Ray-Ban Thalia RX5395 2012 - M (49)
Ray-Ban Během své téměř osmdesátileté historie Ray-Ban neustále posouval hranice nejen v optických inovacích, ale také v popkultuře. Od prezidentů po hvězdy stříbrného plátna, od umělců po topmodelky, Ray-Ban brýle jsou nedílnou kulturní ikonou pro každou generaci. Pro koho? Dioptrické brýle Ray-Ban Thalia RX5395 2012 jsou součástí nejnovější Ray-Ban kolekce navržené pro ženy i muže (unisex) . Tento elegantní celorámový model odráží aktuální trendy v designérské oční optice a jeho okrouhlý rám dělá Ray-Ban RX5395 ideální volbou především pro hranaté a srdcové tváře . Materiály Materiál použitý na výrobu tohoto rámu je ručně zpracovaný acetát nejvyšší kvality . V porovnání s plastem je acetát značně lehčí a flexibilnější, vykazuje delší životnost a je 100% hypoalergenní. Poštovné zdarma Zakupte si Ray-Ban Thalia RX5395 2012 na eyerim právě teď a budou vám doručeny bezplatně přímo do vašich rukou , v jejich originálním balení. 2 809 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Rychlospojka GK mosaz 5/4
109 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Nástěnný obklad Agora XL beige 25/75 Rekt
529 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Klika MEGAN PZ72 nikl/satén
369 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Roh vněj, bílý 101 10/250
Oblouková lišta vnější roh se používá k ochraně vnějších rohů obložených keramickými dlaždicemi. 79 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Roh vněj, béžový 103 8/250
Oblouková lišta vnější roh se používá k ochraně vnějších rohů obložených keramickými dlaždicemi. 79 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Radiátor GŁ 14/40 720X470 285W
Nejedná se o elektrický ohřívač, ale o koupelnový radiátor, který se namontuje na ústředního topení. Aby tento radiátor fungoval bez připojení k ústřednímu topení. Naplňte ho vodou nebo glykolem a připojte ohřívač. 2 449 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Okno pravé 80x100cm bílá
2 470 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Kazeta 0303.B1001 1BAL=2M2
Polystyrénové kazety k dekoraci stěn nebo stropů, které se hodí do každého interiéru. Zlepšují estetiku nebo maskují povrchové nedokonalosti stěn a stropů. Jsou levné, lehké a snadno se montují. Velký výběr vzorů a barev uspokojí každého zákazníka. 189 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Samolepící­ tapeta 2002840 0,450 X 15M
Upozorňujeme Vás, že od kupní smlouvy týkající se tohoto zboží nebude možné odstoupit bez uvedení důvodu v souladu s § 1837 písm. d ) zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. v 14-denní lhůtě - zboží nebude možné vrátit. 75 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Vanička 25 cm
Malířská vanička vyrobená z polypropylenu, ze které můžeme po malování snadno odstranit zbytky barvy. Odolné vůči rozpouštědlům, je ideální pro všechny druhy dekorativních a olejových barev. 55 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Splachovací tlačítko Skate Cosmopolitan 38845LS0
• se skleněným povrchem• pro 2-činné splachování, a nebo funkci start/stop• pro pneumatický odtokový ventil AV1• horizontální a vertikální montáž• 156 x 197 mm• vyrobeno z bezpečnostního sklanení možno kombinovat s Grohe fresh• upevňovací set• není vhodné pro nádržky 6 l• GROHE EcoJoy technologie pro nízkouspotřebu vody a perfektní průtok 6 849 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Závěsné svítidlo Sonia 60683 Lw1
- 959 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Křížky distanční s úchytkou 2,5 mm (70 ks)
1 bal = 70 ks 16 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Čajník Azaria šedý 2.0l Könighoffer
529 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Silikonová forma ořechy (20) hnědá
179 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

219 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Umyvadlo na desku Moduo 50
Automatická zátka se prodává samostatně. 2 699 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Svitidlo 15345-4MM LW4
6 789 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Svitidlo Gamp GU10 D Black 04018 K1
349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Prostírání SAGA černé 30x40 easy care sada 4ks
169 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Koberec Java 1,2/1,7 10 VKV béžová
Kolekce koberců tkaných na plocho Java jsou koberce vyrobené z nejkvalitnější polypropylenové příze v továrně v Belgii. Vyrábí se na způsob tkané rohože, jedná se o tzv. ploché tkaní (sisalový vzhled). Charakteristickou vlastností kolekce koberců Java je absence stříhaného vlasu. Koberec Java se velmi snadno čistí. Díky absenci vysokého vlasu nečistoty zůstávají na povrchu, což umožňuje jejich snadné odstranění. Díky použití k výrobě kvalitní polypropylenové příze, koberce se vyznačují vysokou odolností vůči UV záření. Koberce jsou rovněž odolné vůči molům. Rozhodně se jedná o produkt nejvyšší kvality. Přírodní barvy a jemný vzor zajišťují, že koberec bude skvěle ladit k uspořádání každého interiéru. 1 129 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Sword Art Online: Last Recollection XBOX Series X
 O hřeNa základě anime War of Underworld od SWORD ART ONLINE se odvíjí nový příběh s náročnými výzvami, které čekají na našeho milovaného hrdinu Kirita a jeho nové přátele. Hráči demaskují Temného rytíře a zjistí, jestli přežijí nelítostný boj proti silám Temného území!Je to perfektní hra na představení během 10. výročí SAO, kdy si každý může zavzpomínat na své oblíbené momenty a znovu se setkat se svojí oblíbenou postavou.Klíčové vlastnosti Nejnovější díl série videoher SWORD ART ONLINE přichází na konzole nové generace s obsazením s postavami z předchozího anime SAO.SWORD ART ONLINE Last Recollection se může pochlubit zcela novou, originální dějovou linií, která zkoumá, co by se stalo, kdyby Kirito, Eugeo a jejich další spojenci nedosáhli tragického konce ve Válce podsvětí.Zažijte vzrušující a vylepšený bojový systém se svými přáteli proti známým nepřátelům ze série SWORD ART ONLINE!Trailer 909 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Sacred Sexuality: Ancient Egyptian Tantric Yoga (Ashby Muata)(Paperback)
SACRED SEXUALITY: EGYPTIAN TANTRA YOGA: The Art of Sex Sublimation and Universal Consciousness This Volume will expand on the male and female principles within the human body and in the universe and further detail the sublimation of sexual energy into spiritual energy. The student will study the deities Min and Hathor, Asar and Aset, Geb and Nut and discover the mystical implications for a practical spiritual discipline. This Volume will also focus on the Tantric aspects of Ancient Egyptian and Indian mysticism, the purpose of sex and the mystical teachings of sexual sublimation which lead to self-knowledge and 484 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Breathe: 101 Life-Giving Devotionals (Parks Roxanne)(Paperback)
Are you "sick and tired" of being "sick and tired?" Are you overwhelmed with your life or your people? Roxanne shares 101 Life-Giving daily devotions filled with powerful truths to help the reader live in more abundance and wholeness.After over 4 completely different decades of leadership, Roxanne shares eye-opening truths that help you walk in more freedom, more rest and more purpose.This book encourages the reader to live FROM the indwelling power of God versus running exhausted living FOR the approval of God. Breathe deep and live in freedom. 505 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Humans - A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up (Phillips Tom)(Paperback / softback)
