XCOM 2 je pokračováním cenami ověnčené strategické hry roce 2012 XCOM: Enemy Unknown .Dvacet let uplynulo od doby, kdy světoví vůdci bezpodmínečně kapitulovali před mimozemskými silami a jednotka XCOM, poslední linie obrany planety, zůstala zdecimována a rozptýlená. Nyní vládnou Zemi mimozemšťané, staví zářivé města, které naoko slibují skvělou budoucnost pro lidstvo, zatímco tají zlověstný program a eliminují všechny, kteří nesouhlasí s jejich novým řádem.Pouze ti, kteří žijí na okrajích společnosti mají určitou svobodu. Právě zde se shromažďuje nová síla, připravena znovu povstat pro lidstvo. Pozůstatky jednotky XCOM, stále útěku, musí najít způsob, jak povstat z popela, odhalit zákeřnou pravdu o okupaci a eliminovat hrozbu mimozemšťanů jednou provždy. Převezměte velení nad Avengerem, mimozemsklou zásobovací lodí přestavěnou na mobilní velitelství XCOM. Velte svým úderným jednotkám po celém světě, získávejte podporu veřejnosti a odhalte zlověstné plány mimozemšťanů. Pět tříd vojáků, z nichž každý má vlastní strom dovedností obsahujících i zcela nové schopnosti pro jednotlilvé třídy. Nové herní systémy nabízejí více taktické flexibility v boji. Stav světa ovlivňuje prostředí každé bojové mise. Tajně přepadejte nepřátelské hlídky a ukořistěte drahé zařízení a artefakty a zachraňujte VIP a raněných spolubojovníkům tím, že je odvedete na místo vyzvednutí. Různorodé obsazení nepřátel, včetně vynucovatelem mimozemského režimu, adventní a mocné nové mimozemské druhy, které nabízejí výraznou taktickou výzvu. Nakonfigurujte a budujte místnosti na lodi Avenger pro nové nové možnosti na bojišti. Používejte vědců a inženýrů na výzkum, vývoj a vylepšení zbraní a brnění. Vydejte se na mise po celém světě, od divokých krajů, přes mimozenšťani ovládané velkoměsta, až do hlubin mimozemských zařízení. Procedurálně generované mapy nabízejí prakticky nekonečné kombinace map, misí a cílů. Komunitní nástroje Vám umožňují vytvořit si vlastní kampaň, taktickou hratelnost, mimozemšťanů, třídy postav, strategické funkce a sdílet je v rámci Steam Workshop. Spojujte jednotky lidí a mimozemšťanů a bojujte na náhodně generovaných multiplayerových mapách. 409 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Skleněná dóza - Ø 21*30 cm Clayre & Eef
Skleněná dóza - Ø 21*30 cmMateriál : skloBarva : transparentníHmotnost: 0,55 kgPraktická skleněná dóza s víčkem na uchování a skladování potravin v kuchyni nebo ve špajzce. 378 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Dlažba Trento blanco rekt. 60/60 Lappato
549 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Ponorné čerpadlo GH-SP 2768
Jmenovité napětí - 230 V - 50 HzPříkon - 270 WDopravované množství / výška max. - 6 800 l/h/ 5,5mHloubka ponoru max. 5 mCizí tělesa do 5 mmPlošné odsávání do - 8 mmHadicová přípojka - cca 47,8 mm (G1,5) IGTeplota vody max. 35 °CDélka síťového vedení - 10 mPonorné čerpadlo je výkonný a velmi spolehlivý pomocník pro vyprazdňování sudů na dešťovou vodu, odčerpání zatopených sklepů, jímek, nádrží apod. Výkon 270 W, čerpadlo dosahuje rychlosti čerpání 6800 litrů za hodinu. Čerpadlo automaticky spíná vestavěným plovákovým spínačem. Kvalitní materiály a konstrukce, jako např. hnací hřídel a mechanická ucpávka z nerezové oceli, zajišťují minimální opotřebení a dlouhou životnost. Je vybaven držadlem pro uživatelsky poholnou přepravu. Díky integrovanému navíjení kabelu je čerpadlo bezpečně skladovatelné.Produktová karta   1 390 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Palisáda 40 cm
