Ray-Ban RX7159 2000 - L (52)
Ray-Ban Během své téměř osmdesátileté historie Ray-Ban neustále posouval hranice nejen v optických inovacích, ale také v popkultuře. Od prezidentů po hvězdy stříbrného plátna, od umělců po topmodelky, Ray-Ban brýle jsou nedílnou kulturní ikonou pro každou generaci. Pro koho? Dioptrické brýle Ray-Ban RX7159 2000 jsou součástí nejnovější Ray-Ban kolekce navržené pro ženy i muže (unisex) . Tento elegantní celorámový model odráží aktuální trendy v designérské oční optice a jeho Wayfarer rám dělá Ray-Ban RX7159 ideální volbou především pro kulaté, oválné a srdcové tváře . Materiály Materiál použitý na výrobu tohoto rámu je ručně zpracovaný acetát nejvyšší kvality . V porovnání s plastem je acetát značně lehčí a flexibilnější, vykazuje delší životnost a je 100% hypoalergenní. Poštovné zdarma Zakupte si Ray-Ban RX7159 2000 na eyerim právě teď a budou vám doručeny bezplatně přímo do vašich rukou , v jejich originálním balení. 2 959 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 14.09.2024

Seventh Street 7A097 09Q - ONE SIZE (49)
Seventh Street Safilo vždy bylo synonymem kvality a excelence. Kolekce oční optiky Safilo má několik linií navržených pro specifické potřeby zákazníků. Značka Seventh Street je specifická svými funky, neobvyklými tvary rámů, které jsou určeny pro teenagery. Zářivé barvy zvýrazní mladivstvý vzhled, rozzáří tvář a zabaví při výběru toho správného modelu. Pro koho? Dioptrické brýle Seventh Street 7A097 09Q jsou součástí nejnovější Seventh Street kolekce navržené pro muže . Tento elegantní celorámový model odráží aktuální trendy v designérské oční optice a jeho okrouhlý rám dělá Seventh Street 7A097 ideální volbou především pro hranaté a srdcové tváře . Materiály Materiál použitý na výrobu tohoto rámu je ručně zpracovaný acetát nejvyšší kvality . V porovnání s plastem je acetát značně lehčí a flexibilnější, vykazuje delší životnost a je 100% hypoalergenní. Poštovné zdarma Zakupte si Seventh Street 7A097 09Q na eyerim právě teď a budou vám doručeny bezplatně přímo do vašich rukou , v jejich originálním balení. 1 319 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 14.09.2024

Zahradní křeslo KRÁLOVSKÉ s područkami ořech
Zahradní křeslo KRÁLOVSKÉ s područkami, odstín ořechu, je dokonalé na zahradu nebo terasu. Vytvoří místo pro pohodlný odpočinek nebo pro posezení s rodinou a přáteli. Je vyrobeno výhradně z vybraného masivního olšového dřeva. Výrobní proces začíná dlouhodobým několikaletým venkovním sušením dřeva, které zaručuje dlouhou životnost a odolnost vůči slunci, vlhkosti, větru a nízkým teplotám. Až před finální výrobou je dřevo dosušováno v sušičce na požadovaný stupeň vlhkosti. Královské zahradní křeslo s područkami bylo vyrobeno v kombinaci hliníku a výběrového olšového dřeva. Sedák je mírně tvarován. Díky tomu je křeslo velmi pohodlné. Povrch je dvakrát lakován. Díky této ochraně si dřevo zachovává svůj ušlechtilý vzhled, charakter a dlouhou životnost. Hliníkové prvky jsou pokryty práškovým antikorozním nátěrem. Rozměry: 76 x 50 x 60 cm, výška sedáku: 43 cm Nosnost: 150 kgKe křeslu lze zakoupit samostatně stůl a lavičky. Masivní olšové dřevo v příjemném barevném odstínu ořechu vás oslní svou elegancí. Zahradní křeslo KRÁLOVSKÉ s područkami je dokonalou volbou pro ty, kteří oceňují jednoduchý styl, eleganci a komfort, ve spojení nejvyšší kvality a trvanlivosti výrobku. Bude zdobit vaši zahradu nebo terasu po mnoho let. 2 599 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Zavlažovač oscilační Economic 52-071
- zavlažovač  oscilační, vyroben z kvalitních plastů- 15 trysek- plynulá regulace zavlažování- zavlažovaná plocha do 255 m² 279 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Brána Agat 150x400 cm
13 299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Věšák stojací FTD353 (60184)
údržba měkkou utěrkou a jemnými čistícími prostředky 439 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Garnýž I Promo Classic FI 16 STARÉ ZLATO 240 KALICH
Složení garnýže: kovová trubka, kovové: koncovky, držáky jednoduché, kolečka, žabky, hmoždinky. 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Ocelove zarubne FD-1 90L
Zobrazené na webových stránkách barvy se mohou lišit od skutečných kvůli různým nastavením monitoru. 1 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Mramorové kamínky Den Braven slonová kost 3-6mm 25 kg
Kamenný koberec / Mramorový koberec PerfectSTONE je víceúčelovým finálním povrchem z říčních nebo mramorových kamínků, spojených epoxidovou pryskyřicí. Pokládka se provádí na různé typy zpevněných ploch. PerfectSTONE zaručuje přírodní vzhled povrchu, který je jednolitý a beze spár.Kamenný koberec / Mramorový koberec PerfectSTONE je ideální pro úpravou starších již nevzhledných povrchů (beton, dlažba, anhydrit a jiné), ale také pro zcela nové povrchy.Finální potěrová směs říčních kamínků nebo mramorů a epoxidové pryskyřice. Po vytvrzení epoxidového pojiva vytváří pevný a přírodní povrch.Vlastnosti:- Vysoká mechanická odolnost;- Použití v interiéru;- Pochůzí již po 24 hodinách;- Mrazuvzdorný;- Vhodný na podlahové vytápění;- Aplikace možná na většinu zpevněných ploch (beton, dlažbu a jiné);Použití:- Finální povrch různých ploch;- Tento odstín mramorového kamínku nedoporučujeme používat s běžným pojivem v exteriéru (žloutnutí), lze jej použít s UV odolným pojivem; Technický list:  649 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Sada brána dvoukřídlá WGBRA-T000295