HUMANS: An exhilarating journey through the most creative and catastrophic f*ck ups in human history, from our very first ancestor falling out of that tree, to the most spectacular fails of the present 284 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Bloodchild and Other Stories (Butler Octavia E.)(Pevná vazba)
A perfect introduction for new readers and a must-have for avid fans, this New York Times Notable Book includes "Bloodchild," winner of both the Hugo and the Nebula awards and "Speech Sounds," winner of the Hugo Award. Appearing in print for the first time, "Amnesty" is a story of a woman named Noah who works to negotiate the tense and co-dependent relationship between humans and a species of invaders. Also new to this collection is "The Book of Martha" which asks: What would you do if God granted you the ability--and responsibility--to save humanity from itself?Like all of Octavia Butler's best writing, these works of the imagination are parables of the contemporary world. She proves constant in her vigil, an unblinking pessimist hoping to be proven wrong, and one of contemporary literature's strongest 588 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Being-In-Dreaming: An Initiation Into the Sorcerers' World (Donner Florinda)(Paperback)
"A woman's gripping tale of self-discovery in present-day Mexico."OLIVER STONE"Donner's tale casts a spell; it is a magic theater of holy actors, a dancing world of fierce angels all sweating their prayers. She offers us a brilliant taste 339 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! 08 (Toyota Yuu)(Paperback)
It's complicated: A thirty-year-old virgin gets more than he bargained for when his newfound magical power reveals he's the object of his male coworker's affections! Four months into his transfer, Adachi is surprised to find that he and Kurosawa aren't that far apart after all! Kurosawa travels to Nagasaki whenever he can, and the pair spend weekends together on the regular! It's almost as if they're settling into life...like a married couple?! So when the two decide to get engaged, it seems like the most natural move of all! But while Adachi and Kurosawa have overcome some huge obstacles to their love, the next challenge awaiting them might be the toughest yet: breaking the news of their engagement to their 319 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Nuclear Ghost: Atomic Livelihoods in Fukushima's Gray Zone Volume 56 (Morimoto Ryo)(Paperback)
"There is a nuclear ghost in Minamisōma," explained an elderly local who had a mysterious experiencing following the 2011 nuclear disaster in coastal Fukushima. In his highly original book, Ryo Morimoto explores the nuclear ghost that lives among the graying population that remained in the contaminated region after the fallout. Encountering radiation's shape-shifting effects on residents' livelihoods, nonhuman others, and local ecologies at the edges of evacuation zones, Morimoto asks: what happens if the state authority, scientific experts, and the public dispute over the extent, threshold, and nature of the harm from the accident? As one of the first in-depth ethnographic accounts of life after Fukushima in English, Nuclear Ghost offers dazzling stories from a diverse group of residents who aspire to live and die well in their now irradiated homes, offering a compelling 749 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: An Introduction (de Haan Michelle D. H.)(Paperback)
Landmark text focusing on the development of brain and behavior during infancy, childhood, and adolescence Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience provides an accessible introduction to the main methods, theories, and empirical findings of developmental cognitive neuroscience. The focus is on human development from in utero to early adulthood, but key comparative work is also included. This new edition covers research in clinical/medical populations, educational applications and major advancements in methods and analysis, in particular with increasing longitudinal research focusing on understanding the mechanisms of cognitive development. It also contains a new chapter on global and cross-cultural perspectives outlining how developmental cognitive neuroscience has been applied in different settings and how techniques can be successfully adapted. The text 1 381 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Belvedere: Flying Above Tuscany (Cozzi Guido)(Pevná vazba)
"Beautiful things, when viewed from above, are even more beautiful." Various books recount Tuscany from the sky: from certain heights this land looks even more spectacular. But this book adopts a novel viewpoint: a bird's eye view, high enough to be above the earth's surface, but not out of touch with the earth, moving in that sphere that belongs to the world of birds. By making use of drones, telescopic carbon fibre poles, remote control craft, precision gimbals, and whatever else serves to raise him above the ground--helicopters, balloons, gliders, paragliders, microlight aircraft, biplanes--and climbing towers and chimneys, Guido Cozzi has captured a completely new image of Tuscany. From above, but not too high 521 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Orphan's Letters (Peters Glynis)(Paperback)
The USA Today and Globe & Mail Canadian bestseller is back with a brand new gripping and heartfelt historical novel! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but does nothing to heal the pain of spending every minute waiting to hear the worst... As the Second World War rages on, nurse Kitty Pattison's life takes a nomadic turn as her work with the Red Cross sees her traversing the country, moving from post to post.With her best friends Jo and Trixie also scattered across the UK, and her soldier sweetheart Michael off on the continent undertaking medical missions he can't discuss, the war takes its toll and long days are followed by sleepless nights interrupted only by nightmares of what she's seen on the wards.Now, Kitty's hopes rise and fall with the arrival of the post - the only thing that keeps her connected to her aunt and 235 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Home Workshop Blacksmithing for Beginners: How-To Techniques and Projects (Pearce Andrew)(Paperback)
A complete blacksmithing guide for metalworkers that provides thorough and detailed overviews on a variety of blacksmithing tools, techniques, and projects. Learn by doing with Home Workshop Blacksmithing as you follow expert guidance that will walk you through everything you need to know. With informative sections on safety, taking heats, finishes, cutting steel, and buying a forge, also provided are step-by-step projects for making a tapered bar, prybar, spring puller, and more. Additionally, this guide features a tutorial for making your own forge and how to build, maintain, and use a suitable fire. The ultimate resource for anyone interested in gaining fundamental metalworking skills, Home Workshop Blacksmithing is a must-have, project-based, skill-building book to equip you with the understanding and knowledge you need to 335 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Imitation Democracy: The Development of Russia's Post-Soviet Political System (Furman Dmitrii)(Pevná vazba)
