Bodové svítidlo R5026b-4s satén-chrom
1 599 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Spárovací hmota Mapei Ultracolor Plus 2 kg 113 cementovì šedá
Spárovací hmota Mapei Ultracolor Plus 2 kg 113 cementovì šedá Rychle tvrdnoucí malta s výjimečnými vlastnostmi pro výplň spár šířky od 2 do 20 mm s rychlým vysycháním, bez tvorby výkvětů, hydrofobní(odpuzující vodu) – systém DropEffect® a s protiplísňovou technologií BioBlock®. Oblasti použití:Spárování všech typů keramických obkladů a dlažeb (jednou a dvakrát vypalovaných, klinkeru, glazované keramické kameniny atd.), dlažby typu cotto, kamenných materiálů (přírodní kameny, mramor, žula, aglomeráty, atd.), skleněných a mramorových mozaik.Zaručuje naprosto jednotnou barvu, nevytváří výkvět na povrchu, rychle vysychá, a tím umožňuje rychlé provozní zatížení podlah a obkladů.Technologie BioBlock® použitá při výrobě tohoto produktu, zabraňuje ve vlhkém prostředí tvorbě a bujení různých typů plísní na povrchu spár.Kromě toho, je použitím speciálních hydrofobních přísad při výrobě této malty umožněno získat spárovací hmotu, která se vyznačuje vysoce hydrofobními (technologie DropEffect®) vlastnostmi; proto má menší sklony ke špinění a vyznačuje se vynikající trvanlivostí.Ideální pro výplň spár venkovních fasád, balkonů, teras, bazénů s chemicky neupravenou vodou, koupelen a kuchyní; dále je určen zejména pro spárování podlah v supermarketech, motorestech, restauracích, letištích a prostorách přístupných veřejnosti. Technické údaje:Doba zpracovatelnosti směsi: 20–25 minut.Čekací doba před provedením konečné úpravy: 15–30 minut.Pochůznost: cca po 3 hodinách.Provozní zatížení: po 24 hodinách (v bazénech a nádržích po 48 hodinách).Barvy: 34EMICODE: EC1 – velmi nízký obsah emisí.Skladovatelnost: 24 měsíců (pytle po 5 a 2 kg).Bezpečnostní list:Technický list:  259 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Sloupek hladký 70x70 ZN
Pozink/barva: pozink / rozměr: 200x7x7 cm / sloupek k bráně 799 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Nástěnné svítidlo Diamond 2183 k1
519 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