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Spojka hadic 5/4
Spojka bazénových hadic 32 mm na spojení hadic. 69 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Rohový Profil ALU Kartáčovaný Titan 10x10x1000
44 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Stojan na talíře kosmos černý M
79 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Dlažba Galactic Sand 60/60
499 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Polstr na zahradní lehátko SPOT 24
Zahradní postry a podušky jsou nezbytným doplňkem pro zahradní křesla, židle, lehátka a lavičky. Díky nim můžete snadno a efektivně proměnit svůj relaxační koutek na zahradě, balkóně nebo terase. Položte měkký polstr na křeslo, židli, lehátko nebo lavičku a pohodlně odpočívejte. Nabízíme pohodlné a dostupné podušky v mnoha atraktivních designech a barvách. Polstr na zahradní lehátko řady SPOT je v provedení s obšitým lemem, prošity 2x v opěradle. Uchycení pomocí pevné gumy a tkaniček v ohybu polstru. Potah polstru je nesnímatelný.ROZMĚR: 195x60x6 cm (výška x šířka x tloušťka), sedák cca 120x60 cm, opěradlo cca 75x60 cm.POTAH: 55% polyester a 45% bavlna. Savý a příjemný materiál pro pokožku.VÝPLŇ: molitan obalený do polyesterového rouna.Celkové rozměry podušek jsou uváděny s tolerancí +/- 2cm, konečný rozměr hotového výrobku vždy ovlivňuje jeho konkrétní zpracování (např. obšití, prošití apod).3 roky záruka 552 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Dlažba sokl Zanq Capri Rojo levý 39/20
149 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Svitidlo Volda Black 62158 Lw3
- 2 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Sítko do dřezu Misty 12cm
129 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Garnýžový set 240 jedn Rullo FI 19 nikl
839 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Dávkovač Berlin gray
269 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Dávkovač mýdla multi 8183 Cadril Bisk
299 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Max Mara MM5029 052 - ONE SIZE (57)
Max Mara Max Mara je vyjádřením ženskosti a nadčasové elegance. Max Mara dodnes sídlí na místě svého vzniku, v italském městečku Reggio Emilia, a je jedním z největších módních dómů v zemi, synonymem pro luxus, styl a kvalitu. Kolekce oční optiky Max Mara je vytvořena pro moderní, nezávislou ženu hledající kvalitu a klasické detaily, které nejsou přehnaně výrazné. Pro koho? Dioptrické brýle Max Mara MM5029 052 jsou součástí nejnovější Max Mara kolekce navržené pro ženy . Tento elegantní celorámový model odráží aktuální trendy v designérské oční optice a jeho cat-eye rám dělá Max Mara MM5029 ideální volbou především pro kulaté, oválné a srdcové tváře . Materiály Materiál použitý na výrobu tohoto rámu je ručně zpracovaný acetát nejvyšší kvality . V porovnání s plastem je acetát značně lehčí a flexibilnější, vykazuje delší životnost a je 100% hypoalergenní. Poštovné zdarma Zakupte si Max Mara MM5029 052 na eyerim právě teď a budou vám doručeny bezplatně přímo do vašich rukou , v jejich originálním balení. 2 419 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 14.09.2024

Nástěnné hodiny Scandi 15,5cm bílý
Hodiny na baterie 1 x AA 1,5V. Baterie není součástí dodávky. 199 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Prostírání mariken rozm. 45/30 cm zlaté
79 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

BOSS Boss, založen v roce 1970, je asi nejznámějším produktem německého luxusního módního domu Hugo Boss. Od svých začátků šití uniforem ve druhé světové válce, přes jejich první značkový oblek v roce 1970, Boss začal brzy sponzorovat řadu sportovních akcí včetně Formule 1. V roce 1989 značka vyvinula své skvělé brýle Boss by Hugo Boss. Je zřejmé, že při výrobě těchto modelů se projevil typický důraz na detaily. Všechny brýle jsou vyrobeny z vysoce kvalitních materiálů as profesionální precizností. Brýle Boss jednoduše vyvažují klasický design s odvážným stylem. Pro koho? Dioptrické brýle BOSS BOSS1526 HJV jsou součástí nejnovější BOSS kolekce navržené pro ženy . Tento elegantní celorámový model odráží aktuální trendy v designérské oční optice a jeho Wayfarer rám dělá BOSS BOSS1526 ideální volbou především pro kulaté, oválné a srdcové tváře . Materiály Materiál použitý na výrobu tohoto rámu je ručně zpracovaný acetát nejvyšší kvality . V porovnání s plastem je acetát značně lehčí a flexibilnější, vykazuje delší životnost a je 100% hypoalergenní. Poštovné zdarma Zakupte si BOSS BOSS1526 HJV na eyerim právě teď a budou vám doručeny bezplatně přímo do vašich rukou , v jejich originálním balení. 2 399 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 14.09.2024

Objímka svodu 63 mm Bryza červená
PVC ŽLABOVÝ SYSTÉM BRYZA je produktem se zavedenou pozicí na trhu. Již léta je určujícím faktorem kvality a spolehlivosti. Škála osmi barev ve čtyřech velikostech poskytuje široké možnosti a umožňuje vybrat ten správný systém pro každou budovu. Spolehlivá těsnost, snadná montáž a sada příslušenství umožňují nejen odvod dešťové vody, ale také její velmi efektivní zpětné získávání.Objímky svodu se upevňují na stěnu pomocí trnů. Doporučené výrobkyNávod: 45 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Žlabový hák nastavitelný 125 mm Bryza hnědá
PVC ŽLABOVÝ SYSTÉM BRYZA je produktem se zavedenou pozicí na trhu. Již léta je určujícím faktorem kvality a spolehlivosti. Škála osmi barev ve čtyřech velikostech poskytuje široké možnosti a umožňuje vybrat ten správný systém pro každou budovu. Spolehlivá těsnost, snadná montáž a sada příslušenství umožňují nejen odvod dešťové vody, ale také její velmi efektivní zpětné získávání.Návod: 119 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Dlažba Porto brown 30/60
349 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Human: Fall Flat (Dream Collection) NSW
 O hře Human: Fall Flat je veselá, odlehčená fyzikální plošinovka zasazená do světa plovoucích snů, kterou lze hrát samostatně, v lokálním kooperativním režimu na rozdělené obrazovce až pro 2 hráče nebo až s 8 hráči online pro ještě více. smích!Každá úroveň snů poskytuje nové prostředí pro navigaci, od sídel, hradů a aztéckých dobrodružství až po zasněžené hory, strašidelné noční scenérie a průmyslové lokality. Několik cest přes každou úroveň a dokonale hravé hádanky zajišťují odměnu za průzkum a vynalézavost.Samozřejmě, kolísavé pohyby vašeho člověka věci neusnadňují a ať už skáčete, šplháte, přenášíte nebo houpete, věci se mohou snadno pokazit – s velmi zábavnými výsledky. Pokud by váš člověk spadl z lana, špatně odhadl plošinu nebo ho dokonce přítel srazil z útesu, nebojte se: prostě spadne zpátky do snu, připravený zkoušet to znovu a znovu.A co víc, pravidelná vydání úrovně znamenají, že konec zábavy v nedohlednu! Sbírka snů obsahuje 23 skvělých úrovní. Více než 40 milionů prodaných kusů ve všech formátech!Klíčové vlastnostiVíce lidí, více zábavy: Veselá hra pro více hráčů, ve zlomovém režimu hry se hráči nahlas smějí. Potřebujete rukou dostat ten balvan na katapult nebo potřebujete někoho, kdo rozbije tu zeď? Online multiplayer až pro 8 hráčů mění způsob, jakým se hraje Human: Fall Flat.Dokonalá hádanka: Složitost hádanek se pomalu zvyšuje, což umožňuje bezproblémový postup a obohacující zkoumání.Prázdné plátno: Svého člověka si můžete přizpůsobit. S oblečením od stavitele přes kuchaře, parašutisty, horníka, astronauta a ninji. Vyberte si hlavu, horní a spodní část těla a buďte kreativní s barvami!Dream Collection obsahuje:23 vydaných úrovní hry5 exkluzivních archů nálepekTrailer 719 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Interiérové dveře Roco 4*4 70L Bily 048
Dveře se prodávají bez zárubně a kliky        Zobrazené na webových stránkách barvy se mohou lišit od skutečných kvůli různým nastavením monitoru. 1 999 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