Examines the history and functioning of Russia's post-Soviet political system-an "imitation democracy" After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia under Yeltsin and Putin implemented a political system of "imitation democracy," marked by "a huge disparity between formal constitutional principles and the reality of authoritarian rule." How did this system take shape, how else might it have developed, and what are the prospects for re-envisioning it more democratically in the future? These questions animate Dmitrii Furman's Imitation Democracy, a welcome antidote to books that blandly decry Putin as an omnipotent dictator, without considering his platforms, constituencies, and sources of power. With extensive public opinion polling drawn from throughout the late- and post-Soviet period, and a thorough knowledge of both official and unofficial histories, Furman 529 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Bronzed Beasts (Chokshi Roshani)(Paperback)
Returning to the dark and glamorous 19th century world of her New York Times instant bestseller, The Gilded Wolves, Roshani Chokshi dazzles us with the final riveting tale as full of mystery and danger as ever in The Bronzed Beasts. After Sverin's seeming betrayal, the crew is fractured. Armed with only a handful of hints, Enrique, Laila, Hypnos and Zofia must find their way through the snarled, haunted waterways of Venice, Italy to locate Sverin. Meanwhile, Sverin must balance the deranged whims of the Patriarch of the Fallen House and discover the location of a temple beneath a plague island where the Divine Lyre can be played and all that he desires will come to pass. With only ten days until Laila expires, the crew will face plague pits and deadly masquerades, unearthly songs and the shining steps of a temple whose powers might offer divinity 313 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Death of Remembrance - A D.C.I. Daley Thriller (Meyrick Denzil)(Paperback / softback)
The ghosts of the past will not be silenced. The tenth instalment in the worldwide bestselling DCI Daley series. Kinloch must face further tragedy as a past that all hoped long gone has risen again and its ghosts can still wreak a terrible 269 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Flash Kids Summer: Kindergarten (Flash Kids)(Paperback)
Students review the skills they learned all year so they are prepared on the first day of the new school year! It's important for kids to relax during the summer. But it's just as crucial that they retain key skills during the break. How can caregivers make time for fun and set the stage for future success? Flash Kids Summer workbooks solve the problem! The 160 pages of enjoyable activities in each book review the previous year's lessons in math and reading--and prepare them for the year to come. Each workbook includes: Flashcards to reinforce learningTracking calendar to encourage daily and weekly engagementA certificate of completionPlus, award 294 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

How to Talk When Kids Won't Listen - Dealing with Whining, Fighting, Meltdowns and Other Challenges (Faber Joanna)(Paperback / softback)
A respectful and practical approach to communicating with your 333 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Integrating Exegesis and Exposition: Biblical Communication for Transformative Learning (Cone Christopher)(Paperback)
Integrating Exegesis and Exposition is a handbook introducing Biblical study (exegesis) and the communication of the Bible in preaching and teaching (exposition). This method encourages communicators to incorporate the process of Bible study into the presentation of the message, so that learners discover not only how to understand the portion of Scripture being communicated at that moment, but also so that they can develop their own skills in Bible study. The premise of Integrating Exegesis and Exposition is that the study, practice, and communication of the Bible are interconnected. The relationship between these three suggests that to encourage transformation by the renewing of the mind, communicators of the Bible ought to take a more holistic and integrated approach to handling the Bible - an approach that is modeled in the Bible 510 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Your Developing Baby: A Practical Handbook for Parents of Baby`S First Year (Selvaag Kristin Lien)(Paperback)
YOUR DEVELOPING BABY The baby s first year -easy and practical book with descriptive illustrations and photos -great activities for bonding with your child -soothing baby massage: easy to follow step-by-step programs, also including siblings -classical songs and rhymes your baby will love -fun and stimulating activity, coordination and movement exercises -playful interaction with your baby -personal stories -mindfullness -stomach pain, sleep 275 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Memory Thief (Mansy Lauren)(Paperback)
This thrilling YA fantasy debut follows seventeen-year-old Etta Lark as she navigates the underworld of Craewick to pull off the heist of a lifetime. A YALSA (The Young Adult Library Services Association) Teens' Top Ten Book for 2020, Mansy crafts a grim reality where memories are worth their weight in gold. In the city of Craewick, memories reign. The power-obsessed ruler of the city, Madame, has cultivated a society in which memories are currency, citizens are divided by ability, and Gifted individuals can take memories from others through touch as they please. Seventeen-year-old Etta Lark is desperate to live outside of the corrupt culture, but she grapples with the guilt of an accident that has left her mother bedridden in the city's asylum. When Madame threatens to put her mother up for auction, a Craewick practice in which a criminal's 260 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Public Sociology as Educational Practice: Challenges, Dialogues and Counter-Publics (Scandrett Eurig)(Paperback)
Leading academics take a distinctive new approach to the understanding of public sociology education in this perceptive new resource. Through pedagogical case studies and inter-contributor dialogues, they develop and challenge thinking in the field. Divided into three sections on the publics, knowledges and practices of public sociology education, it looks beyond the boundaries of academia to deliver fresh responses to key disciplinary questions including the purposes and targets of sociological knowledge. For students, academics and practitioners, it is a timely and thought-provoking contribution to debate about public sociology 815 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Competing in the New World of Work: How Radical Adaptability Separates the Best from the Rest (Ferrazzi Keith)(Pevná vazba)
The #1 New York Times bestselling author and longtime leader in the discussion of the future of work provides research-based insights and best practices for leading change in the ever-evolving post-pandemic world of work.The pandemic forced your organization to shed antiquated systems, processes, and procedures and to make a bold leap into an even more digitally enabled, technology-driven future. After months of adapting, your teams have settled into new, often better, ways of doing things. But there isn't yet a shared base of knowledge of what's worked, what hasn't, and what could work better as companies reinvent everything they do—or how they can emerge stronger and leap ahead farther coming out of the pandemic and beyond. Which new practices, adopted in response to the crisis, are here to stay and will go forward into the post-pandemic era? How 658 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Trial (Kafka Franz)(Paperback)