KGB 160 x 87° koleno
Venkovní kanalizační systém určený pro pokládku do země z materiálu PVC s hladkým vnitřním povrchem trubek a tvarovek má vynikající odtokové vlastnosti. Všechny trubky a tvarovky jsou opatřeny hrdlovými spoji, což výrazně urychluje instalaci a díky dilatačním vůlím ve spojích zaručuje bezpečný provoz. Kanalizační trubky a tvarovky se vyznačují vysokou odolností stěn trubek vůči poškození materiálem splaveným do kanalizace, nekorodují. Plastové materiály mají velmi dlouhou životnost – až 100 let. Díky výrazně nižší hmotnosti oproti litinovým, kameninovým či betonovým potrubím je možné snížit náklady na těžkou mechanizaci a manipulace s trubkami na staveništi je mnohem jednodušší.Zboží nedostupné: Praha 5 - Stodůlky NICOLLTechnický list 215 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Stínovka Popular 2 x 10 m/85%/150G/ST
Stínící tkanina s 85% zastíněním. Poskytuje účinnou ochranu před slunečním zářením a nepříznivými klimatickými podmínkami. Je odolná vůči UV záření. Hmotnost: 150 g/m2. Výška: 2 m, délka: 10 m. 899 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Svítidlo 54357-2 LS2
Nástěnné svítidlo, kov, bronzová, skleněné křišťály, kouřová, DxV: 280x180, bez 2xE14 40W 230V. 1 143 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Protipožární Dveře Šedé CPL 80L Fab
Masivní smrkový rám opatřený zpěňující páskou, která je skrytá pod hranovací páskou. Protipožární výplň. Zabudovaný FAB zámek a tři dveřní závěsy (panty) tvoří nedílnou součást požárních dveří. Vložka FAB není součástí dodávky. Plné hladké dveře typ LUME EXTRA s deklarovanou požární třídou EI1 30-C4. Dveře se prodávají bez zárubně a kliky. Zobrazené na webových stránkách barvy se mohou lišit od skutečných kvůli různým nastavením monitoru. 4 990 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Krabice s víkem basic 1,7 l
54 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Odpadkový koš basic 10l 159879 čer.
79 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Svítidlo Diamond 3220 Gold 30 LW1
649 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Mýdlenka prolamovaná Sensation
359 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Roleta Mini Royal 72/150 816
ROLETA MINI "ROYAL"Vysoce kvalitní okenní roleta, namontovaná na okenním křídle neinvazivní metodou, pomocí zacvakávacích konzolek, díky tomu nepotřebujeme žádné další nástroje. Díky řetízku je plynulá regulace propustnosti světla ještě snadnější, mechanismus umožňuje zvolit výšku rolety v rozsahu od 0 cm do 150 cm, nebo v případě balkonové rolety v rozmezí od 0 cm do 215 cm. Řetízkový ovládací systém zajišťuje, že roleta přilne k rámu okna a to i na výklopných křídlech okna, čímž zabrání "vyčnívání" rolety a usnadní rychlé vytažení rolety. Roleta ROYAL je dokonalým dekorativním prvkem pro jakýkoli typ interiéru. VÝHODY:Hladká látka blokuje přibližně 60-80% světla.Díky ovládacímu mechanismu lze roletu zastavit v jakékoli výšce.Univerzální ovládání (levé/pravé)Vodící lanka v každé sadě zabraňují odklonění rolety od okna.Snadná montáž bez vrtání!Nastavitelné montážní konzoly pro různé tloušťky oken. JAK SPRÁVNĚ ZAMĚŘIT ROLETU?  Šířka rolety (A)Změříme šířku skla(B), přičteme od 2 do 6 cm (A). Pamatujte, že roleta by měla být o něco širší než sklo, ale nesmí bránit volnému přístupu ke klice.Doporučená minimální vzdálenost mezi látkou a klikou je 0,5 cm.Výška rolety (C)Změříme výšku okenního křídla, pokud je výška do 150 cm vyberte roletu 150 cm.Pokud je okno vyšší než 150 cm vyberte si roletu 215 cm. NEINVAZIVNÍ MECHANIZMUS/ NAPÍNÁK ŘETÍZKU / NAPÍNÁK LANKA Neinvazivní mechanismus - umožňuje zavěsit roletu bez vrtání do rámu okna.U našich rolet používáme napínák řetízku, který výrazně zvyšuje komfort ovládání a je bezpečný pro děti.Každá z našich rolet obsahuje napínák lanka, který se pohodlně instaluje a používá.Drží roletu blízko skla a brání jí v pohybu během používání. DOSTUPNÍ BARVY:  OBSAH BALENÍ: Roleta s ovládacím mechanismem.Regulovatelnou montážní konzoli.Boční napnutí látky.Napínák řetízku.Vodítka lanka.Montážní návod.  349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Nástěnná roleta 160 x 175 k 806
619 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Pánev na palačinky 30cm mramorovaná
499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Pánev mramorová 24*4.8cm 5387 Kamille
479 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Miska 3,3l zelené
49 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Forma tarta Granit Nature 28cm
199 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Svítidlo 54031-3 LS3
- 1 679 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Samolepící­ tapeta 341-8011 0.675 X 2M
349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Samolepící­ tapeta 346-0676 0.450 X 2M
129 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Váleček Atlantic 330 act25w12
FASÁDNÍ VÁLEČEK – odolný proti oděru, Na obtížné a ostré povrchy jako jsou: omítka, cihla, beton Blue Dolphin malířský váleček ATLANTIC Series 330 je malířský váleček vyrobený z inovativního materiálu POLYAMIDE ORIGINAL BLEND, který je odolný proti oděru, dobře absorbuje a lepé nanáší barvu. Jeho výhodou je také snadná montáž. I po opakovaném použití valeček si zachovává svou původní nadýchanost. Díky použití zkosení na koncích válečku je eliminováno vrstvení barvy v rozích. Výhody malířského válečku ATLANTIC 25 cm / 12 mm: velmi dobře se roluje - neklouže při malování; lze použít pro všechny druhy barev: akrylové, latexové, olejové, s matným a lesklým efektem; nezanechává štětiny; větší absorpce a lepší nanášení barvy; snadno použitelný vnitřní upevňovací systém; high-tech inovativní opláštění; pevná polypropylenová trubice odolná vůči rozpouštědlům; při opakovaném použití si zachovává původní nadýchanost; zkosení po stranách válečku eliminují vrstvení barvy v rozích. Použití: polohladké, mírně drsné povrchy; efekt malby: pomerančová kůra. 149 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Svitidlo Vento black 62188 LW3
Závěsné 3bodové svítidlo s průhledným skleněným stínidlem. 2 099 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Garnýž Ii Stylus Fi 19 Efekt Stali 240cm Neo
849 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Špachtle na krém 15cm plastová rukojeťem
59 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Plastové nástěnné hodiny PLO033 30.5x30.5x4.2 cm
1,5V baterie AA 529 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Vanička Kw New Horizons Black Stone 80x160x12 3.3312/C/ST-M2
11 299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Vanička obdélníková 80x120x5 Espera AQM269
3 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Koberec Frisee Beenom 1.6/2.3 1015 145
Koberec Frisee Beenom v tlumených odstínech béžové a šedé dodá vašemu interiéru jemný a útulný charakter. Kolekce navržená v klasickém designu způsobuje, že tyto koberce nádherně ozdobí každý obývací pokoj, ložnici nebo pokoj pro teenagery. Koberec Frisee se vyznačuje vysokou odolností vůči mačkání, deformaci a vyblednutí barvy. Runo koberce neabsorbuje vlhkost, snadno se čistí a je antistatické, což znamená, že se snadno luxuje. Výhodou koberců je dobrá tepelná vodivost, díky čemu je lze použít na podlahové vytápění. 1 529 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Kelímek černý Preto Bisk
149 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