The Auguries (Cottam F. G.)(Pevná vazba)
"Cottam is a masterly maven of the deeply disturbing occult. His latest may well leave you with nightmares Kirkus Reviews In the 1500s an almanac full of magic spells was put together by someone intent on bringing about The End Times. It has resurfaced and is being used indiscriminately. An unexpected lunar eclipse. A poisonous fog that cripples the capital. Statues that weep blood. As the catalogue of calamities mount, fear and paranoia provoke rumours of terrorist attacks. But from whom? History professor Juliet Harrington is an authority on sixteenth-century mysticism and a long-time believer in the existence of the Almanac of Forbidden Wisdom, a potent spell-book legend insists was compiled in that period by a cabal of powerful occultists. Its magic is summoned though only at disastrous cost, signalled by The Auguries. Juliet is 634 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Selected Poems Elaine Feinstein (Feinstein Elaine)(Paperback)
She is an extremely fine poet. She has a sinewy, tenacious way of penetrating and exploring the core of her subject that seems to me unique. Her simple, clean language follows the track of the nerves. There is nothing hit or miss, nothing for effect, nothing false. Reading her poems one feels cleansed and sharpened.' Ted Hughes. Elaine Feinstein is not only among the best readers and translators we have of modern Russian verse. She is a subtle, poignant poet in her own right, and the author of a number of intensely crystallised, allusive fictions that are truly the novels of a poet. The pulse of narrative and of dramatic voice is vivid in her verse. Everything she has published is instinct with caring, with a rare intelligence of pain.' George Steiner. Elaine Feinstein is a poet of lyrical directness. That clear, passionate voice which she brought to her 250 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies for A Level Year 2 & A2 - Judaism (Gwynne-Kinsey Helen)(Paperback / softback)
Written by an experienced teacher and author, with an in-depth understanding of teaching, learning and assessment at A Level and AS this Student Book is endorsed by WJEC/Eduqas, offering high quality support you can 980 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Taste Of Innocence - Number 15 in series (Laurens Stephanie)(Paperback / softback)
Charles Morwellan has no intention of following in footsteps of his family - marrying for love. He is convinced that it was devotion to love that caused his father to shirk responsibilities of earldom and is determined not to make same mistakes. What he doesn't realise is the woman he chose, Sarah Conningham, wants nothing less than a love 229 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 Food and Drugs 800-1299, Revised as of April 1, 2020 (The Federal Register Office Of)(Paperback)
Title 21 presents regulations promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Office of the National Drug Control Agency in the area of food and drugs. 1 542 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