On the day after his thirtieth birthday, Josef K, a bank teller, is arrested by two mysterious agents of an unspecified organization. Confused and shocked, Josef inquires about the crime he is being accused of, but the agents will not answer, leaving Josef to decide what he feels most guilty for. Though he is not imprisoned, Josef is told to await further instructions. Tortured by the unknown, Josef returns to his home and tries to guess what he could be charged for. His landlady, Frau Grubach, feels amicably about Josef despite the arrest and wishes to help. She speculates that he is likely being punished for his promiscuous behavior involving one of his neighbors. Josef is unable to confirm this, but he does go to his neighbor, Fraulien, for comfort. While she does accept his affection and kiss at first, Fraulien later rejects Josef's advances. When he returns home, he is given 237 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical Thinking (Capaldi Nicholas)(Paperback)
Now reissued for contemporary readers, this entertaining primer on critical thinking has been teaching people to think and speak more clearly for more than four decades. Do you know when you're being deceived? Can you trust the information coming from Washington, the media, and the Internet? This classic work on critical thinking uses a novel approach to teach the basics of informal logic. On the assumption that "it takes one to know one," the authors have written the book from the point of view of someone who wishes to deceive, mislead, or manipulate others. Having mastered the art of deception, readers will then be able to detect the misuse or abuse of logic when they encounter it in others -- whether in a heated political debate or while trying to evaluate the claims of a persuasive sales person. Using a host of real-world examples, the authors show you how to win an argument, defend 467 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Daily Awakening - A 365-day journey to healing, freedom and belonging (Hobbs Nicola Jane)(Pevná vazba)
If you have ever felt overwhelmed, exhausted or unworthy, this book is for you. Sometimes all it takes is a simple question to awaken the strength and compassion hiding within us. To wake us up to the truth and beauty of who we are. Daily Awakening is a nurturing guide to living a life free from struggle, anxiety and overwhelm, offering a sacred space for introspection where self-acceptance and self-respect can blossom. Drawing on ancient wisdom and modern science, this book provides 365 days of insightful questions to encourage reflection, awareness and healing. From overcoming perfectionism to rediscovering your inner child, and coping with anxiety to tackling burnout, integrative counsellor and meditation teacher Nicola Jane Hobbs offers soothing words and gentle advice to inspire you to slow down, make peace with yourself and create a life full of meaning, 383 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-Three Discussions (Nettl Bruno)(Paperback)
Known affectionately as "The Red Book," Bruno Nettl's The Study of Ethnomusicology became a classic upon its original publication in 1983. Scholars and students alike have hailed it not just for its insights but for a disarming, witty style able to engage and entertain even casual readers while providing essential grounding in the field. In this third edition, Nettl revises the text throughout, adding new chapters and discussions that take into account recent developments across the field and reflecting on how his thinking has changed or even reversed itself during his sixty-year career. An updated bibliography rounds out the volume. A classroom perennial and a must-have for any scholar's bookshelf, the third edition of The Study of Ethnomusicology introduces Nettl's thought to a new 784 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

101 Riffs & Solos for Cigar Box Guitar: Essential Lessons for 3 String Slide Cigar Box Guitar (Robitaille Brent C.)(Paperback)
101 Riffs and Solos" is arranged for the 3 string fretted or fretless cigar box guitar tuned to GDG. A great resource for beginners and a good review of useful techniques for players of all levels and styles including blues, rock, country, popular and more. The riffs cover all the main slide techniques needed to improve your playing. Lesson tips and instructions are also included for each of the 101 riffs and solos. How to read tablature, rhythms and how to play slide are presented for beginners or those in need of a refresh. Download the 101 free audio mp3's (coming July 14) from my website to help learn the riffs and solos. Scales and chord tone charts are also included to further your knowledge and to help create your own riffs and solos. You will also find a few pages of commonly used chords and fingerboard charts at the back of the book. Please visit my website at 522 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The concept of Ecriture Feminine in Helene Cixous's The Laugh of the Medusa (Wortmann Simon)(Paperback)
Essay from the year 2012 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1,7, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, language: English, abstract: In the year 1975 the French feminist author Helene Cixous published an essay called "The Laugh of the Medusa". In it, she develops an entirely new theoretical concept with the aim of giving rise to feminist voice. The central ideas of Ecriture Feminine, literally "women's writing", are going to be presented in this paper. In the first part, a brief description of Cixous's intellectual milieu is given in order to show the actual reason that led her to come up with a new notion of liberating women from patriarchy. In this context, an elaboration on poststructuralism, the philosophical current Cixous belonged to, follows. Closely related to that is the authors skepticism towards Sigmund Freud's language philosophy. 902 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Natives of Eternity (Newhouse Flower A.)(Paperback)
This special edition release includes the very first writings on the Angel Kingdom and Masters by Flower A. Newhouse that were ever published. It includes her first-hand account of actual experiences with these Hosts. The author's expanded consciousness and highly developed clairvoyance enabled her to meet and converse with these great Beings free from emotionalism and personal sentiment. It gives one an expansive and detailed look into Their reality and purpose-helping all life grow closer to God. This book includes five general sections: The Kingdom of Angels, The Angels of Nature, Perfected Beings and Their Tasks, Inner Glimpses of Life Beyond Our Planet, and Answers on Higher 309 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Essential Shiatsu (Kawada Yuichi)(Paperback)
