stanley)(Pevná vazba)
A new critical approach to understanding sculpture across cultures. Imagining Sculpture is the story of the absence of a powerful European idea: Sculpture. In China statues, stele, and other figural objects were made for millennia but were not categorized as Sculpture. Imagining Sculpture explains how they were seen in China as objects beyond the category of Sculpture. Stanley Abe has written a series of short historical and fictional vignettes about travelers, scholars, officials, collectors, and antiquarians who encounter statues, figures, and effigies in China and the West from the fourteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. Imagining Sculpture is visual, cinematic, and sumptuous, featuring rare photographs, paintings, sketches, letters, and ephemera. With little text, images propel the narrative. 1 000 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Red Milk (Sjn)(Paperback)
A timely and provocative novel from the internationally celebrated novelist Sjn, about a mysterious Icelandic neo-Nazi and the enduring global allure of fascism. In England in 1962, an Icelandic man is found dead on a train. In his possession, policemen find a map on which a swastika has been drawn with a red pen. Who was he, and where was he going? Based on the life of one of the ringleaders of a little-known neo-Nazi group that operated in Reykjavk in the late fifties and early sixties, Red Milk explores what shapes a young man and the enduring, disturbing allure of Nazi ideology. In Red Milk, acclaimed author Sjn tells the story of Gunnar Kampen, the founder of Iceland's antisemitic nationalist party, who has ties to a burgeoning network of neo-Nazi groups across the globe. Told in a series of scenes and letters spanning Kampen's lifetime--from his 402 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Topology for Computing (Zomorodian Afra J.)(Paperback)
Written by a computer scientist for computer scientists, this book teaches topology from a computational point of view, and shows how to solve real problems that have topological aspects involving computers. Such problems arise in many areas, such as computer graphics, robotics, structural biology, and chemistry. The author starts from the basics of topology, assuming no prior exposure to the subject, and moves rapidly up to recent advances in the area, including topological persistence and hierarchical Morse complexes. Algorithms and data structures are presented when 1 746 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

They Got Daddy: One Family's Reckoning with Racism and Faith (Tubbs Sharon)(Pevná vazba)
An unforgettable journey through racism and faith across the generations. January 15, 1959--a day that changed one family forever. White supremacists kidnapped and severely beat rural Alabama preacher Israel Page, nearly killing him because he had sued a White sheriff's deputy for injuries suffered in a car crash. After they got Daddy, Israel Page's children began leaving the Jim Crow South, the event leaving an indelible mark on the family and its future. Decades later, the events of that day fueled journalist Sharon Tubbs's epic quest to learn who had gotten her mother's daddy and why. They Got Daddy follows Tubbs on her moving journey from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to the back roads and rural churches of Alabama. A powerful revelation of the sustaining and redemptive power of faith and unflinching testimony to the deeply embedded effects of racism across the 1 869 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Do-It-Yourself Book (Kinney Jeff)(Paperback / softback)
A Wimpy Kid diary. It lets you draw your own Wimpy-Kid-style cartoons, fill in facts and lists, check out the full-colour comics inside and even write your own Wimpy Kid 211 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Sheet Pan Science: 25 Fun, Simple Science Experiments for the Kitchen Table; Super-Easy Setup and Cleanup (Heinecke Liz Lee)(Paperback)
With Sheet Pan Science, contain the mess but let the fun overflow with 25 safe, easy physics, biology, and chemistry projects. Each project in the book contains simple instructions, easy-to-understand science explanations, and step-by-step photographic instructions. While a stovetop or freezer may occasionally be required, most steps of the experiments can be performed directly on a rimmed baking sheet. Messy play is important for young learners. Mixing colors, creating bubbly chemical reactions, and playing with goo are visual and tactile experiences that create strong memory pathways. In addition to allowing kids to explore and hone problem-solving skills, science experimentation encourages curiosity and engages a sense of wonder. A sheet pan and a few simple ingredients will instantly transform any kitchen 377 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Flowers (Grolet Cdric)(Pevná vazba)