I Am Special: A Workbook to Help Children, Teens and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Understand Their Diagnosis, Gain Confi (Vermeulen Peter)(Paperback)
I am Special is a proven programme for helping children, teens and adults on the autism spectrum to understand themselves and their diagnosis, gain confidence and thrive. Peter Vermeulen describes in-depth the theory and research behind the programme, and explains how to use it in practice. He presents a series of specially-designed worksheets, included as online downloadable content in a handy printable format, on a wide range of topics, including how the brain works, physical characteristics, likes and dislikes, sensory issues, strengths and weaknesses, learning preferences, relationships and plans for the future. When completed, the worksheets can be used to build up a unique and personal book about the individual on the autism spectrum, to help foster self-understanding and self-confidence. For the very first time, the programme presented in this second edition is suitable 958 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Mog on Fox Night (Kerr Judith)(Paperback)
Share in fifty years of a really remarkable cat...Mog is everyone's favourite family cat Join her in this warm-hearted and funny escapade about what happens when Mog doesn't want to eat her supper...Celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Mog the Forgetful Cat with special anniversary editions of her much-loved adventures.From the creator of The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Mog the Forgetful Cat comes a delightful family adventure about a really remarkable cat "One day Mog did not want to eat her supper..."It's snowing and Mr Thomas is cross at having to take the rubbish out. Who would have thought that all this would lead to three foxes in Mog's kitchen?Mog the Forgetful Cat was first published fifty years ago, and Mog has been delighting children all over the world with her adventures ever since. 205 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Fear and the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Liberticidal Virus (Caron Jean-Franois)(Pevná vazba)
This book explores the forms of fear that are becoming more visible in liberal democracies and how they now tend to condition our existences in a way that is detrimental to our personal freedom. The author explores how the conception of human existence that now dominates in liberal societies and that places the highest value on the preservation of life at all cost plays a significant role in this regard. He explores the origins of this form of biopolitics that has emerged after the end of the Cold War and shows how it has dramatically changed our relationship with the state and also explains how this new dynamic has been favorable to the imposition of disproportional restrictions on our individual freedom. The Covid-19 pandemic has indeed shown that when the fear of dying ends up taking precedence over any other considerations, individuals and societies are led on an illiberal path 1 576 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Platinum End, Vol. 10, 10 (Ohba Tsugumi)(Paperback)
From the creators of Death Note Mirai may have been saved by an angel, but his battle is just beginning... As his classmates celebrate their middle school graduation, troubled Mirai is mired in darkness. But his battle is just beginning when he receives some salvation from above in the form of an angel. Now Mirai is pitted against 12 other chosen humans in a battle in which the winner becomes the next god of the world. Mirai has an angel in his corner, but he may need to become a devil to survive. Thanks to Susumu's TV announcement, the whole world now knows about the existence of the god candidates. Mirai and his friends find themselves being targeted by all kinds of government agencies. Their safety hinges on the ability to locate the remaining hidden candidates and put an end to the process. But the mysterious final god candidate might have their own dark 184 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Weaving the Paths of Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Practice of Human Being (Carter Helen)(Paperback)
Weaving the Paths of Buddhism and Psychotherapy is an empathic guide to integrating Eastern and Western wisdom traditions that share the common goal of easing distress. Following the so-called 'mindfulness revolution' there has been a surge in interest as to how Buddhism's overarching view on suffering may enhance therapeutic practice. This book is not just a clinical text; it is a first-person account of one Buddhist therapist educator's lived experience of bringing Buddhism into the very personal and relational experience of psychotherapy. Western-trained therapists will recognize key concepts: the existential underpinnings of distress, driver behaviour and scripts, modifications to contact such as projection and introjection, relational conditions for healing, ethical considerations, and working with complex presentations and trauma, among others. Through autobiographical 970 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Brodie's Report (Luis Borges Jorge)(Paperback / softback)
The art of writing is mysterious; the opinions we hold are ephemeral. This title presents eleven short 276 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Chosen - who pays the price of a writer's fame? (Lowry Elizabeth)(Paperback / softback)
A love story and a ghost story - and the story of how some of the greatest love poems ever written in English, the 'Poems of 1912-13', came to 282 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Treasure in Heaven: Live, Love, and Prosper (Arthur Christal)(Pevná vazba)
Many people don't understand how and why they make financial decisions. Most people believe the financial decisions they make today are separate from the spiritual results tomorrow. There is no spiritual savings account, checking account, or payment plan. Financial decision making often reflects the condition of the heart, mind, and soul.Most people believe in financial shortcuts. They believe they can 'hit the jackpot, ' 'strike oil, ' 'hit the mother lode, ' and that 'our ship has come in.' All those expressions represent an immediate expectation of wealth and prosperity. Many people believe that once wealth and prosperity are received, then satisfaction, happiness, and peace soon follow. Our daily decision-making can impact our spiritual savings. We should consider: What are our resources? Where does the Lord fit into our financial planning? How do I measure 422 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Mickey Ready, Set, Fun!: A Lift-And-Seek Book (Disney Books)(Board Books)
Join Mickey and the gang for some fun and friendly competition The friends will compete in four different events: the Great Food Truck Challenge, the Mini Golf Games, the Winter Races, and last but not least, the Rip Roarin' Off-Road Rally. With over 50 flaps to peek under, the Mickey fun is never 323 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Monologue Woven for You Vol. 3 (Yasaka Syu)(Paperback)
A beautifully illustrated, full-color yuri love story at the intersection of two women's conflicting passions. Nao and Haruka spend happy days together with their shared dream. Yet all it takes is one small event to trigger others much larger. Haruka collapses at work and Nao rushes to her side, abandoning her plan to finally tell Haruka of their shared past on the stage. When secrets break free and histories are remembered, both Nao and Haruka must face the consequences of the revelation. The final 300 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Imagery Intervention: a Sport Performance Perspective (Singh Narinder)(Paperback)
Narinder Singh's thorough book "Imagery Intervention: A Sport Performance Perspective" examines the function of imagery in sports performance. The book offers a thorough examination of the numerous ways in which images might improve performance as well as the supporting data. Beginning with the fundamentals of imaging, the author goes over its many elements, including visual, aural, kinesthetic, and olfactory imagery. The information processing theory, the self-efficacy theory, and the self-regulation theory are only a few of the theories he discusses after that in relation to images.The book also discusses the practical uses of imagery in sports, such as warm-up exercises, inspiration, self-assurance, skill development, and recovery. Singh offers helpful advice and techniques, such as goal-setting, guided imagery, and visualisation exercises, for utilising imagery to 523 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Mike Meyers' Comptia A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Pcs, Seventh Edition (Exams 220-1101 & 220-1102) (Meyers Mike)(Paperback)
Essential skills for a successful IT career--thoroughly revised for the 2022 revisions to both CompTIA A+ examsSeries Edited by the leading authority on CompTIA A+ certification and training, Mike Meyers, and written by an experienced team of CompTIA A+ experts and trainers, this full-color textbook helps students acquire core technology skills while becoming certified IT professionals with proven expertise in hardware and software--and helps them pass the latest versions of the CompTIA A+ exams with ease. The book features special design elements and end of chapter reviews that reinforce salient points. on-the-job tips, and hundreds of photographs and illustrations.Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Seventh Edition (Exam 220-1101 and 220-1102) covers core hardware and operating system technologies, including installation, 1 599 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

The Official Peanuts Cookbook Collection: 150+ Recipes for Young Chefs and Their Families (Weldon Owen)(Paperback)
This colorful cookbook collection features kid-friendly recipes, classic comics, and original illustrations inspired by all your favorite characters from the Peanuts Gang. More than 150 recipes found throughout the three books featured in this giftable box set are the perfect way for kids to get creative in the kitchen. Dive into The Peanuts Family Cookbook and whip up French Foreign Legion Toast, Cormac and Cheese, or Camp Kamp Chili Chow. The Peanuts Holiday Cookbook provides sweet treats for favorite occasions all year round from Easter Egg Lollipops to Snoopy's Gingerbread Doghouse. Find packable snacks, sandwiches, treats, and more in Peanuts Lunch Bag Cookbook with 50 recipes perfectly portable for lunchtime on the go. A colorful array of classic comic strips and original illustrations offer festive embellishment on every page of each of these three unique 771 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation (Samuel Kim)(Pevná vazba)
An exploration of the power of belonging in an age of social isolation, drawing on lessons from innovative leaders, individuals, and organizations to show how we can create lives and communities centered on human connection What does it mean to belong? Today we're at an inflection point. Stress, disconnection, and increasing environmental degradation have people yearning for more than just material progress, legal liberty, or political stability. We are yearning for deeper connection. We are longing to belong. In On Belonging, Kim Samuel explores our current crisis and maps out four dimensions of belonging: in our relationships with other people, in our rootedness in nature, in our ability to influence political and economic decision-making, and in our finding of meaning and purpose in our lives. An expert on the subject and an advocate with strong international 484 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Japanese Gardens: Kyoto (Nakata Akira)(Paperback)
96 breathtakingly stunning Japanese gardens you must visit in Kyoto Kyoto's gardens are among the city's many glories. They are beautiful, thought-provoking. These unparalleled works of art at the creative frontier between man and nature date mainly from the Kamakura, Muromachi, and early Edo periods (approximately 1200 to 1650). These were eras of political and cultural ferment left us with many significant developments in the arts from the Noh theater to weaving and dyeing. The gardens of Kyoto featured in this book are a spectacular example of this peerless art form and collectively form a distinctive aspect of Japanese cultural heritage. Gardens, by incorporating living elements into a man-made design that is then integrated with buildings and other structures, necessarily embody their builders' philosophies concerning the relationship between humanity and nature. Those 577 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