HAUSER SAN Sanitární silikon 260 ML BÍLÝ  je kyselý jednosložkový tmel, vytvrzující vzdušnou vlhkostí, určený k těsnění spár a k ochraně před vlhkostí. VÝHODY Vynikající přilnavost k hladkým povrchům Odolný vůči UV záření Ochrana proti růstu hub a plísní  TYPICKÉ POUŽITÍ Tmelení výloh, pultů a cedulí Ochrana polyuretanových pěn proti UV záření Těsnící sanitární techniky Těsnění keramických obkladů Drobné domácí opravy 99 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Rachel Carson: Silent Spring & Other Writings on the Environment (Loa #307) (Carson Rachel)(Pevná vazba)
The book that sparked the modern environmental movement, with an unprecedented collection of letters, speeches, and other writings that reveal the extraordinary courage and vision of its author Library of America launches its Rachel Carson edition with this deluxe illustrated volume presenting one of the landmark books of the twentieth century together with rare letters, speeches, and other writings that reveal the personal courage and passionate commitment of its author. A huge bestseller when published in September 1962, Silent Spring led not only to many of the laws and government agencies that protect our air, land, and water, but prompted a revolution in environmental consciousness. Now for the first time, in previously unpublished and newly collected letters to biochemists, ecologists, cancer specialists, ornithologists, and other experts, Carson's 895 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Reproduction (Williams Ian)(Paperback / softback)
A hilarious and poignant love story about the way families are invented, told with the savvy of a Zadie Smith and with an inventiveness all Ian Williams' own, Reproduction explores unconventional connections and brilliantly redefines 238 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias (Mace Nancy L.)(Paperback)
For 40 years, The 36-Hour Day has been the leading work in the field for caregivers of those with dementia. Written by experts with decades of experience caring for individuals with memory loss, Alzheimer's, and other dementias, the book is widely known for its authoritativeness and compassionate approach to care. Featuring everything from the causes of dementia to managing its early stages to advice on caring for those in the later stages of the disease, it is widely considered to be the most detailed and trusted book available. Highlighting useful takeaway messages and informed by recent research into the causes of dementia, this new edition has been completely updated. It features - brand-new content on everything from home care aides to useful apps to promising preventative techniques and therapies- practical advice for avoiding caregiver 553 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

50 Walks on the Essex Coast (Caton Peter)(Paperback / softback)
A walking guide describing 50 walks along the Essex coast, the longest coastline of any English 264 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Spanish Trails - A Guide to Walking the Spanish Mountains (Lawler Phil)(Paperback / softback)
n this book Phil Lawler offers a wide selection of walks across the Picos de Europa in the majestic Cordillera Cantabrica, the Cantabrian Mountains, which run parallel with the Atlantic coastline in northern 425 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

If I Survive You (Escoffery Jonathan)(Paperback)

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Two Ants Puzzled! (Laird Elizabeth)(Paperback / softback)
233 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

True Treasures (Taweel George)(Pevná vazba)
True Treasures is a charming and inspiring picture book to share with children to spark and deepen their spirituality and faith. A group of children ask Brother John - a kindly man with a twinkle in his eye, a smile on his face, and joy in his heart - profound life questions and receive his simple, yet wise replies based on the spirit of Biblical Wisdom. This simple and beautifully written question-and-response narrative by Emmy award-winning producer and director George Taweel (best known for producing McGee and Me!) are accompanied with stunning atmospheric illustrations. Perfect for keeping children entertained and 259 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Green Bullet - The rise, fall and resurrection of Alejandro Valverde and Spanish cycling's corruption (Rendell Matt)(Pevná vazba)
New from award-winning author Matt Rendell, an examination of the phenomenal success of Alejandro Valverde and the moral decay at the heart of Spanish 557 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Our Share of Night (Enriquez Mariana)(Paperback / softback)
257 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Manga Master Class Kodomo (Minguet Eva)(Pevná vazba)
415 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Access All Areas: A Backstage Pass Through 50 Years of Music and Culture (Charone Barbara)(Paperback)
First as a journalist and then a publicist at Warner Brothers Records for nearly twenty years, Barbara Charone has experienced, first-hand, the changes in the cultural landscape. Access All Areas is a personal, insightful and humorous memoir packed with stories of being on the cultural frontline, from first writing press releases on a typewriter driven by Tip Ex, then as a press officer for heavy metal bands taking the bus up to Donnington Festival with coffee, croissants and the much more popular sulfate. To taking on Madonna, an unknown girl from Detroit, and telling Smash Hits 'you don't have to run the piece if the single doesn't chart', and becoming a true pioneer in music, Charone continues to work with the biggest names in music, including Depeche Mode, Robert Plant, Foo Fighters and Mark Ronson at her agency MBCPR. The story of how a music-loving, budding 260 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