Zahradní palisáda, rozměry (šířka x výška): 302 x 10 cm, 8 ks 439 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Bidetová baterie s výpustí Metalia 57 chrom NOVASERVIS 57011
Vodovodní baterie METALIA jsou českým výrobkem, který si svou spolehlivostí, příznivou cenou a atraktivním designem získává mnohé zákazníky. Baterie jsou osazeny odolnou, keramickou kartuší KEROX.Pro delší životnost baterie a komfort užívání doporučujeme montáž vodovodního filtru. Vodovodní baterie METALIA doporučuje český Cech topenářů a instalatérů.Kvalitní a odolná keramická kartuše s prodlouženou zárukou 7 let. Prvotřídní chromové provedení. Bidetová baterie s 5/4 "uzávěrem výpusti. Kloubový aerátor s možností nastavení úhlu. Součástí baterie jsou přívodní hadičky.Milovníci designu si přijdou na své díky výrazné konstrukci METALIA 57. Ověřená kvalita vás přesvědčí. Nejprodávanější české vodovodní baterie METALIA. Tuto značku rozhodně vystihuje - vysoká kvalita, moderní design, funkčnost a uživatelský komfort.  NOVASERVIS 1 899 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Lišta 16".325 1,5 mm 66OGN. 26-06003
191 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Štětec na tapety 100
Štětec na malování velkých povrchů a na tapetování, kde se používá na roztírání lepidla 76 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Štětka kulatá 45
Kartáč z čínských štětin. Dřevěná rukojeť, nenatřená. 29 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

WC sedátko Duroplast Kaskada-Bis Panty Kovové

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

RAV-SLEZÁK Baterie dřezová stojánková SEINA SE918.0
Vodovodní baterie dřezová stojánková s otočným ústím - pro dvě vody - pitnou a užitkovou. Typ připojení flexi hadic: ˝0˝ - připojení flexi hadic 3/8˝ (SE914.0), ˝5˝ - připojení flexi hadic 1/2˝ (SE914.5). Tuto baterii lze kombinovat s umyvadlovými, vanovými a sprchovými bateriemi ze série SEINA RAV-SLEZÁK. Záruka: na těsnost odlitku (tělo baterie) - 10 let, na povrchovou úpravu - 6 let, na ostatní díly 2 roky 3 159 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

RAV-SLEZÁK Baterie bidetová stojánková LABE L508.0/9
Vodovodní baterie bidetová stojánková s otočným ústím. Typ připojení flexi hadic: ˝0˝ - připojení flexi hadic 3/8˝ (L508.0/9), ˝5˝ - připojení flexi hadic 1/2˝ (L508.5/9). Tuto baterii lze kombinovat s umyvadlovými, vanovými a sprchovými bateriemi ze série LABE RAV-SLEZÁK. Záruka: na těsnost odlitku (tělo baterie) - 10 let, na povrchovou úpravu - 6 let, na ostatní díly 2 roky 3 479 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Dveřní zarážka, polokoule, nerez 30-0114
249 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Dávkovač Lamia stříbrný
149 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Kelímek jednoduchý Emotion3104
289 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Vzorek laminátová podlaha Dub Evoke Sunset 8mm AC5 Aqua Pro K5574
   Voděodolné laminátové plovoucí podlahy Kaindl AQUApro - nová generace podlahNejnovější verze řady Aqua Pro se vyznačuje inovativním novým vývojem speciální samotěsnící drážky a pružinového profilu v kombinaci s  těsněním hran odolných vůči vlhkosti a samostatně lisovanými zkosenými hranami.Inteligentní nosná deska AQUAtec HDF splňuje ještě přísnější požadavky na odolnost proti vlhkosti, zatímco podlaha oživuje moderní design interiéru díky atraktivní rozmanitosti dekorů a povrchů.Nový inovativní projekt se jmenuje AQUApro je kombinací nejnovějších technologií Kaindl. 35 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Sítko 200 mm