The Beat Cop: Chicago's Chief O'Neill and the Creation of Irish Music (O'Malley Michael)(Pevná vazba)
The remarkable story of how modern Irish music was shaped and spread through the brash efforts of a Chicago police chief.Irish music as we know it today was invented not only in the cobbled lanes of Dublin or the green fields of County Kerry but in the burgeoning American metropolis of early-twentieth-century Chicago. The boundaries of the genre combine a long vernacular tradition with one man's curatorial quirks. That man was Francis O'Neill: a larger-than-life Chicago police chief, and an Irish immigrant with an intense interest in his home country's music.Michael O'Malley's The Beat Cop tells the story of this hardly unknown yet little-investigated figure, from his birth in Ireland in 1865 to a rough-and-tumble early life in the United States. By 1901, O'Neill had worked his way up to become Chicago's chief of police, where he developed new methods of 732 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Heartland: Three Essays on Geopolitics (Mackinder Halford)(Paperback)
Heartland is a fascinating introduction to a pioneer of geopolitics. Halford Mackinder's trailblazing ideas have influenced international politics to this day. His concept that world domination depends on the control of the global "pivot area" or "heartland" - the centre of the large land mass of Europe and Asia - has informed the political tactics and wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe through the decades. His theories have influenced politicians and political scientists for generations, most notably Zbigniew Brzezinski, adviser to a long line of U.S. presidents. In our times, the importance of Mackinder's heartland theory for the United States' fight to enforce global hegemony, Russia's struggle to stay independent and relevant on a world stage, and China's plans to establish a trade route between East and West, make Heartland essential reading for 270 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

You Had Me at Halloumi - Not just a cheesy holiday romance . . . (Jones Ginger)(Paperback / softback)
When it comes to love, its feta late than never . . . Freya Butterly has always dreamed of being a Head Chef but despite running every service at the Mediterranean restaurant, she still doesn't get the recognition she deserves. Craving adventure and a real taste of the Mediterranean, Freya takes matters into her own hands, ditching both her job and unsupportive boyfriend, she packs her bags for sunny Cyprus in pursuit of the prestigious Golden Spoon culinary award. As one of the seven competitors, Freya is determined to clinch the trophy and rediscover her passion for food, but what she doesn't expect to discover is Xanthos. As gorgeous as he is charming - he's quite the dish. Freya is instantly attracted to him, but this trip was about Cypriot cuisine, not cypriot sausage (ahem, romance) and she knows she must not let Xanthos distract her from the competition. But if she walks away, 228 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

iPad and iPad Pro for Dummies (McFedries Paul)(Paperback)
It's tablet time! Get acquainted with the latest iPadOS and devices, the easy way Up a creek without an iPaddle? Dummies has got you covered, with iPad & iPad Pro 2022-2023 For Dummies. This is your stay-afloat guide to the latest version of iPadOS and all the new features of Apple's leading tablet. We offer a step-by-step guide to iPad maintenance, operation, and personalization, so you can figure out your new device quickly and spend your time doing the fun stuff. Photos, videos, apps, productivity, communication, maps, and beyond--plus a host of new features that we'll introduce you to, right in this book. Get acquainted with the basics of using and customizing your iPad or iPad Pro Discover the new and exciting changes that come with the latest iPadOS release Get the most out of your iPad by mastering the top apps and productivity 911 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Radical Landscapes(Paperback / softback)
The first of its kind, investigating the British landscape as a site of artistic inspiration, action and a heartland for ideas of freedom, mysticism, experimentation and rebellion. Contributions from campaigners, naturalists, environmentalists and social historians explore art in the age of the climate 632 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Sociology, Work and Organisation: Seventh Edition (Watson Tony)(Paperback)
The seventh edition of Sociology, Work and Organisation is outstandingly effective in explaining how we can use the sociological imagination to understand the nature of institutions of work, organisations, occupations, management and employment and how they are changing in the twenty-first century. Intellectual and accessible, it is unrivalled in the breadth of its coverage and its authoritative overview of both traditional and emergent themes in the sociological study of work and organisation. The direction and implications of trends in technological change are fully considered and the book recognises the extent to which these trends are intimately related to changing patterns of inequality in modern societies and to the changing experiences of individuals and families. Key features of the text are: clear structure; 'key issue' guides and 1 872 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Trover Saves the Universe, Volume 1 (Stone Tess)(Paperback)
For fans of RICK AND MORTY and MEGA MAN! A new limited series filled with mystery, murder, and mayhem from fan-favorite author TESS STONE, set in the world of Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland's hit video game series Trover Saves the Universe! Welcome to the ICJ--Important Cosmic Jobs--where employees are ranked by their boss, and at the end of each month, the worst employee literally gets the ax. It's...not a great gig. But when ICJ's top eyehole monster winds up dead, the company's most inept (and rival) employees, Klover and Bo, are falsely accused of his murder and hunted by the Space Cops! Now they must clear their names and unravel a conspiracy that reaches the very top...that is, if they don't kill each other first! Collects TROVER SAVES THE UNIVERSE #1-5. 356 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Feasting and Fasting in Opera: From Renaissance Banquets to the Callas Diet (Polzonetti Pierpaolo)(Pevná vazba)
Feasting and Fasting in Opera shows that the consumption of food and drink is an essential component of opera, both on and off stage. In this book, opera scholar Pierpaolo Polzonetti explores how convivial culture shaped the birth of opera and opera-going rituals until the mid-nineteenth century, when eating and drinking at the opera house were still common. Through analyses of convivial scenes in operas, the book also shows how the consumption of food and drink, and sharing or the refusal to do so, define characters' identity and relationships. Feasting and Fasting in Opera moves chronologically from around 1480 to the middle of the nineteenth century, when Wagner's operatic reforms banished refreshments during the performance and mandated a darkened auditorium and absorbed listening. The book focuses on questions of comedy, pleasure, embodiment, 1 210 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