1 240 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Flood (Rankin Ian)(Paperback / softback)
The book that began Ian Rankin's phenomenal career. From the No.1 bestselling author of A SONG FOR THE DARK 235 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

House of Spines (Malone Michael J.)(Paperback)
When a young man inherits a vast mansion from an estranged great-uncle, his apparent good fortune sours when unsettling things begin to happen ... A terrifying psychological thriller cum gothic ghost story from the bestselling author of A Suitable Lie. 'A beautifully written tale, original, engrossing and scary. It's a wonderful mixture, a psychological thriller with a touch of a ghost story (sort of), a dollop of the supernatural (but not really) and murder (perhaps), told through the vision of a druggie poet who hasn't taken his medicine and is therefore an unreliable witness (or is he?) ... a dark joy' The Times 'A deeply satisfying read' Sunday Times 'A fine, page-turning thriller' Daily Mail _________________ What you see isn't always real... Ran McGhie's world has been turned upside down. 236 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Art of Crime - Diary of A Prison Art Tutor (Tafka Steven)(Paperback / softback)
'The Art of Crime' charts the journey of a rookie prison art tutor from idealism to the depths of the prison 234 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Ascension Through the 12 Aspects of Christ Consciousness: Sacred Alchemy (Kay Alana)(Paperback)
Christ Consciousness is unconditional Love. What is unconditional Love? Because I am able to connect with the Ascended Masters, I am often given information from the Unified Field or the field of creation/God. I was given the twelve aspects of unconditional Love or Christ Consciousness along with an image of a dodecahedron. In sacred geometry, the dodecahedron represents ether or higher consciousness. In a world of chaos and shifting sands, your consciousness is the only thing you have control over. Obtaining of higher consciousness make your journey joyous and 261 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Queen of the Birds (Polwart Karine)(Paperback)
After a terrible storm, the Kingdom of Birds is looking for a leader. Will it be the bird with the loveliest song, or the brightest plumage? The fastest in the air, or underwater? The bird who flies highest, or those who stick together and work as a team?All across the sky, birds are flocking together. Nightingales and robins, barn owls and blackbirds. The eagle, the flamingo, the birds of the moor. Curlews and cuckoos and herons and hoopoes. And Wee Jenny Wren.Let the contest 210 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Murder at the Seaview Hotel (Young Glenda)(Paperback)
'I loved this warm, humorous and involving whodunnit with its host of engaging characters and atmospheric Scarborough setting' CLARE CHASE 'Just the heart-warming tonic readers need right now. Endearing characters, intriguing twists and one very cute canine' HELEN COX Meet Helen Dexter - proprietor of the Seaview Hotel, and now, with the help of her trusty greyhound Suki, amateur detective . . . This unputdownable whodunnit is perfect for fans of Julia Chapman's Dales Detective Agency, Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club and Betty Rowlands........................................................................................ In the charming Yorkshire seaside town of Scarborough, a murder is nothing to sing about . . . After the death of her husband 284 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

1967: A Year in Psychedelic Rock: The Bands and the Sounds of the Summer of Love (Furbank Kevan)(Paperback)
IT was the year the Sixties really started swinging - the Summer of Love, when the Rolling Stones said 'We Love You' and The Beatles pointed out that 'All You Need Is Love'. The piper was at the gates of dawn, a strange brew was bubbling in the mellow, yellow mind gardens and a purple haze air was in the air. At the centre of the year's tumultuous social and cultural change was the mind-expanding music called psychedelic rock, a multi-coloured mixture of amazing sounds, when imagination and experimentation ran riot and the old musical boundaries were torn down in a haze of hallucinogenic abandon. In this fascinating book, Kevan Furbank looks at the roots of psychedelic rock and examines the contributions made by some of the biggest bands of the year, including The Beatles, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Love, Pink Floyd and The Beach Boys. He examines the hits and misses, 380 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Bridge of San Luis Rey (Wilder Thornton)(Paperback)