Shiatsu is the ancient Japanese art of finger pressure massage and, just like acupuncture, it aims to identify and treat the 8 meridians of the human body by applying pressure and stimulation in order to treat a wide variety of human ailments and lethargies. The 8 meridians were known even in ancient times, but no one really knew fully their significance in putting right major imbalances. In ESSENTIAL SHIATSU, experienced Shiatsu master Yuichi Kawada brings this ancient art up-to-date and fully explains and illustrates the first ever full mapping of the 'new' meridians and offers instruction on how to stimulate them with hand pressure and stretching. The psycho-somatic connection of illness is explained and the book features a comprehensive list of ailments and suggested Shiatsu treatments. The author also provides reassuring and inspiring case histories which show how the treatment has 683 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Common Bonds: A Speculative Aromantic Anthology (Arseneault Claudie)(Paperback)
Common Bonds is an anthology of speculative short stories and poetry featuring aromantic characters. At the heart of this collection are the bonds that impact our lives from beginning to end: platonic relationships. Within this anthology, a cursed seamstress finds comfort in the presence of a witch, teams of demon hunters work with their rival to save one of their own, a peculiar scholar gets attached to those he was meant to study, and queerplatonic shopkeepers guide their pupil as they explore their relationship needs and desires. Through nineteen stories and poems, Common Bonds explores the ways platonic relationships enrich our lives.Contributors include: Morgan Swim, Vida Cruz, Camilla Quinn, Jennifer Lee Rossman, Syl Woo, A. Z. Louise, Cora Ruskin, E. H. Timms, Thomas Leonard Shaw, Jeff Reynolds, Marjorie King, Avi Silver, Ren Oliveira, Mika 418 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Aural Training in Practice, ABRSM Grades 6-8, with 3 CDs - New edition (Holmes John)(Sheet music)
Aural Training in Practice offers valuable support to teachers preparing students for ABRSM exams. It is available in three volumes covering Grades 1-3, Grades 4 & 5 and Grades 6-8. Each volume includes teaching hints and strategies, many practice exercises for ABRSM exams including answers where appropriate, and CD recordings of all 715 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Make Me: Complete Novel (Kery Beth)(Paperback / softback)
Beth Kery. Fulfilling your every fantasy... For the first time in complete form, the thrilling romance of hidden pasts, dangerous obsessions, and uncontrollable passion in Make 265 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Imogen Cunningham: A Retrospective (Martineau Paul)(Pevná vazba)
Thoroughly researched and beautifully produced, this book is the first comprehensive retrospective of Imogen Cunningham's work in over thirty-five years. Celebrated American artist Imogen Cunningham (1883-1976) enjoyed a long career as a photographer, creating a large and diverse body of work that underscored her unique vision, versatility, and commitment to the medium. An early feminist and inspiration to future generations, Cunningham intensely engaged with Pictorialism and Modernism; genres of portraiture, landscape, the nude, still life, and street photography; and themes such as flora, dancers and music, hands, and the elderly. Organized chronologically, this volume explores the full range of the artist's life and career. It contains nearly two hundred color images of Cunningham's elegant, poignant, and groundbreaking photographs, both renowned and lesser known, 1 556 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Lamborghini Countach (Pathmanathan Thillainathan Path)(Pevná vazba)
When launched at the Geneva motor show in 1971, the Lamborghini Countach was like a vision of the future, with its incredibly radical styling by Bertone's Marcello Gandini. Through various evolutionary stages, the Countach remained in production from 1973 to 1990 and during that time 1,997 examples were manufactured, making it exceedingly rare as well as highly desirable. Subsequently the magnificent Countach has risen to almost mythical status among collectors and enthusiasts. Now, as the model approaches its 50th anniversary, two passionate and deeply knowledgeable Countach co-owners have written an authoritative new book -- the first English-language study of the car for 30 years -- to celebrate this fabled Italian supercar in all its glory. The Countach's spectacular design and unique engineering are explored in depth, including analysis of its Bizzarrini-designed V12 engine 1 513 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Special Social Groups, Social Factors and Disparities in Health and Health Care (Kronenfeld Jennie Jacobs)(Pevná vazba)
This volume features papers on the theme of issues in health and health care for special groups, social factors and disparities. This includes papers dealing with macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving special groups, social factors and disparities linked to issues in health and health care. The volume also contains an examination of health and health care issues of patients and providers of care especially those related to special groups and social factors including education, family, income, government, neighborhoods, social networks, health beliefs and attitudes. This includes a focus on links to policy, population concerns and patients and providers of care as ways to meet health care needs of people both in the US and in other 3 032 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Law and the Family in Ireland, 1800-1950 (Howlin Niamh)(Paperback)
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of family and law, and academics in the fields of law and history Lawyers, scholars, historians and social scientists interested in legal history and history of the family, specifically pertaining to 1 361 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Cryptography: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice (Management Association Information Reso)(Pevná vazba)
Examines novel designs and recent developments in cryptographic security control procedures to improve the efficiency of existing security mechanisms that can help in securing sensors, devices, networks, communication, and data. The book highlights a range of topics, including cyber security, threat detection, and 14 083 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Winter in Paradise (Hilderbrand Elin)(Paperback)
A husband's secret life, a wife's new beginning: escape to the Caribbean with #1 New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand. Irene Steele shares her idyllic life in a beautiful Iowa City Victorian house with a husband who loves her to sky-writing, sentimental extremes. But as she rings in the new year one cold and snowy night, everything she thought she knew falls to pieces with a shocking phone call: her beloved husband, away on business, has been killed in a helicopter crash. Before Irene can even process the news, she must first confront the perplexing details of her husband's death on the distant Caribbean island of St. John. After Irene and her sons arrive at this faraway paradise, they make yet another shocking discovery: her husband had been living a secret life. As Irene untangles a web of intrigue and deceit, and as she and her sons find themselves 316 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Films of Reginald Leborg: Interviews, Essays, and Filmography (Dixon Wheeler Winston)(Pevná vazba)