A Standard of Grace: Guided Journal (Ley Emily)(Pevná vazba)
Are you standing in the middle of opportunity and being overwhelmed of crazy when you really need calm? Not sure where to start to simplify and bring grace and peace to your home?A Standard of Grace is a gorgeous four-color, joy-inspiring guided journal designed to help you nurture your dreams, discover your hopes, and pay attention to those things you hold dearest to your heart. With quotes, journaling prompts, and Scripture, bestselling author of Grace, Not Perfection and A Simplified Life Emily Ley, encourages you to reach for the life of you want--all while holding to a standard of grace.Both gorgeous and useful, A Standard of Grace will make a lovely gift and keepsake as well as be a powerful tool for both embracing where you are while reaching for your goals and dreams. Through practical, easy-to-follow prompts for journaling 465 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Gallowglass (Vine Barbara)(Paperback / softback)
Gallowglass is a thrilling crime classic from the bestselling, prize-winning author Barbara Vine When Sandor snatched little Joe from the path of a London Tube train, he was quick to make clear the terms of the rescue. 'I saved your life, ' he told the homeless youngster, 'so your life belongs to me now'. Sandor began to tell him a fairy-tale: an ageing prince, a kidnapped princess chained by one ankle, a missed rendezvous. But what did this mysterious story have to do with Sandor's preparations? Joe had only understood his own role: he was a gallowglass, the servant of a Chief... 'On one level this is a novel about kidnapping. On another its concerns are obsession, the destructive nature of romantic illusions, and love. As Ms Vine unfolds it, nothing is quite what it seems' Guardian Gallowglass is a modern crime masterpiece that will have you 385 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Sports Media History: Culture, Technology, Identity (Carvalho John)(Pevná vazba)
This research collection explores the ongoing interaction between sports, media, and society throughout important periods in history, from the nineteenth century to the present day. It examines both historical moments and broader trends in sports, with an emphasis on the media's role.Encompassing a variety of research approaches and perspectives, the book looks at the individuals, mass media outlets and communication technologies that have affected societies on a global scale, including print, photography, broadcast (radio and television), Internet-based media, and public relations/marketing. It presents fascinating new case studies covering topics as diverse as sports journalism and the Third Reich, Argentina at the Mexico World Cup, post-9/11 sports reporting, Martina Navratilova and women's tennis, the growth of fantasy sport, and the significance of Joe Louis and Jackie 4 645 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Monstrous Mandalas Coloring Book (McAllister Cristina)(Paperback)
8.25 inch square format coloring book with 20 delightfully dark mandalas featuring the world's most infamous monsters from myth, literature and pop culture. Each spread of single-sided pages features a mandala design, plus info about the creature, additional illustrations to practice on and space to test your colors. Grab your gel pens, fine tips and a good pencil sharpener, because the details can get devilishly delicate...but you're not afraid of that, are you? Monsters include: the Great Old Ones, Vampire, Daikaiju, Balrog, Witch, Wyrm, Medusa, Bigfoot, Mummy, Wendigo, Slenderman, Leviathan, Minotaur, Jorogumo, Zombies, the Grim Reaper, Werewolf, Chupacabra, T-Rex and 218 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Superior Spider-Man Vol. 2: Otto-Matic (Gage Christos)(Paperback)
Collects Superior Spider-Man (2018) #7-12. Like the rest of America, the West Coast has been overrun with Frost Giants! But Otto Octavius doesn't settle for chaos - he plans to win the War of the Realms single-handedly. Well, maybe not single-handedly. He needs minions. Super-minions! So he recruits...the West Coast Avengers?! Will Otto Octavius and Quentin Quire become BFFs? If they can somehow work together and save San Francisco, Otto will be due a parade - but any celebrations might be short-lived, because someone dangerous is coming. Otto calls himself the Superior Spider-Man? Norman Osborn, the Spider-Man of Earth-44145 you met in SPIDER-GEDDON, begs to differ - and has some very creative ways to prove his true superiority! Norman is out to destroy everything. Does Otto stand a chance of stopping him? Does he even stand a chance at living through 427 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Enforcing Silence: Academic Freedom, Palestine and the Criticism of Israel (Landy David)(Paperback)
Academic freedom is under siege, as our universities become the sites of increasingly fraught battles over freedom of speech. While much of the public debate has focussed on 'no platforming' by students, this overlooks the far graver threat posed by concerted efforts to silence the critical voices of both academics and students, through the use of bureaucracy, legal threats and online harassment. Such tactics have conspicuously been used, with particularly virulent effect, in an attempt to silence academic criticism of Israel. This collection uses the controversies surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a means of exploring the limits placed on academic freedom in a variety of different national contexts. It looks at how the increased neoliberalisation of higher education has shaped the current climate, and considers how academics and their universities should respond to 665 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Colour - Making and Using Dyes and Pigments (Delamare Francois)(Paperback / softback)
From the 40000-years-old painted caves at Lascaux and the medieval cloth trade to the synthetic chemistry of modern times, colour making has been central to our lives. This book surveys the history of dyes and pigments, the invention of new colours, and the industries that fuelled 203 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Painting as Model (Bois Yve-Alain)(Paperback)
Informed by both structuralism and poststructuralism, these essays by art critic and historian Yve Alain Bois seek to redefine the status of theory in modernist critical discourse. Warning against the uncritical adoption of theoretical fashions and equally against the a priori rejection of all theory, Bois argues that theory is best employed in response to the specific demands of a critical problem. The essays lucidly demonstrate the uses of various theoretical approaches in conjunction with close reading of both paintings and 1 246 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Hawthorne, Gender, and Death: Christianity and Its Discontents (Weldon R.)(Pevná vazba)
This book draws on a range of critical approaches, including cultural anthropology, psychoanalytic theory, political justice theory, and feminist theory, to consider the ways that strategies of death denial and their compensatory consolations offer insight into the ethical, gender, and religious questions raised by Hawthorne's 1 775 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Child (Barton Fiona)(Paperback)
171 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Mrs. Lincoln's Sisters (Chiaverini Jennifer)(Paperback)
"A fascinating glimpse into the women of an influential family on the front lines of some of the most important moments of that indelible time."--BooklistThe New York Times bestselling author of Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker returns to her most famous heroine, Mary Todd Lincoln, in this compelling story of love, loss, and sisterhood rich with history and suspense.In May 1875, Elizabeth Todd Edwards reels from news that her younger sister Mary, former First Lady and widow of President Abraham Lincoln, has attempted suicide. Mary's shocking act followed legal proceedings arranged by her eldest and only surviving son that declared her legally insane. Although they have long been estranged, Elizabeth knows Mary's tenuous mental health has deteriorated through decades of trauma and loss. 332 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Chase (Barclay Linwood)(Paperback)
Get ready to run . . . an edge-of-your-seat thriller with bite from international bestselling author Linwood Barclay, in his first novel for 9-12 year olds. Chipper is a very special dog. As part of a top-secret, multi-million dollar experiment to create the ultimate canine spy technology, Chipper's whole life has been spent within the walls of a secret organization known only as The Institute. Chipper is supposed to be more machine than mutt, but something's wrong and The Institute knows it. He's about to be terminated. Across the state, twelve-year-old orphan Jeff Conway is working all hours at his aunt Flo's lakeside cabin business. He misses his parents, his old life, and the dog he had to leave behind. When Chipper escapes and his and Jeff's paths collide, dog and boy find themselves tangled up in the most dangerous game of chase imaginable... Winner of 211 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