The authorized, original edition of Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning classic with a foreword by acclaimed author Russell Banks and an afterword by Wilder's nephew, Tappan Wilder, with illuminating documentary material about the novel and its rich literary history."As close to perfect a moral fable as we are ever likely to get in American literature." --Russell Banks"There are books that haunt you down the years, books that seem to touch and stir something deep inside you. . . . Wilder's The Bridge of San Luis Rey is of this kind." --The Independent (London)"On Friday noon, July the twentieth, 1714, the finest bridge in all Peru broke and precipitated five travelers into the gulf below." This immortal sentence opens The Bridge of San Luis Rey, one of the towering achievements in 430 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Case Formulation with Children and Adolescents (Manassis Katharina)(Pevná vazba)
Highly practical and accessible, this book shows how to synthesize complex information about child and adolescent mental health problems into clinically useful, dynamic case formulations. Strategies and tools are provided for analyzing the biological, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and developmental factors that may be contributing to the difficulties of clients ages 4-18. Numerous case examples illustrate the steps in crafting a comprehensive formulation and using it to plan effective, individualized treatment. Strategies for overcoming frequently encountered pitfalls in case formulation are highlighted 1 145 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

More Than Miracles: The State of the Art of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (de Shazer Steve)(Paperback)
Written by pioneering experts in the field, More Than Miracles remains the authoritative text on solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). The final work of the world-renowned family therapists and original developers of SFBT, the late Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, this comprehensive resource informs practitioners and students in how to apply this practical, internationally acclaimed approach. With a new preface, this classic edition outlines the latest developments in the fields of family therapy, brief therapy, and psychotherapy training and practice. A succinct overview orients the reader to the current landscape of SFBT and provides three real-life case transcripts that illustrate the practical applications of SFBT techniques. The seminar format of the text allows readers to: sit in on surprising psychotherapy sessions 1 004 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Ark of the Covenant (Gray Jonathan)(Paperback)
THEY CALLED IT A HOAX UNTIL ONE MAN WENT TO PROVE IT... THE UNEXPECTED TRUTH SHOCKED GRAY. IT WILL SHOCK YOU, TOO For 800 years, the Ark of the Covenant was the most sacred object in the world. In 586 BC it vanished. 2,500 years later, American amateur archaeologist Ron Wyatt claimed to have found the Ark of the Covenant. He was promptly ordered by the host government not to reveal certain information. Jonathan Gray set out with a briefcase full of objections against Wyatt's claims. However, intense investigation, repeated visits to dig sites, and privileged viewing of evidence and artifacts leave him totally 1 032 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Ages of Discord: A Structural-Demographic Analysis of American History (Turchin Peter)(Paperback)
WE ARE ON THE WRONG TRACK Seventy percent of Americans (and counting) think so. The real wage of a US worker today is less than it was 40 years ago-but there are four times as many multimillionaires. As inequality grows, the politics become more poisonous. Every year, more and more Americans go on shooting sprees, killing strangers and passers-by-and now, increasingly, representatives of the state. Troubling trends of this kind are endlessly discussed by public intellectuals and social scientists. But mostly, they talk about only a small slice of the overall problem. After all, how on earth can yet another murderous rampage have anything to do with polarization in Congress? And is there really a connection between too many multimillionaires and government gridlock? Historical analysis shows that long spells of equitable prosperity and internal peace are succeeded by protracted periods 838 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Mountains of Mourning-A Miles Vorkosigan Hugo and Nebula Winning Novella (Bujold Lois McMaster)(Paperback)