At War with the Obvious: Disruptive Thinking in Psychoanalysis (Moss Donald)(Paperback)
Psychoanalytic thought has already transformed our basic assumptions about the psychic life of individuals and cultures. Those assumptions often take on the valence of common sense. However, this can mean that their original and important meanings often become obscured. Disruptive ideas become domesticated. At War with the Obvious aims to return those ideas to their original disruptive status.  Donald Moss explores a wide range of issues-the loosening of constraints on deep systematized forms of hatred, clinical, and technical matters, the puzzling status of revenge and forgiveness, a consideration of the dynamics of climate change denial, and an innovative look at the problem of voice in the clinical situation. Because it is rooted in a profound reconsideration of the origins of psychic life, psychoanalysis remains vital, in spite of the perennial efforts to 1 229 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Republic (Plato)(Paperback / softback)
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.Plato's The Republic has influenced Western philosophers for centuries, with its main focus on what makes a well-balanced society and 205 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Monumental Cares: Sites of History and Contemporary Art (Widrich Mechtild)(Pevná vazba)
Monumental cares links the monument debate of the last decade to the history of realism, showing how art can address problems like the climate crisis, migration and authoritarian politics. Case studies range from Chicago and Berlin to Oslo, Bucharest and Hong Kong, in media ranging from marble and glass to cardboard, graffiti and 2 575 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

My Pet Zebra (Bond Claire)(Paperback)
This is a wonderful picture book story for pre-schoolers and young children to share and enjoy with somebody. Have fun counting sheep, flowers, flags, balls, stripes and spotting shapes in the colourful illustrations. Claire is a friendly girl who lives in the countryside with her wonderful pet zebra. She loves her pet zebra and they love riding together. Early one morning, Claire and her pet zebra go out for a ride and see all sorts of things on their journey. They gallop up a hill and come across an enormous striped tent. To their surprise it's a travelling circus! However, the ringmaster tells Max that his daring horse tricks act will have to be cancelled. Luckily Claire has an idea that could help the horse act go on. It will take team work and plenty of practice. Will Claire and her amazing pet zebra succeed in the circus show? Read this lovely entertaining story to find 231 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Philosophy of Emotion: A Contemporary Introduction (Tappolet Christine)(Paperback)
In this book, Christine Tappolet offers readers a thorough, wide-ranging, and highly accessible introduction to the philosophy of emotions. It covers recent interdisciplinary debates on the nature of emotions as well as standard theories of emotions, such as feeling theories, motivational theories, and evaluative theories. The book includes discussions of the alleged irrationality of emotions, and looks into the question of whether emotions could not, in some cases, contribute positively to theoretical and practical rationality. In addition, the role of emotions in the theory of virtues and the theory of values receives a detailed treatment. Finally, the book turns to the question of how we can regulate and even educate our emotions by engaging with music and with narrative art.The overall picture of emotions that emerges is one that does justice to the central role that 1 175 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Buck's 2023 ICD-10-PCs (Elsevier)(Spiral)
Choose the book designed by coders for coders! Buck's 2023 ICD-10-PCS includes all the ICD-10-PCS codes you need to know to ensure the most accurate billing and reimbursement for inpatient medical procedure coding. As coders need extensive knowledge to code with ICD-10-PCS - and to choose from the thousands of possible codes - this edition provides colorful anatomy plates (including Netter's Anatomy illustrations) and tables organized to simplify the process of choosing and building procedure codes. It comes with durable spiral binding, and includes a companion website with the latest coding updates. ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting (OGCR) provide easier reference to coding rules when they are needed most. Convenient Guide to the 2023 Updates in the front of the 2 515 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Still Mad: American Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination (Gilbert Sandra M.)(Paperback)
Forty years after their first groundbreaking work of feminist literary theory, The Madwoman in the Attic, award-winning collaborators Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar map the literary history of feminism's second wave.From its stirrings in the midcentury--when Sylvia Plath, Betty Friedan, and Joan Didion found their voices and Diane di Prima, Lorraine Hansberry, and Audre Lorde discovered community in rebellion--to a resurgence in the new millennium in the writings of Alison Bechdel, Claudia Rankine, and N. K. Jemisin, Gilbert and Gubar trace the evolution of feminist literature. They offer lucid, compassionate, and piercing readings of major works by these writers and others, including Adrienne Rich, Ursula K. Le Guin, Maxine Hong Kingston, Susan Sontag, Gloria Anzalda, and Toni Morrison. Activists and theorists like Nina Simone, Gloria Steinem, Andrea Dworkin, Eve 484 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Goliath (Onyebuchi Tochi)(Pevná vazba)
A New York Times Editors' Choice Pick!A Most Anticipated Pick for USA Today Bustle Buzzfeed Goodreads Nerdist io9 WBUR Polygon The New Scientist Dragon Award Finalist!In this ambitious novel, dense with perspectives and social commentary, Onyebuchi dreams up disparate lives in a crumbling future America--with gentrifiers returning to Earth from space colonies and laborers trying to make a precarious living--while leaving room for moments of beauty and humor.--The New York Times, Editors' ChoiceIn his adult novel debut, Hugo, Nebula, Locus, and NAACP Image Award finalist and ALA Alex and New England Book Award winner Tochi Onyebuchi delivers a sweeping science fiction epic in the vein of Samuel R. Delany and Station Eleven. In the 2050s, Earth has begun to empty. Those with the means and 677 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Representing Italy Through Food (Naccarato Peter)(Paperback)
Italy has long been romanticized as an idyllic place. Italian food and foodways play an important part in this romanticization - from bountiful bowls of fresh pasta to bottles of Tuscan wine. While such images oversimplify the complex reality of modern Italy, they are central to how Italy is imagined by Italians and non-Italians alike. Representing Italy through Food is the first book to examine how these perceptions are constructed, sustained, promoted, and challenged. Recognizing the power of representations to construct reality, the book explores how Italian food and foodways are represented across the media - from literature to film and television, from cookbooks to social media, and from marketing campaigns to advertisements. Bringing together established scholars such as Massimo Montanari and Ken Albala with emerging scholars in the field, the thirteen chapters offer 1 551 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