This is the first in-depth look at Reginald LeBorg, the quintessential Hollywood contract director, who worked constantly during the 1940s and 50s at such studios as Universal, PRC, and Monogram, making a series of beautiful and resonant films under severe constraints of time and budget. Here, in a book-length interview recorded a year before his death in 1989, LeBorg looks back at all his work--Destiny, Calling Doctor Death, Weird Woman, The Flight That Disappeared, Jungle Woman, Diary of A Madman, San Diego I Love You, and many others, and discusses his impatience with "fans" who don't bother to screen his more interesting non-Gothic films, describes studio life during the 1940s, and gives the reader insights into his personal life. With stills and a thorough 2 028 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Crafting with Herbs: Do-It-Yourself Botanical Decor, Beauty Products, Kitchen Essentials, and More (Wolfe Debbie)(Paperback)
Capture the beauty, fragrance, and power of herbs in these delightful crafts for home and garden. Why craft with herbs? They're easy to grow, beautiful, fragrant, full of health benefits, and are incredibly versatile Herbs are best known for their medicinal and culinary uses, but there's so much more you can do with them. From spray disinfectants to wreaths and garlands, herbal jellies to homemade skincare products, there's something here for every room of your house--and everyone on your gift list Learn how to make beautiful and useful items such as: Smudge SticksDrawer SachetsLemon Rosemary Disinfectant SprayMini Potpourri WreathsNatural ConfettiHerbal Cleaning VinegarsHerb salts (with recipes for different blends)Herbal Teas with DIY Reusable Tea BagHerb Wine JellyDream 340 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Soldiering on: British Tommies After the First World War (Powell Adam)(Paperback)
A month after the Armistice, Prime Minister David Lloyd George promised to make Britain a 'land fit for heroes'. The phrase is now ridiculed, but it was widely believed at the time. Soldiers expected decent treatment and recognition for what they had done, yet the fine words of 1918 were not matched by actions. The following years saw little change, as a lack political will watered down any reform. Beggars in trench coats became a common sight in British cities. No More Soldiering for Me examines how the Lost Generation adjusted to civilian life. How they coped with PTSD or a disability; their struggle to find a job or even communicate with their family. It's a story of a group of men who survived the trenches but were often ignored when they came home. No More Soldiering for Me traces the lives of veterans from the first day of peace to the start of the Second World War. It points to 494 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Big Nate: Say Good-Bye to Dork City, 12 (Peirce Lincoln)(Paperback)
Soon to be an animated series from Nickelodeon!Wanted: Nate Wright, better known as Big Nate, four-and-a-half feet tall, black hair with seven spikes, age eleven, sixth-grader at P.S. 38, record holder for school detentions. Reward: Big Nate: Say Good-bye to Dork City! Can Nate Wright get any cooler? Not according to Nate himself. He's already P.S. 38's rockin'est drummer, finest poet (check out his haiku about brazil nuts), and deepest thinker--in his own mind. But does Nate have what it takes to hang with Marcus, leader of the school's most notorious posse? Or will he decide that being cool isn't all it's cracked up to be? Read Say Good-bye to Dork City... and say hello to lots of 216 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Paul Gauguin (Cahn Isabelle)(Pevná vazba)
Paul Gauguin's story is nearly as dramatic and seductive as his art. In 1883, he walked away from a successful career in banking in order to paint every day. In 1891, he went a step further, leaving his family behind and setting sail for the South Seas, financing his trip by selling thirty paintings; the works that he created once he arrived were like nothing the art world had ever seen before. This book brings together beautiful reproductions of Gauguin's most famous works with the story of his life, excerpts from his letters and diaries, and an introduction setting his work in 259 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Aurelian and Probus: The Soldier Emperors Who Saved Rome (Syvnne Ilkka)(Pevná vazba)
This is a narrative military history of the emperors Lucius Domitius Aurelianus (270-275) and Marcus Aurelius Probus (276-282).This is a narrative military history of the emperors Lucius Domitius Aurelianus ('Aurelian', reigned 270-275) and Marcus Aurelius Probus (276-282) which also includes the other reigns between the years 268 and 285. It shows how these two remarkable emperors were chiefly responsible for the Empire surviving and emerging largely intact from a period of intense crisis. It was Aurelian who first united the breakaway regions, including Zenobia's Palmyra, and it was Probus who then secured his achievements.The reigns of Aurelian and Probus have been subjected to many studies, but none of these have approached the extant material purely from the point of view of military analysis. Most importantly, the previous historians have not exploited 758 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 03.09.2024

Sorceress - Book 3 (Scott Michael)(Paperback / softback)
For this he must rely on Clarent - the sister sword to Excalibur - and the sword's evil power makes it nearly impossible to use without darkness seeping into the soul of whoever wields it. What will be the price to pay for the twins to remain protected and the Dark Elders to be 206 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Promise to Kill - A Clyde Barr Thriller (Storey Erik)(Paperback / softback)
Discover a new hero: Clyde Barr is back in this pulse-pounding, action-packed 211 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Lift-the-flap Colours (Brooks Felicity)(Board book)
A book about colours for preschool children. It comes with flaps to lift and lots of lovely colour 248 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Oxford International Primary Geography Teacher's Guide (Jennings Terry)(Paperback)
Oxford International Primary Geography is a complete six year course that provides an engaging introduction to the subject. Using real life examples from around the globe, the course covers both human and physical geography, from the basics of mapping to current hot topics such as how to meet the resource needs of the world's 1 351 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Cross Stitch Jungle: 20 Breath-Taking Designs (Netley Mayhew Jayne)(Pevná vazba)
Learn how to adapt the featured designs to make useful keepsakes and unique gifts in the Jungle Inspirations section, and discover fascinating facts about the animals throughout the book.Projects range in size and complexity but incredible detail is always achieved, whether you are stitching from a single page or a four page 749 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

The Emotionally Absent Mother, Updated and Expanded Second Edition: How to Recognize and Heal the Invisible Effects of Childhood Emotional Neglect (Cori Jasmin Lee)(Paperback)