South Pacific Anchorages (Clay Warwick)(Paperback)
Details of harbours and anchorages in the pacific south of the equator between New Guinea and South 614 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Recording Britain (Saunders Gill)(Pevná vazba)
Recording Britain was an artistic documentary project sponsored by the British government in the late 1930s as the country faced the potentially devastating impact of a second world war. The resulting collection of more than 1,500 watercolors and drawings, by both well-known and amateur artists, is a rich visual record of buildings, landscapes, and livelihoods perceived to be under threat. Recording Britain brings together highlights from this extraordinary collection at the V&A, vivid images of national and regional identity that often portray an idealized account of the country for which its audience, at the time, was fighting. The pictures are discussed in relation to contemporary British artists and photographers such as John Virtue, Conrad Atkinson, Richard Long, and Laura Oldfield Ford, whose work also reflects on a sense of 882 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

The Love Curse of Melody McIntyre (Talley Robin)(Pevná vazba)
Perfect for fans of Becky Albertalli and Nina LaCour, this romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Robin Talley has something for everyone: backstage rendezvous, deadly props, and a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to True Love.Melody McIntyre, stage manager extraordinaire, has a plan for everything.What she doesn't have? Success with love. Every time she falls for someone during a school performance, both the romance and the show end in catastrophe. So, Mel swears off any entanglements until their upcoming production of Les Mis is over.Of course, Mel didn't count on Odile Rose, rising star in the acting world, auditioning for the spring performance. And she definitely didn't expect Odile to be sweet and funny, and care as much about the play's success as Mel.Which means that Melody McIntyre's only plan 525 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Itf+ Comptia It Fundamentals All-In-One Exam Guide, Second Edition (Exam Fc0-U61) (LaChance Daniel)(Paperback)
This fully updated study guide delivers 100% coverage of every topic on the CompTIA ITF+ IT Fundamentals examTake the CompTIA ITF+ IT Fundamentals exam with complete confidence using this bestselling and effective self-study system. Written by CompTIA certification and training experts, this authoritative guide explains foundational computer technologies in full detail. You'll find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice exam questions, and in-depth explanations throughout. Designed to help you pass the exam with ease, this definitive volume also serves as an essential on-the-job reference. Also includes a voucher coupon for a 10% discount on your CompTIA exams Covers all exam topics, including: - Computer basics- System hardware- I/O ports and peripherals- Data storage and sharing- PC setup and 920 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Decisions (Dobelli Rolf)(Paperback / softback)
The international bestseller! An indispensable book that will change the way you think and transform your decision-making - at work, at home, every 283 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Doomsday Clock: The Complete Collection (Johns Geoff)(Paperback)
The world of Watchmen collides with the DC Universe in the most shocking story in DC history Presented by master storytellers Geoff Johns and Gary Frank--As the Doomsday Clock ticks toward midnight, the DC Universe will encounter its greatest threat: Dr. Manhattan. But nothing is hidden from Manhattan, and the secrets of the past, present, and future will leave ramifications on our heroes' lives forever. NOTHING EVER REALLY ENDS... The world of Watchmen collides with the DC Universe in Doomsday Clock, from Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, the critically acclaimed team behind Shazam : Origins and Batman: Earth One. Seven years after the events of Watchmen, Adrian Veidt has been exposed as the murderer of millions. Now a fugitive, he has come up with a new plan to redeem himself in the eyes of the world. The first 899 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Overstimulating World (Zeff Ted)(Paperback)
If you're a highly sensitive person (HSP), you're in good company. HSP's make up some 20 percent of the population, individuals like you who both enjoy and wrestle with a finely tuned nervous system. You often sense things that others ignore such as strong smells, bright lights, and the crush of crowds. Even the presence of strangers in your immediate vicinity can cause you considerable distraction. You already know that this condition can be a gift, but, until you learn to master your sensitive nervous system, you might be operating in a constant state of overstimulation. As an HSP, the most important thing you can learn is how to manage your increased sensitivity to both physical and emotional stimulation. This accessible, practical guide contains strategies to help you master this critical skill. Build your coping skills by exploring the books engaging exercises. Then, keep 478 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

A Constellation of Vital Phenomena (Marra Anthony)(Paperback)
New York Times Notable Book of the YearIn a small rural village in Chechnya, eight-year-old Havaa watches from the woods as Russian soldiers abduct her father in the middle of the night and then set fire to her home. When their lifelong neighbor Akhmed finds Havaa hiding in the forest with a strange blue suitcase, he makes a decision that will forever change their lives. He will seek refuge at the abandoned hospital where the sole remaining doctor, Sonja Rabina, treats the wounded. For Sonja, the arrival of Akhmed and Havaa is an unwelcome surprise. Weary and overburdened, she has no desire to take on additional risk and responsibility. But over the course of five extraordinary days, Sonja's world will shift on its axis and reveal the intricate pattern of connections that weaves together the pasts of these three unlikely companions and unexpectedly decides 365 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Between Camps: Nations, Cultures and the Allure of Race (Gilroy Paul)(Paperback)
In this provocative book, now reissued with a new introduction, Paul Gilroy contends that race-thinking has distorted the finest promises of modern democracy. He compels us to see that fascism was the principal political innovation of the twentieth century - and that its power to seduce did not die in a bunker in Berlin.Between Camps addresses questions such as: * Why do we still divide humanity into different identity groups based on skin colour? * Did all the good done by the Civil Rights Movement and the decolonization of the Third World have such little lasting effect? Gilroy examines the ways in which media and commodity culture have become pre-eminent in our lives in the years since the 1960s and especially in the 1980s with the rise of hip-hop and other militancies. With this trend, he contends, much that was valuable about black culture has 1 440 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Artemis Fowl 3-Book Paperback Boxed Set (Colfer Eoin)(Boxed Set)
The first three books from New York Times best-selling author, Eoin Colfer, and series, Artemis Fowl, is now available in a sharp boxed set.Artemis Fowl, a major motion picture from Walt Disney Studios, is now streaming on Disney+!The Artemis Fowl series has enjoyed phenomenal worldwide success and has sold more than nine million copies in the United States alone. Includes a three-chapter sampler of the new Artemis Fowl graphic novelArtemis Fowl "Will grab your interest, no matter what your age."-The New York PostThe Arctic Incident "The world that Colfer creates is as vivid and fantastical as any shire, Gotham, or galaxy far, far away in recent memory." ? Entertainment Weekly (A-review)The Eternity Code * 503 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