May Day Manifesto 1968 (Williams Raymond)(Paperback)
Anniversary edition of the classic political manifesto Urgently relevant to current arguments about the crisis of austerity, the 1968 manifesto set out a new agenda for socialist Britain, after the failure of the postwar consensus. It sought to change the nature of the state, to drive a wedge between finance and empire, to stress the importance of a planned economy for all, and to detach Britain from the imperial goals to which it had long been committed. Today, the spirit of The May Day Manifesto offers a road map to a brighter future.The original publication brought together the most influential radical voices of the era. Among the seventy signatories were Raymond Williams, E. P. Thompson, Stuart Hall, Iris Murdoch, Terry Eagleton, Ralph Miliband, and R. D. Laing. This edition comes with an introduction from Owen Jones, who brings a sense of urgency and hope 314 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

12 Days of Christmas (Alexander Poppy)(Paperback / softback)
A fantastically commercial and hooky festive romance with fantastic digital potential. Perfect for fans of One Day in December by Josie Silver and One Winter Morning by Isabelle 230 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Much Ado About Nothing - Band 17/Diamond (Purkiss Sue)(Paperback / softback)
Follow the tangled love stories of Beatrice, Benedict, Hero and Claudio in Shakespeare's classic and much-loved comedy. Diamond/Band 17 books offer more complex, underlying themes to give opportunities for children to understand causes and points of view. Text type: Fiction from our literary heritage Curriculum links: English: fiction from the literary 286 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Dreamsongs - A RRetrospective (Martin George R.R.)(Paperback / softback)
The book every George R.R. Martin fan has been waiting for: a magnificent collection of the best-selling author's most evocative short 379 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Inferences at Bridge (Miles Marshall)(Paperback)
To be successful, a bridge player has to think like a detective, tracking down the distribution of the unseen hands. Although many players are oblivious to them, the tell-tale clues are there, just waiting to be noticed. They are there, just waiting to be noticed. They are there in the auction and in the opening lead. Every time a defender plays a card, declarer receives information. Similarly, everything that declarer does can be turned to advantage by alert defenders. There is even vital intelligence to be gained by thinking about what a player does not do In this book, you will learn where to look for these clues, and more importantly, how to draw the correct inferences from them. From there, it is only a short step to making bids and plays based on those inference, and thereby becoming a much better 421 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Getting Started with Varnish Cache: Accelerate Your Web Applications (Feryn Thijs)(Paperback)
How long does it take for your website to load? Web performance is just as critical for small and medium-sized websites as it is for massive websites that receive tons of hits. Before you pour money and time into rewriting your code or replacing your infrastructure, first consider a reverse-caching proxy server like Varnish. With this practical book, you'll learn how Varnish can give your website or API an immediate performance boost. Varnish mimicks the behavior of your webserver, caches its output in memory, and serves the result directly to clients without having to access your webserver. If you're a web developer familiar with HTTP, this book helps you master Varnish basics, so you can get up and running in no time. You'll learn how to use the Varnish Configuration Language and HTTP best practices to achieve faster performance and a higher hit rate. Understand how 669 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