While being a space-faring empire, Barrayar still harbors deep-rooted prejudices and superstitions, including those against "mutants." *** When a Dendarii hill-woman comes before Aral Vorkosigan seeking justice for the murder of her infant baby who has been killed because of her physical defects, the Barrayaran Lord sends his son Miles to a remote mountain village to discover the truth and carry out Imperial justice and at the same time attack these long-held barbaric beliefs. *** And who better than Miles Vorkosigan, who has himself struggled with these prejudices all his life because of his own physical deformities. *** The Mountains of Mourning is a stand-alone novella that takes place (chronologically) between the events relayed in The Warrior's Apprentice and The Vor Game. It won both the Hugo and the Nebula awards the year it was published, as well as an SF Chronicles Award for 263 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Practice of Silviculture 10e P (Ashton Mark S.)(Paperback)
The most up-to-date, comprehensive resource on silviculture that covers the range of topics and issues facing today's foresters and resource professionals The tenth edition of the classic work, The Practice of Silviculture: Applied Forest Ecology, includes the most current information and the results of research on the many issues that are relevant to forests and forestry. The text covers such timely topics as biofuels and intensive timber production, ecosystem and landscape scale management of public lands, ecosystem services, surface drinking water supplies, urban and community greenspace, forest carbon, fire and climate, and much more. In recent years, silvicultural systems have become more sophisticated and complex in application, particularly with a focus on multi-aged silviculture. There have been paradigm shifts toward managing for more complex 3 243 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Day Trading Made Easy: A Simple Strategy for Day Trading Stocks (Kratter Matthew R.)(Paperback)
Ever wished that you could make $200/day in the stock market? Ready to learn a simple day trading strategy that actually works?"Day Trading Made Easy" will teach you the powerful "Day Sniper" trading strategy.You will learn exactly when to buy a stock, when to take profits, and when to exit a losing trade.Very few careers can offer you the freedom and flexibility that day trading does.Even if you know nothing at all about trading stocks, this book will quickly bring you up to speed.This is exactly the book that I wish I'd had when I was first learning how to day trade stocks.In this book, you will learn: How to take advantage of big traders to put money in your pocketHow to find the best stocks for day tradingThe one thing you must never do when day tradingWhere to set 187 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Shiva Mahavatar Babaji (Churchill Pola)(Paperback)
In the Kumaon foothills of the Indian Himalayan mountains, where great saints and yogis of the past and present have made their ancestral homes since the beginning of creation, resides Shiva Mahavatar Babaji, known to millions in the West through Paramahansa Yogananda's book, Autobiography of a Yogi. In 1970, Shri Babaji, the deathless Master, appeared as a youth of 18 years old in a cave at the foot of Mount Kailash in the state of Samadhi. He displayed great wisdom and divine powers and was recognized by people as the great Mahavatar reincarnated. His coming was foretold both by saints and ancient scriptures. He came to reform the hearts and minds of men, uplift humanity during troubled times, and to teach and restore the Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion) of truth, simplicity, love, unity, and selfless service to God. (Karma Yoga). This book records His teachings and the 345 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment: Stabilization, Safety, & Nervous System Balance (Rothschild Babette)(Paperback)
Being able to monitor and modulate a trauma client's dysregulated nervous system is one of the practitioner's best lines of defense against traumatic hyperarousal going amok--risking consequences such as dissociation and decompensation. This paperback edition of Babette Rothschild's The Body Remembers, Volume 2, clarifies and simplifies autonomic nervous system (ANS) understanding and observation. It includes a full-color table that distinguishes six levels of arousal, which has proven to be an essential clinical tool, presenting a new and useful distinction between trauma-induced hypoarousal and the low arousal that is caused by lethargy or depression.Multiple therapeutic transcripts illuminate key points in trauma treatment, including stabilizing clients who dissociate, identifying and implementing hidden somatic resources, and utilizing good memories and somatic 664 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Antique to Heirloom Jelly Roll Quilts: 12 Modern Quilt Patterns from Vintage Patchwork Quilt Designs (Lintott Pam)(Paperback)