A Foreign Sky (Merton Nigel)(Paperback)
A Foreign Sky is the first published work by Nigel Merton . It is a collection of descriptive and imaginative verses and poetry which ensure the readers' thoughts are truly infiltrated. The poems and verses cover many subjects from celebrations and ghosts to the breeze and stars. The poems and verses contain many references to nature and the outside world and invoke different feelings within the reader, ensuring full enjoyment is felt throughout the whole 182 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Frightened Puppy (Webb Holly)(Paperback / softback)
When Avery finds a frightened puppy while on holiday, she knows she has to help her. But how can she win Hazel's 158 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Welcome to the Woke Trials: How #Identity Killed Progressive Politics (Burchill Julie)(Pevná vazba)
In 2013, the journalist Julie Burchill wrote a mischievous newspaper column defending a friend against political extremists. She was pursued by an outraged mob, denounced in Parliament and never published in that paper - or any other - for many years. Welcome To The Woke Trials is part-memoir and part-indictment of what happened to her between then and now, as the regiments of Woke took over; an irreverent and entertaining analysis of the key elements of a continuing and disturbing phenomenon. Raised in a Communist household and a lifelong Labour voter, Burchill also makes the case for a progressive future politics, a time when we see ourselves as a common humanity with similar hopes and visions - rather than a childish world of villains and 1 077 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Vypadáš skvěle (Petr Lesák)
18 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Christification (Cooper Jordan)(Paperback)
The doctrine of theosis has enjoyed a recent resurgence among varied theological traditions across the realms of historical, dogmatic, and exegetical theology. In Christification: A Lutheran Approach to Theosis, Jordan Cooper evaluates this teaching from a Lutheran perspective. He examines the teachings of the church fathers, the New Testament, and the Lutheran Confessional tradition in conversation with recent scholarship on theosis. Cooper proposes that the participationist soteriology of the early fathers expressed in terms of theosis is compatible with Luther's doctrine of forensic justification. The historic Lutheran tradition, Scripture, and the patristic sources do not limit soteriological discussions to legal terminology, but instead offer a multifaceted doctrine of salvation that encapsulates both participatory and forensic motifs. This is compared and contrasted with the 434 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

From Plato to Postmodernism (Johnson Greg)(Paperback)
Greg Johnson's From Plato to Postmodernism collects essays and lectures on philosophical, political, and cultural themes in Plato, Aristotle, Vico, Rousseau, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Yeats, Husserl, Heidegger, J nger, Cassirer, Camus, and Koj ve. Written in a lucid and lively style and illustrated with examples from ordinary life and popular culture, these essays and lectures are ideal introductions to some of the most profound and influential thinkers of the 533 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Reincarnated as a Sword (Light Novel) Vol. 13 (Tanaka Yuu)(Paperback)
A modern otaku is reborn into a fantasy world as a sword in this hilarious new light novel series! (Don't miss the manga adaptation, new spin-off series, and anime!) Reincarnated as a sentient weapon with memories of his past life, but not his name, a magical sword saves a young beastgirl from a life of slavery. Fran, the cat-eared girl, becomes his wielder, and wants only to grow stronger, while the sword wants to know why he is here. Together, the strange duo's journey has only just 333 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Moving Towards Transition: Commoning Mobility for a Low-Carbon Future (Adey Peter)(Paperback)
Drawing on an innovative project exploring current mobility transition policies and practices in 14 countries around the world, including key institutions such as the European Union and the United Nations, this book provides a critique of current transitions, mobility and transport policies. The authors consider how our mobility futures have been imagined, what they will potentially look and feel like, what lives we might live in them and what choices we might have to make to get 1 126 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Surfacing Glitch (Hughes Stephen)(Paperback)
338 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Chinese Folktales (Wang Xiulu)(Paperback)
Capturing the exquisite and the powerful, the wise and innocent stories from Ancient China, each bursting with life and virtue. Chinese Folklore is drawn from over three thousand years of storytelling, with early legends of the gods and heroes, weird mysteries of sorcery and elemental forces, tales of the land and the animals within, and delightful sketches of love. Fantasy and philosophy often play important roles as the young and the old, the wise and the ignorant, the obtuse and the curious, explore the world around them, and the best way to live. A new introduction highlights the delights within, including 'The King of the Ants', 'The Ghost Who Was Foiled', 'A Night on the Battlefield', 'The Lady of the Moon' and 'The Flower Elves'. Xiulu Wang and Chuanji Hu (Introduction), both from Sun Yat-sen University in China, bring their rich expertise to this 235 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Dokonalý džentlmen (Robert O'Byrne)
22 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Optimisté žijí déle (Heidelore Klugeová)
32 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Renewable Energy Production and Distribution Volume 2: Solutions and Opportunities (Jeguirim Mejdi)(Paperback)
Renewable Energy Production and Distribution: Solutions and Opportunities, Volume Four, the latest release in the Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies series, looks at the production performance of renewable energy sources and emerging production processes. Containing all major renewable energy technologies in individual chapters, this reference includes some of the most dynamic developments, good practices and future concepts in solar energy systems, energy storage, geothermal energy, bioenergy and hydrogen production. By reviewing these advances, considering them in real world applications and analyzing key challenges, this book provides readers with an up-to-date resource on renewable energy grid integration and its importance. This newest volume will be of interest to sustainability, energy and engineering graduates, researchers, professors as well as 4 199 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024

Immanence of the Infinite: Hans Blumenberg and the Threshold to Modernity (Brient Elizabeth)(Pevná vazba)
Most scholars would agree that there is an epochal threshold between the world of the Middle Ages and the modern world. Agreement on the nature and dynamic structure of that threshold is harder to come by. Hans Blumenberg's original and compelling account of the transition from medieval to modern, given in his 1966 work The Legitimacy of the Modern Age, has received wide attention. Elizabeth Brient begins her own account of the transition with an extensive, critical assessment of central aspects of Blumenberg's work. She elucidates his "dialogical" method of historical explanation, then discusses the shortcomings of his defense of the "legitimacy" of modernity. The transition to the modern world is marked by the process of making infinite the finite medieval cosmos. Whereas Blumenberg focused on the spatial infinitization of the universe, Brient claims that the process 2 287 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 13.09.2024