All the Countries We've Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round to (Laycock Stuart)(Paperback)
Packed with thought-provoking and intriguing facts, an entertaining look at the UK's imperial past as you've never seen it before Out of 193 countries that are currently UN member states, the UK has invaded or fought conflicts in the territory of 171. That's not far off a massive, jaw-dropping 90 percent. Not too many Britons know that the UK invaded Iran in World War II with the Soviets. You can be fairly sure a lot more Iranians do. Or what about the time they arrived with elephants to invade Ethiopia? Every summer, hordes of British tourists now occupy Corfu and the other Ionian islands. Find out how they first invaded them armed with cannons instead of cameras and set up the United States of the Ionian Islands. Think the Philippines have always been outside their zone of influence? Think again. Read the surprising story of their 18th century occupation of Manila and 296 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Whispering Alaska (Jones Brendan)(Pevná vazba)
In this eco-focused middle-grade novel, readers follow the story of twin sisters who move with their father to a small town in Alaska for a new start after the devastating loss of their mother. It's been four months since their mother died. The twins and their father have moved from Pennsylvania to a small town in Alaska to be near extended family. Nicky and Josie find the wilderness mysterious and beautiful, and a much-needed refuge. The girls drifted apart somewhat during their transition, each dealing with grief in a different way. Now, as they settle into a new normal, they become involved in a community debate that threatens the very land they are growing to love. For the local adults, livelihoods are at stake, and tensions are high. But it's the young people who take the lead, especially newcomers Josie and Nicky, who find a way to speak up for what they believe, 360 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Inner Alchemy Astrology: Practical Techniques for Controlling Your Destiny (Chia Mantak)(Paperback)
Strengthen the qualities in your Taoist astrological chart with Inner Alchemy techniques and Universal Healing Tao exercises - Describes how to interpret your Taoist astrology birth chart and discover the unique combination of Five Elements underlying your personality, health, and destiny - Reveals how to strengthen your birth chi with Inner Alchemy techniques and Universal Healing Tao exercises - Explains how to calculate your wealth phase, organ health, and luck cycles Each of us is born with a unique combination of heavenly and earthly energies dictated by the stars overhead and the season on Earth at the moment you take your first breath. Known in Taoist astrology as the Four Pillars of Destiny, this "birth chi" can be calculated using the year, month, day, and time of your birth. Master Mantak Chia and astrologer Christine Harkness-Giles reveal how to interpret 416 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Apollo Expeditions to the Moon: The NASA History 50th Anniversary Edition (Cortright Edgar M.)(Pevná vazba)
This special edition of Apollo Expeditions to the Moon, an official NASA publication, commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the July 20, 1969, Moon landing with a thrilling insider's view of the space program. Essays by participants -- engineers, astronauts, and administrators -- recall the program's unprecedented challenges. Written in direct, jargon-free language, this compelling adventure features more than 160 dazzling color photographs and scores of black-and-white illustrations. Insights into management challenges as well as its engineering feats include contributions from Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin, Alan Shepard, and other astronauts; NASA administrator James E. Webb; Christopher C. Kraft, head of the Mission Control Center; and engineer Wernher von Braun. Their informative, exciting narratives explore the issues that set the United States on the path to the 893 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Philosophy Through Film (Karofsky Amy)(Paperback)
In Philosophy through Film, Amy Karofsky and Mary M. Litch use recently released, well-received films to explore answers to classic questions in philosophy in an approachable yet philosophically rigorous manner. Each chapter incorporates one or more films to examine one longstanding philosophical question or problem and assess some of the best solutions that have been offered to it. The authors fully integrate the films into their discussion of the issues, using them to help students become familiar with key topics in all major areas of Western philosophy and master the techniques of philosophical argumentation. Revised and expanded, changes to the Fourth Edition include: A brand new chapter on the mind-body problem (chapter 4), which includes discussions of substance dualism, physicalism, eliminativism, functionalism, and other relevant 1 862 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Art of the Middle Game (Keres Paul)(Paperback)
285 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Urban Sketching Handbook 101 Sketching Tips: Tricks, Techniques, and Handy Hacks for Sketching on the Go (Bower Stephanie)(Paperback)
Master the challenges of drawing on location with this collection of insider know-how and expert tips and techniques. Illustrator, architect, and international workshop instructor and Urban Sketcher Stephanie Bower has collected 101 of her best insider drawing tips, hacks, and techniques and shares them in this fully illustrated, portable book. Learn shortcuts to getting your perspective right, determining your composition, and balancing your light and shadow. This book collects many basic drawing techniques into one handy volume: How to draw a great lineUsing ellipses to draw archesHow towers are like wedding cakesThe importance of your eye level line in sketchingand 97 things more The book also features beautiful example illustrations from Urban Sketchers around the globe Whether you are new to sketching 380 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

To Sleep with the Angels: The Story of a Fire (Cowan David)(Paperback)
If burying a child has a special poignancy, the tragedy at a Catholic elementary school in Chicago almost forty years ago was an extraordinary moment of grief. One of the deadliest fires in American history, it took the lives of ninety-two children and three nuns at Our Lady of the Angels School, left many families physically and psychologically scarred for life, and destroyed a close-knit working-class neighborhood. This is the moving story of that fire and its consequences written by two journalists who have been obsessed with the events of that terrible day in December 1958. It is a story of ordinary people caught up in a disaster that shocked the nation. In gripping detail, those who were there-children, teachers, firefighters-describe the fear, desperation, and panic that prevailed in and around the stricken school building on that cold Monday afternoon. But beyond the flames, the 384 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Cassel and Hazebrouck 1940: France and Flanders Campaign (Murland Jerry)(Paperback)
This is the first detailed account of the rearguard action that took place between 25 and 29 May 1940 at Cassel and Hazebrouck on the western perimeter of the Dunkirk Corridor. By 25 May the decision to evacuate the BEF via Dunkirk had already been taken, Lord Gort, commanding the BEF in France, had given instructions to Lieutenant General Sir Ronald Adam to relinquish his command of III Corps and prepare a perimeter of defense around Dunkirk. As part of the western defensive line of the Dunkirk Corridor, 145 Brigade were deployed to Cassel and Hazebrouck with the instructions to hold the two towns until the last man. Under the command of Brigadier Nigel Somerset, the brigade occupied Hazebrouck with the infantry of 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion and Cassel with the 4/Ox and Bucks Light infantry together with the regulars of the 2nd Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment. Attached to 334 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Celtic Women's Spirituality: Accessing the Cauldron of Life (McCoy Edain)(Paperback)
Unleash your inner warrior and embrace a timeless vision of the divine: strong, courageous, feminine. Craft your own spiritual practice centered firmly in the Celtic mystical tradition. In this book you'll discover how any woman can awaken the Goddess spirit and release the wisdom and magick that is her 679 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Drifting Dragons 1 (Kuwabara Taku)(Paperback)
A Great Graphic Novels for Teens selection by the Young Adult Library Services Association Take to the skies with the scrappy crew of the airship Quin Zaza, as they hunt the fantastical giants that rule their world... DRAGONS LIFE IN THE CLOUDS Mika is a draker on the airship Quin Zaza. He earns his livelihood hunting the whales of the sky--dragons The beautiful beasts are flying treasure troves, providing food and materials, and the Quin Zaza is among the last draking vessels. Mika's not just a talented hunter; he's also a gourmand with a refined palette and a taste for the exotic. Between his duties aboard the ship, his ambitions as an eater, and his new job training the rookie dragon hunter Takita, Mika's days are never boring. But even with the lively crew of the Quin Zaza as his family, the nomadic life of a draker can be lonely and 331 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Made You Look: How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know (Graydon Shari)(Paperback)
THE kids' survival guide to advertising, revised and updated for the digital age. Ads are everywhere these days: they are trying to be your friend on Facebook, popping up in the background of your videogame, and even messaging your phone when you walk by a store. More than ever before, kids are the prime target of these marketing messages. But they also have more power than ever to fight back. For ten years, Made You Look has been an essential self-defense guide for anyone trying to make sense of the complex world of advertising. Now fully revised and with a fresh new look, the book has been updated to reflect the modern ad landscape, from digital tracking and cookies (not the chocolate chip kind ) to social media, viral videos, and reality television. From the earliest roots of advertising to the undercover marketers of the 21st century, this revealing book shows readers where ads come 383 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Complete Cthulhu Mythos Tales (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Omnibus Edition) (Lovecraft H. P.)(Leather / fine binding)
The Cthulhu Mythos was H.P. Lovecraft's greatest contribution to supernatural literature. This anthology includes 23 of his weirdest tales, including 'The Call of Cthulhu', 'The Colour Out of Space', 'The Dunwich Horror' and 'The Shadow Out of 835 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 07.09.2024