12 modern quilt patterns from vintage patchwork quilt designs. Bestselling quilt making authors Pam and Nicky Lintott take inspiration from their collection of antique English and American heirloom quilt designs - some of which are over 100 years old - and recreate them using pre-cut Jelly Roll fabrics. Each of the 12 quilt patterns comes with full colour styled photographs, comprehensive making instructions and quilting diagrams, and requires just one Jelly Roll to make. Antique to Heirloom Jelly Roll Quilts also includes all the basic quilting techniques you will need to know to teach you how to make jelly roll quilts, from using quilting tools and quilt rulers, to pressing and pinning your finished quilt top. You will also learn how to add straight borders and mitred borders to your quilt designs, and how to bind a 430 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Art of Chess Analysis (Timman Jan)(Paperback)
381 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Slow Moon Climbs: The Science, History, and Meaning of Menopause (Mattern Susan)(Pevná vazba)
The first comprehensive look at menopause from prehistory to today Are the ways we look at menopause all wrong? Historian Susan Mattern says yes, and The Slow Moon Climbs reveals just how wrong we have been. Taking readers from the rainforests of Paraguay to the streets of Tokyo, Mattern draws on historical, scientific, and cultural research to reveal how our perceptions of menopause developed from prehistory to today. For most of human history, people had no word for menopause and did not view it as a medical condition. Rather, in traditional foraging and agrarian societies, it was a transition to another important life stage. This book, then, introduces new ways of understanding life beyond fertility. Mattern examines the fascinating "Grandmother Hypothesis"--which argues for the importance of elders in the rearing of future generations--as well as other 754 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Communication as Gesture: Media(tion), Meaning, & Movement (Schandorf Michael)(Pevná vazba)
While the concept of communication has long been bound to a reductive model of the exchange of information, very few scholars of communication would argue that these assumptions are realistic, without a long list of qualifying caveats. But the concept of communication, built from the integration of semiotic signification with the idea of information as the 'carrier' of transmitted meaning, is so deeply ingrained and simple that even displacing it can seem futile, if not absurd. Nevertheless, these foundational assumptions tightly constrain the ways in which any interactional phenomena can be conceived--and constraints upon our ways of understanding communication drastically limit our capacity to understand our worlds and the social processes that generate them, at any scale or level of abstraction. Communication as Gesture traces the concept of communication from its roots 2 146 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Burned - An Alex Verus Novel from the New Master of Magical London (Jacka Benedict)(Paperback / softback)
The seventh novel in this compelling urban fantasy series featuring Alex Verus, the Camden-based mage who just can't stay out of trouble despite his ability to see the future. Perfect for fans of Jim Butcher or Ben 256 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Invention of Miracles: Language, Power, and Alexander Graham Bell's Quest to End Deafness (Booth Katie)(Pevná vazba)
An astonishingly revisionist biography of Alexander Graham Bell, telling the true--and troubling--story of the inventor of the telephone. We think of Alexander Graham Bell as the inventor of the telephone, but that's not how he saw his own career. As the son of a deaf woman and, later, husband to another, his goal in life from adolescence was to teach deaf students to speak. Even his tinkering sprang from his teaching work; the telephone had its origins as a speech reading machine. The Invention of Miracles is an astonishingly revisionist biography of an American icon, revealing the extraordinary true genesis of the telephone and its connection to another, far more troubling legacy of Bell's: his efforts to stamp out American Sign Language. Weaving together a dazzling tale of innovation with a moving love story, the book offers a heartbreaking look at how a 856 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Soul of a Nation - Art in the Age of Black Power(Paperback / softback)
In the period of radical change that was 1963-83, young Black artists at the beginning of their careers in the USA confronted key questions and pressures. How could they make art that would stand as innovative, original, formally and materially complex, while also making work that reflected their concerns and experience as African 773 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Code Your Own Website (School The Coder)(Paperback / softback)