The groundbreaking guide to self-healing and getting the love you missed "Years ago, I was on vacation and read The Emotionally Absent Mother. That book was one of many that woke me up. . . . I began the process of reparenting and it's changed my life."--Dr. Nicole LePera, New York Times-bestselling author of How to Do the Work Was your mother preoccupied, distant, or even demeaning? Have you struggled with relationships--or with your own self-worth? Often, the grown children of emotionally absent mothers can't quite put a finger on what's missing from their lives. The children of abusive mothers, by contrast, may recognize the abuse--but overlook its lasting, harmful effects. Psychotherapist Jasmin Lee Cori has helped thousands of men and women heal the hidden wounds left by every kind of undermothering. In this second edition of her 321 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Hotel Scarface: Where Cocaine Cowboys Partied and Plotted to Control Miami (Farzad Roben)(Paperback)
The wild, true story of the Mutiny, the hotel and club that embodied the decadence of Miami's cocaine cowboys heyday--and an inspiration for the blockbuster film, Scarface... In the seventies, coke hit Miami with the full force of a hurricane, and no place attracted dealers and dopers like Coconut Grove's Mutiny at Sailboat Bay. Hollywood royalty, rock stars, and models flocked to the hotel's club to order bottle after bottle of Dom and to snort lines alongside narcos, hit men, and gunrunners, all while marathon orgies burned upstairs in elaborate fantasy suites. Amid the boatloads of powder and cash reigned the new kings of Miami: three waves of Cuban immigrants vying to dominate the trafficking of one of the most lucrative commodities ever known to man. But as the kilos--and bodies--began to pile up, the Mutiny became target number one for law enforcement. 382 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Ever Seen a Fat Fox?: Human Obesity Explored (Gibney Mike)(Paperback)
Ever seen a fat fox? Didn't think so. Why it is that only humans - or animals in the care of humans - develop obesity? In Ever Seen a Fat Fox?: Human Obesity Explored Professor Mike Gibney delves into the history of the human relationship with food. He traces the evolution of our modern diet and looks to science to offer solutions to the phenomenon of human obesity. He calls on governments to cease the single-issue ad-hoc approach and demands a massive governmental long-term investment in weight management. It is a commonly held belief that obesity is a recent phenomenon. Professor Gibney reveals that obesity is nothing new - in fact, the modern upward trend in obesity began in the mid-nineteenth century. Obesity has been part of human experience whenever and wherever we've had affluence. There are many who seek to apportion blame for the epidemic of obesity. Blaming the food industry 563 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Touch Typing In Ten Hours, 3rd Edition - Spend a Few Hours Now and Gain a Valuable Skill for Life (Dobson Ann)(Paperback / softback)
Learn to touch type in ten hours without the cost of a training 283 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Wereworld: Shadow of the Hawk (Book 3) (Jobling Curtis)(Paperback / softback)
Drew Ferran, the rightful king of Westland, is trapped. Enslaved by the Goatlord Kesslar, young werewolf Drew finds himself on the volcanic isle of Scoria, forced to fight in the arena for the Lizardlords. With the help of an unlikely ally, he must find a way to break free - but who has ever managed to 213 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Horse Anatomy for Performance (Higgins Gillian)(Pevná vazba)
The horse's body can be organised into 11 complex interrelated systems that function efficiently to maintain life. Divided into 11 chapters, this book explains the importance and relevance of each anatomical system. It uses high quality photographs and intricate paintings on live horses with top tips and 515 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

No Name (Collins Wilkie)(Paperback / softback)
'A masterpiece' The TimesAfter the tragic deaths of their parents, Magdalen and Norah discover the devastating news that they are both illegitimate and not entitled to any 293 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Watercolor with Me in the Forest (Fox Dana)(Paperback)
Unleash Your Creativity with 50 No-Sketch Watercolor Projects From a classic dogwood rose, to a sly fox, to feathers that take on a dreamy quality, you can create polished artwork in just a few easy steps--no sketching required. Dana Fox, creator of Wonder Forest, is known for her unique and whimsical sense of style, and her popular watercolor workshops have introduced thousands to the joys of painting. In Watercolor With Me in the Forest, Dana provides light outlines of each project, and every page is printed on premium art paper, so you can focus on the watercolor techniques--wet-on-dry, wet-on-wet, painting fur and ink and wash. Even if you've never picked up a paintbrush before, Dana's creative tricks will ensure that every piece of art is frame-worthy. Whether you're looking to try a new style, learn the basics or find a new way to de-stress, this 528 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

My Magical Rainbow (Books Campbell)(Board book)
A first novelty board book about a magical rainbow and her friends Unicorn, Dragon and Mermaid, with push, pull and turn 183 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Waterproof Bible-NIV-Camouflage (Bardin &. Marsee Publishing)(Paperback)
2016 edition - Now made with a 25% lighter weight paper Extremely Durable Synthetic Pages Sewn and Glued into Spine 100% Worry Free Stain Resistant Ultra Clear Text Ideal for Gear Bag or Backpack Dry Highlight Write and Underline with pencil or ball point pen No Bleed Thru F L O A T S The durability of the Waterproof Bible gives you the freedom to take God's Word with you anywhere - lounging, traveling, exercising... with worry free confidence that your Bible will withstand the test of time. Specs: NIV 2011 text, 708 pages, 5 7/8" x 8 3/4," Weight 1 lb 12 oz., 8 pt font Material: 100% Waterproof Synthetic Paper, Ink, Glue, and 1 388 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 08.09.2024

Treating Childhood Depression with Contextual Emotion Regulation Therapy (Kovacs Maria)(Paperback)
This book is the authoritative presentation of contextual emotion regulation therapy (CERT), an innovative intervention expressly designed for depressed children ages 7-13 and their parents. CERT is grounded in decades of research on the development of emotion regulation and on "mood repair" difficulties as a risk factor for clinical depression. Step by step, Maria Kovacs describes ways to teach children skills to modulate feelings of sadness and distress and break the hold of depression symptoms. Extensive therapist, parent, and child exchanges illustrate key treatment principles. Clinicians learn how to structure CERT sessions and implement personalized social-interpersonal, cognitive, behavioral, problem-solving, and psychoeducational interventions. Reproducible tools in the appendices--including forms, posters, and a parent manual--can be downloaded and printed in a 1 435 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Transference: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book VIII (Lacan Jacques)(Paperback)