Wicked Oath (Lewis Michael L.)(Paperback / softback)
Behind the walls of Blackleigh, a prestigious public boarding school in northern England lurks wickedness and bullying. Those in power form a conspiracy to devise any means to expel certain boys. Surviving for their victims becomes a matter of life and 239 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

A-Level Sociology: AQA Year 1 & 2 Complete Revision & Practice (CGP Books)(Paperback / softback)
A-Level Sociology: AQA Year 1 & 2 Complete Revision & 662 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Rise and Fall of Greater Syria: A Political History of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (Yonker Carl C.)(Pevná vazba)
The Syrian Social Nationalist Party devoted itself to reviving and unifying the Syrian nation and establishing this nation's complete independence over its historical homeland, Greater Syria. It continues its struggle today, influencing and shaping Lebanese and Syrian society and politics. Yet, the party remains largely unknown and misunderstood, a condition that stems from the lack of any comprehensive study of it. This book fills this gap. Syrian nationalism and nationalist movements, generally speaking, have been largely neglected and ignored by historians, scholars, and observers of the Middle East. So, too, has the SSNP. The lack of detailed and nuanced analyses has left significant gaps in the party's rich history unaddressed and enabled the perpetuation of inaccuracies and misperceptions regarding its past. Given this and the party's ongoing relevance in Lebanon and Syria, a 2 435 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Long Haul Covid: A Survivor's Guide: Transform Your Pain & Find Your Way Forward (Trunzo Joseph J.)(Paperback)
Overwhelmed, frustrated, and suffering from long haul COVID symptoms and the fallout of the pandemic? This practical guide will help you transform your struggles to lead a fulfilling, vital life right now. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), the scientifically based therapeutic approach presented by Joseph J. Trunzo and Julie Luongo, offers a way out - not when you're feeling better, but right 236 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Word Became Fresh: How to Preach from Old Testament Narrative Texts (Davis Dale Ralph)(Paperback)
"...I still believe that traditional Old Testament criticism has had the effect of killing the Old Testament for the church. This little tome can hardly reverse that, but it is meant as an exercise in reading the Old Testament for fun and profit. As my mother-in-law used to say, 'It's different anyway.' And maybe it will help. Most of what I do in the following pages involves discussing examples of Old Testament narratives. I have tried to select examples from a broad range of possibilities. By the way, I assume that you have the biblical text handy in order to carry on your 'Berean' work." Dale Ralph 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

You Can Trust Me - The gripping, glamorous psychological thriller you won't want to miss (Rowley Emma)(Paperback / softback)
A gripping psychological thriller about a ghostwriter tasked with writing the autobiography of a woman desperate to bury a deadly secret - from the author of eBook bestseller WHERE THE MISSING 354 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Magic: Clear and Concise Explanations of Classic Illusions (Stanyon Ellis)(Paperback)
From little table tricks to grand illusions, this how-to book by a famed performer and author offers something for every aspiring magician. More than 200 popular illusions -- accompanied by simple, well-illustrated explanations -- range from several ways to make a handkerchief disappear to dissolving a billiard ball and stage levitation. A wide variety of attention-getting stunts include sleight of hand, tricks with coins and hats, stage performances, and even shadow figures.The writings of Ellis Stanyon (1870-1951), a professional magician and London-based magic dealer, remain highly sought after by illusionists of all types and experience levels. Stanyon published a well-received magazine at the turn of the twentieth century that remains an in-demand collectors' item, and he ran afoul of Harry Houdini for his exposures of trade secrets. Novices and experts alike can benefit from 192 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Don't Look Back (Spindler Erica)(Paperback / softback)
Utterly gripping and compulsively readable, the new thriller from internationally bestselling author Erica 261 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Mucho Mojo - Hap and Leonard Book 2 (Lansdale Joe R.)(Paperback / softback)
Hap and Leonard return - Joe Lansdale's beloved crime-fighting duo are back for their latest 246 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