Basher's step-by-step guide shows children how to code their own 216 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

American Foreign Policy: Studies in Intellectual History (Drolet Jean-Francois)(Paperback)
This book offers a nuanced and multifaceted collection of essays covering a wide range of concerns, concepts, presidential doctrines, and rationalities of government thought to have marked America's engagement with the world during this period. The collection is organised chronologically and looks at the work of intellectuals who have written both in support and critically about US foreign policy in various geographical and historical contexts. This includes Andrew Carnegie, Carl Schmitt, Hans Morgenthau, George Kennan, Samuel Huntington, Paul Wolfowitz and many other such thinkers and practitioners who have contributed in shaping the ways in which we have come to think of US foreign policy over the years. The book will be of significant interest to students and academics within the fields of US foreign policy analysis, international relations and intellectual 754 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Bird House Make and Makeover: Mix and Match to Make a Unique Project (Goodsell Alan)(Paperback)
Turn your garden into a haven for your feathered friends with this book of simple and attractive bird houses to make and make over.Setting up a bird house in your garden will provide birds with a place to rest and raise their young, and will also add a touch of color and style. Only basic woodworking and crafting skills, materials and tools are needed. There are easy-to-follow step-by-step photography and instructions throughout, and there are diagrams where required to help ensure your measurements are accurate. Several variations are given for different parts of the bird house so that you have even more options to choose from. Chapters cover: building a basic box, roof styles, roof treatments, wall treatments, doors, windows and other features, painting and 391 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Safe Haven (MacDonald Patricia)(Paperback)
Heavily pregnant Dena Russell returns to her hometown after a whirlwind romance with Brian Riley, an old acquaintance. When Brian's behaviour grows irrational and a battered body is found, Dena wonders if the father of her unborn child is a killer. Fearing for her and her baby's life, Dena seeks refuge with another old friend, but how safe is 422 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Irland: Flagge, Notizbuch, Urlaubstagebuch, Reisetagebuch Zum Selberschreiben (Welt Flaggen)(Paperback)
IrlandNotizbuch - Reisetagebuch - UrlaubstagebuchDieses karierte Notizbuch ist der perfekte Reisebegleiter auf Ihrer Irlandreise.Unabh ngig davon, ob Sie ein Wochenende in der Hauptstadt Dublin verbringen, ob Sie 14 Tage, 3 Wochen, 30 Tage oder 3 Monate in Irland verbringen, oder ob Sie zum wandern nach Urlaub fahren, schreiben Sie Ihre Erlebnisse, Eindr cke und Emotionen auf, um sie f r immer unvergessen zu machen.Logbuch zum ausf llen und selbst gestaltenSie k nnen das Buch als pers nliches, privates Tagebuch anlegen, es als Scrapbook f r die ganze Familie nutzen und es mit Eintrittskarten, Stickern, Flugtickets, Zeichnungen, Bildern, Aufklebern und Ihren frisch gelernten irischen Redewendungen verzieren. Sie k nnen es auch als Vokabelheft f r irische Vokabeln, oder als Budgetplaner f r Ihren Irlandbesuch verwenden.Freude 179 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Thomas & Friends Story Time Collection (Thomas & Friends) (Rev Awdry W.)(Pevná vazba)
Train-obsessed boys ages 2 to 5 will love this deluxe 320-page hardcover storybook collection with thirteen Thomas & Friends adventures: Little Engines Can Do Big Things, The Special Delivery, Down at the Docks, Thomas and the Naughty Diesel, The Monster Under the Shed, Lost at Sea, Thomas Gets a Snowplow, Danger at the Dieselworks, Calling All Engines, Diesel 10 Means Trouble, Thomas-saurus Rex, The Lost Crown of Sodor, and Risky Rails. Hours and hours of storytelling 460 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Changing Face of Special Educational Needs: Impact and Implications for Sencos, Teachers and Their Schools (Ekins Alison)(Paperback)
Fully revised with the requirements of the 2014 new SEN Code of Practice, this second edition of "The Changing Face of Special Educational Needs" shows teachers, SENCOs and students in teacher training how to respond to the rapidly changing context of special education. This highly practical and accessible text unlocks the often confusing field of special education provision in schools today by: Summarising and clarifying new policy directions as they emerge, in light of the new SEN Code of Practice Suggesting clear, practical activities to bring the theory to life, helping practitioners to review and reflect upon their work; Encouraging critical reflection about existing systems within the school context, considering whether these will remain appropriate and fit for purpose; Giving opportunities for teachers, SENCOs and senior 1 163 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 01.09.2024