"Alcibiades attempted to seduce Socrates, he wanted to make him, and in the most openly avowed way possible, into someone instrumental and subordinate to what? To the object of Alcibiades's desire - ágalma, the good object.I would go even further. How can we analysts fail to recognize what is involved? He says quite clearly: Socrates has the good object in his stomach. Here Socrates is nothing but the envelope in which the object of desire is found.It is in order to clearly emphasize that he is nothing but this envelope that Alcibiades tries to show that Socrates is desire's serf in his relations with Alcibiades, that Socrates is enslaved to Alcibiades by his desire. Although Alcibiades was aware that Socrates desired him, he wanted to see Socrates's desire manifest itself in a sign, in order to know that the other - the object, ágalma - was at his 524 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Stranded (Probst Jeff)(Paperback)
A New York Times Bestseller As seen onThe Today Show, Rachael Ray, andKelly and Michael.From the Emmy-Award winning host ofSurvivor, Jeff Probst, withMiddle School: The Worst Years of My Lifeco-author, Chris Tebbetts, comes a brand new family adventure series A family vacation becomes a game of survival It was supposed to be a vacation--and a chance to get to know each other better. But when a massive storm sets in without warning, four kids are shipwrecked alone on a rocky jungle island in the middle of the South Pacific. No adults. No instructions. Nobody to rely on but themselves. Can they make it home alive? A week ago, the biggest challenge Vanessa, Buzz, Carter, and Jane had was learning to live as a new blended family. Now the four siblings must find a way to work as a team if they're going to make it 196 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Fatefully, Faithfully Feminist: A Critical History of Women, Patriarchy, and Mexican National Discourse (Monsivis Carlos)(Paperback)
This critical anthology of writings by Carlos Monsiváis represents a foundational set of texts by an exceptional (yet under-translated) Mexican cultural critic. Fatefully, Faithfully Feminist situates the urgencies of social movements as they developed in real time. The essays span from 1973 to 2008 and analyze the role of women in a patriarchal culture from pre-Colombian times to the present. This critical edition offers extensive annotation and cultural background to understand the cogent, but particularly Mexican, arguments that Monsivis makes, many of which are extremely relevant in today's political economy in the U.S. and the 1 167 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Backcountry Democracy and the Whiskey Insurrection: The Legal Culture and Trials, 1794-1795 (Myrsiades Linda)(Paperback)
Backcountry Democracy and the Whiskey Insurrection treats the legal culture that informed the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 and its trials. Linda Myrsiades examines conflicts between state and federal courts and the judicial philosophy of Federalist judges, as well as grand jury charges, law reports, judges' bench notes, and defense notes for the trials, to develop a portrait of the hegemony of official interpretations of the law. At the same time, the book illuminates popular attitudes about the courts and the law and explores the nature of extralegal courts operated by the people. Myrsiades captures the agitation-propaganda efforts mounted by rebel communities and groups together with petitions and speeches in the rebel assemblies in demonstrating that popular culture offered a clear politico-legal justification within the rebel movement on the unofficial side of legal 1 132 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Rhodeský Ridgeback - Fortuna Print (Chamberlainová Ann)
32 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Best Wines in the Supermarket 2019 (Halley Ned)(Paperback / softback)
Supermarket wines now win Gold Medals in International Challenge. Best Wines in the Supermarkets, identifies these superior wines, often at bargain prices. The perfect wine guide for you to find the wines you enjoy at the price that suits the occasion. Now with its own secure website for searching and sorting- at 222 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Handbook of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (Institute of Food Science & Technology)(Paperback)
This invaluable handbook provides practical working guidance for those involved in producing, using and interpreting microbiological criteria in the food and catering industries and brings together microbiological criteria derived from the practical experience of the authors, and existing guidelines and standards. Written by professional food microbiologists with wide experience and backed by the independent and dependable reputation of the Institute of Food Science & Technology, it discusses definitions, derivation and limitations of microbiological criteria, and sets out tables for different commodities and technologies.This latest edition has been updated to reflect recently developed microbiological methods, changes to taxonomy, inclusion of recently emerged pathogens and a brief description of recently developed processing technologies. 3 718 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Nuestra Parte de Noche (Enriquez Mariana)(Paperback)
El legado, el deseo de vivir, la paternidad, el horror, lo ntimo y lo pol tico. El terror sobrenatural se entrelaza con terrores muy reales en esta osada y perturbadora novela. Un padre y su hijo atraviesan Argentina por carretera, desde Buenos Aires hacia las cataratas de Iguaz , en la frontera norte con Brasil. Son los a os de la junta militar, hay controles de soldados armados y tensi n en el ambiente. El padre de Gaspar trata de protegerlo del destino que le ha sido asignado despu s de que su madre muriese en circunstancias poco claras; en un accidente que acaso no lo fue. Como su padre, Gaspar est llamado a ser un m dium en una sociedad secreta, la Orden, que contacta con la Oscuridad en busca de la vida eterna mediante atroces rituales. Para ellos es vital disponer de un m dium, pero el destino de estos seres dotados de poderes especiales es cruel, y el desgaste f 358 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

How Humans Evolved (Boyd Robert (Arizona State University))(Multiple-component retail product)
The gold-standard introduction to biological 4 816 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

Doctor's Wife (Hurst Daniel)(Paperback / softback)
For fans of T. M. Logan, Freida McFadden and Lisa JewellHe thinks his secret is safe. But she knows the 246 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

His Favourite Graves (Cleave Paul)(Paperback)
Desperate for reward money - and to rescue his marriage - an embattled sheriff takes incalculable risks to find a missing boy. An edge-of-your-seat, twisted and twisty thriller from New Zealand's King of Crime. Moves at a furious pace, even as the walls close in ... everything you want from a thriller and it leaves you gasping Helen Fields Uses words as lethal weapons New York Times Paul Cleave is an automatic must-read for me Lee Child _____________ To catch a killer...Maybe you've got to be one... Acacia Pines, USA. Sheriff Cohen's life is falling apart - his father accidentally burned down the retirement home, his wife has moved out, and his son is bullying other kids at school. When high-school student, Lucas Connor, is abducted, Cohen sees a chance to get his life back 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024

False Idols: A Reluctant King Novel (K'Wan)(Paperback)
426 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 09.09.2024