On Aggression (Huxley Sir Julian)(Paperback)
Konrad Lorenz was the author of some of the most popular books ever published about animals, including Man Meets Dog and King Solomon's Ring. On Aggression was one of his finest works, as well as the most 514 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Knowledge Graphs: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Applications (Kejriwal Mayank)(Pevná vazba)
A rigorous and comprehensive textbook covering the major approaches to knowledge graphs, an active and interdisciplinary area within artificial intelligence. The field of knowledge graphs, which allows us to model, process, and derive insights from complex real-world data, has emerged as an active and interdisciplinary area of artificial intelligence over the last decade, drawing on such fields as natural language processing, data mining, and the semantic web. Current projects involve predicting cyberattacks, recommending products, and even gleaning insights from thousands of papers on COVID-19. This textbook offers rigorous and comprehensive coverage of the field. It focuses systematically on the major approaches, both those that have stood the test of time and the latest deep learning 1 546 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Novel Gazing: Queer Readings in Fiction (Sedgwick Eve Kosofsky)(Paperback)
Novel Gazing is the first collection of queer criticism on the history of the novel. The contributors to this volume navigate new territory in literary theory with essays that implicitly challenge the "hermeneutic of suspicion" widespread in current critical theory. In a stunning introductory essay, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick delineates the possibilities for a criticism that would be "reparative" rather than cynical or paranoid. The startlingly imaginative essays in the volume explore new critical practices that can weave the pleasures and disorientations of reading into the fabric of queer analyses.Through discussions of a diverse array of British, French, and American novels--including major canonical novels, best-sellers, children's fiction, and science fiction--these essays explore queer worlds of taste, texture, joy, and ennui, focusing on such subjects as flogging, wizardry, 874 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The 2022 Almanac of Fun: A Year of Puzzles, Fun Facts, Jokes, Crafts, Games, and More! (Highlights)(Paperback)
The 2022 edition of the most engaging activities from Highlights has 304 pages jam-packed with hundreds of brand-new puzzles, activities, jokes, crafts, quizzes, recipes, facts, and more for kids to enjoy all year long. Get ready for a year of fun in 2022 with favorite Highlights puzzles and activities that celebrate traditional and wacky holidays, historical anniversaries, world events, and everything in between. Kids can puzzle their way through each month while learning lots of interesting facts and documenting their own 391 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Lend Me a Tenor (Ludwig Ken)(Paperback)
A concert in Ohio in 1934 is jeopardized when the lead Italian tenor falls into a drunken'stupor. So the impresario's diminutive assistant blacks up and goes on as Otello. The tenor awakens, dons his costume, and thence follows a hilarious comedy involving two Otellos, a volatile Italian wife, an outrageous bellhop and a cynical 378 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

The Communication Code: Unlocking Every Relationship, One Conversation at a Time (Kubicek Jeremie)(Pevná vazba)
Provides a proven series of skills and techniques that anyone can use to make their relationships thrive Healthy communication is essential in any professional or personal relationship. When the lines of communication are frayed or broken, the resulting drama, unnecessary conflict, and inefficiency often lead to 'dropping the ball'. Better communication yields better results. It's a no-brainer--honest conversations build deeper, more productive relationships. It may seem simple in theory, but healthy communication is one of the most challenging things to master in practice. The Communication Code helps you set up conversations and communication in a way that creates a win-win scenario for everyone involved. In this real-world guide, bestselling authors and international speakers Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram share their simple but powerful strategies 572 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Little Red Riding Hood: By the Brothers Grimm (Hyman Trina Schart)(Paperback)
Everyone loves the little girl who wears a red-hooded cloak, but no one more than her grandmother. One day, Grandmother gets sick, and Little Red Riding Hood sets out to visit her, carrying a basket of food as a present. In this faithful retelling of the Grimms' version, Trina Schart Hyman magnificently illustrates the child's journey through a forest and her scary encounter along the way with a sly, hungry wolf. A Caldecott Honor Medal 215 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Public Humanities in Architecture: Reflections on Heritage, Culture, and History (Meuser Philipp)(Paperback)
Anyone concerned with the history, tradition, and culture of our built environment will come across the term 'public humanities' sooner or later. At the interface between an academic discipline and the media-oriented culture industry, this subject has established itself not only in the US, but increasingly in Europe. Whether this field of research remains a product of Western culture will only become apparent in the coming years. However, linking the architectural debate with humanities is a significant concern of the papers compiled here. The architectural-theoretical drafts provide academic food for thought. Moreover, they encourage reflection on the discipline of architecture and stimulate urban design in the twenty-first century. This title collects lectures in a class on public humanities at Brown University, Providence, Rhode 911 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Kočka pro život (Stefanie Zweigová)
37 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024

Big British Quiz Book - More than 120 quizzes about Britain's great people, places and culture (House of Puzzles)(Paperback / softback)
There are more than 120 pot luck and specialist quizzes, focusing especially on the British isles, its history and 210 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 10.09.2024