Pitch Yourself - The most effective CV you'll ever write. Stand out and sell yourself (Faust Bill)(Paperback / softback)
The most effective CV you'll ever write.The best interview you'll ever give. This revolution in the way we sell ourselves in CV and at interview is based on the Elevator Pitch concept and has now been endorsed and recommended by over 40 of the world's leading business schools and universities, from Kellogg to Columbia in the US, from Insead to London Business School in Europe and from Otago to Sydney in Asia-Pacific. The Elevator Pitch prioritises who you are and how you work, the qualities that you are employed for, rather than what you did and where you worked, your past, which is the emphasis of a traditional CV. The Elevator Pitch shifts the focus from your perspective to the employer's perspective and from the past to the future. It's a way of presenting yourself that makes more sense to the employer, and allows you to sell yourself more 348 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Devil Has No Mother (Cruz Nicky)(Paperback)
601 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Princesse de Cleves (Lafayette Madame de)(Paperback)
Set towards the end of the reign of Henry II of France, The Princesse de Cleves (1678) tells of the unspoken, unrequited love between the fair, noble Mme de Cleves, who is married to a loyal and faithful man, and the Duc de Nemours, a handsome man most female courtiers find irresistible. Warned by her mother against admitting her passion, Mme de Cleves hides her feelings from her fellow courtiers, until she finally confesses to her husband - an act that brings tragic consequences for all. Described as France's first modern novel, The Princesse de Cleves is an exquisite and profound analysis of the human heart, and a moving depiction of the inseparability of love and anguish. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 1,700 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf 267 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Watch the Throne - The Tactics Behind the Premier League's European Champions, 1999-2019 (Williams Luke)(Paperback / softback)
Watch the Throne: The Tactics Behind the Premier League's European Champions, 1999-2019 lifts the lid on the tactics used by Premier League clubs on their respective journeys to Champions League glory. Beginning with Manchester United in 1999 and concluding with Liverpool's 2019 triumph, Watch the Throne provides detailed analysis of how Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool overcame their opposition to claim the ultimate prize in European club football. While United's 1999 victory was an outlier, Liverpool's win in 2005 began a period of domination for Premier League clubs, with eight English finalists in eight seasons from 2004/05 to 2011/12. Changes in tactical trends saw the absence of Premier League finalists between the 2012/13 and 2016/17 seasons as Spanish, German and French sides briefly overtook their Premier League rivals, before an all-English 2019 final between Liverpool 296 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization: A Clinical Approach (Hayes David L.)(Pevná vazba)
A practical and up-to-date guide to pacemaker technology and its clinical implementation As the field of cardiology continues to advance and expand, so too does the technology and expertise behind today's electrophysiological devices. Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization has been assembled by international specialists to give all those caring for patients with heart disorders a clear and informative guide to the pacemakers and clinical methods of today. Now in its fourth edition, this essential resource: Explains different methods of pacemaker implementation in a straightforward and easy-to-follow manner Explores the most common challenges faced by working clinicians Features more than 750 illustrative graphics Contains data on the efficacy and long-term outcomes of different device models Covers 2 373 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Forensics for Dummies (Lyle Douglas P.)(Paperback)
Understand the real-life science behind crime scene investigation Forensics For Dummies takes you inside the world of crime scene investigation to give you the low down on this exciting field. Written by a doctor and former Law & Order consultant, this guide will have you solving crimes along with your favorite TV shows in no time. From fingerprints and fibers to blood and ballistics, you'll walk through the processes that yield significant information from the smallest clues. You'll learn how Hollywood gets it wrong, and how real-world forensics experts work every day in fields as diverse as biology, psychology, anthropology, medicine, information technology, and more. If you're interested in a forensics career, you'll find out how to break in and the education you'll need to do the type of forensics work that interests you the most. Written for the true 453 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Dippy - The Tale of a Museum Icon (Barrett Paul)(Pevná vazba)
Meet Dippy, one of the world's most famous dinosaur replicas At over 85 feet long and over 100 years old, Diplodocus has fascinated and enthralled visitors since it was first revealed to an astonished public at the Natural History Museum in London in 1905. The story of how Dippy came to the Museum is one that involves danger and adventure in the harsh environment of the American Wild West, the generosity of an eccentric millionaire, and the involvement of the British royal family. With details of key dinosaur fossil finds and the latest research on Diplodocus anatomy and behaviour, Dippy the tale of a museum icon is both an engaging tale of discovery and a guide to one of the longest land animals ever to walk the Earth.Dippy is an exact plaster replica of the fossilized bones found in the badlands of Wyoming, 183 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Don't Text Your Ex Happy Birthday: And Other Advice on Love, Sex, and Dating (Viall Nick)(Paperback)
From celebrity heartthrob, esteemed host of The Viall Files podcast, and adored member of Bachelor Nation Nick Viall comes Don't Text Your Ex Happy Birthday--a no-holds-barred dating-advice book. "Nick has hard- and well-earned wisdom to share from his own journey--from heartbreak to healing to discovering real and lasting love. In his usual compassionate and humorous voice, he offers great advice . . . like an older brother who is way cooler and wiser than you!" --Dr. Laura Berman, relationship therapist and host of The Language of Love With his trademark charm, relationship expertise, and exclusive sex and love Q&A series, Nick guides readers through topics of love, lust, dating, and heartbreak. Nothing is off-limits as he delves into situationships, how to identify a player, and defining healthy love versus toxic love. Trying to figure out 308 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Art the Alien (Taylor Julie)(Paperback)
Have you ever wondered how strange Earth would seem to a visitor from another planet? How would everyday objects appear? Perhaps the toys in your bedroom would be confusing, or even frightening. Art the Alien is a tiny traveller from outer space. Join him on his adventures as he explores the Earth's surface for the very first 281 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

My Story (Steven Gerrard) (EN)
33 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Rational Faith: A Philosopher's Defense of Christianity (Davis Stephen T.)(Paperback)
An accessible yet authoritative overview addressing the issues of a rational basis to Christian 270 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

City in Ruins (Winslow Don)(Paperback)
Following City on Fire and City of Dreams, City in Ruins is the explosive, impossible to put down conclusion to New York Times bestselling author Don Winslow's epic, genre-defining crime trilogy and the final book of Winslow's extraordinary 387 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 01.09.2024

Extraction Politics: Rio Tinto and the Corporate Persona (Paliewicz Nicholas S.)(Pevná vazba)
An investigation into one of the largest and most lucrative mineral mining companies in the world, Rio Tinto, Extraction Politics reveals how the company constructs a presence in the places it operates and shapes meanings and orientations toward the environment. Taking readers on a "rhetorical pilgrimage" across the American Southwest, Nicholas Paliewicz shows how Rio Tinto creates adaptable corporate identities. From Ronald Regan's frontiersman advertisements for the Borax Mine in California to the pioneer Mormon persona at Bingham Canyon Mine in Salt Lake City and the folksy, paternalistic perspective toward the San Carlos Apache at the proposed mine at Oak Flat, Arizona, the company appropriates local history to embed itself as a valued member of the public--without having to settle in those ecological communities and bear the costs of extraction. This does not occur 2 828 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Death in Midsummer (Mishima Yukio)(Paperback / softback)
256 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024