59 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Montážní lepidlo Ceys Montack tekuté hřebíky 315 g
Ceys Montack lepí vše neviditelně je montážní lepidlo s absolutní přilnavostí pro odolné a snadné připevnění. Maximální všestranné použití na všechny materiály*: porézní i neporézní včetně jemných a vlhkých povrchů. Speciálně určené pro transparentní materiály vyžadující čisté provedení. Vlastnosti:- Lepí vše neviditelně- Absolutní přilnavost- Maximálně transparentní- Interiér-exteriér- Vynikající přilnavost- Vysoká vyplňovací schopnost- Trvalé lepení- Teplotní odolnost -15 °C do +80 °C- Odolnost vůči vlhkosti- Není určeno pro polyethylen PE, polypropylen PP, PTFE křehké, nestabilní, zaprášené nebo nepřilnavé podklady. Rozvětvené polymery, které vytvářejí trojrozměrnou síťovou strukturu a zajišťují:- Extrémní počáteční přilnavost.- Rychlejší přilnutí.- Maximální konečnou odolnost. Římsy, sokly, traverzy, dveřní a okenní rámy, lišty, profily, panely, desky, obložení, obklady, zrcadla, dlaždice, elektroinstalační materiál, signalizační nápisy, věšáky, držáky mýdel, kliky a příslušenství obecně. 179 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Tmel Ceys Oprava defektu syntetický kov dvousložkový 40 ml + 40 g
Ceys syntetický kov je dlousložkový tmel na bázi pryskyřice vhodný zejména na opravu kovových ploch. Svařuje za studena (hliník, měď,...) tmelí, vyplňuje a utěsňuje díry a otvory. Slouží také jako ochranný film na zoxidované a zinkové plochy.  Vlastnosti:- Profesionální použití- Svařuje, tmelí, vyplňuje, utěsňuje- Hliník, měď,... všechy typy kovů- Má vzhled kovu- Odolá extrémním teplotám (-50 °C až +150 °C)- Je odolný kyselinám, čisticím práškům a minerálům- Nepraská ani v průběhu času 249 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Štít Econo WC bílá
49 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Odkapávač na příbory 2 komory
Mix barev. Barva vydaná náhodně. 79 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Krytka SG75 - H0 Caloudra levá+pravá 1+1
40 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Svitidlo Rino Gold 62147 Lw3
- 1 679 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Chňapky 18x25cm 2 ks houbyi 8R2309
189 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Svítilna Top Gold 6031 Ls2
- 999 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Chiara Ferragni CF1017 VK6 - ONE SIZE (52)
Chiara Ferragni Chiara Ferragni – italská blogerka, podnikatelka a módní návrhářka – uvedla na trh svou popovou módní značku v roce 2012. Během několika sezón značka jasně definovala svůj styl, který vždy dotváří známé logo oka. Chiara Ferragni je značkou štěstí, pozitivních hodnot a dobré nálady jak v offline, tak v online vesmíru. Brýle Chiara Ferragni jsou určeny pro dynamické, cool, moderní a silné ženy. Pro koho? Dioptrické brýle Chiara Ferragni CF1017 VK6 jsou součástí nejnovější Chiara Ferragni kolekce navržené pro ženy . Tento elegantní celorámový model odráží aktuální trendy v designérské oční optice a jeho Wayfarer rám dělá Chiara Ferragni CF1017 ideální volbou především pro kulaté, oválné a srdcové tváře . Materiály Materiál použitý na výrobu tohoto rámu je odlehčený propionát . V porovnání s plastem je propionát výrazně lehčí a pružnější. Propionát je také 100% hypoalergenní a srovnatelně odolnější. Poštovné zdarma Zakupte si Chiara Ferragni CF1017 VK6 na eyerim právě teď a budou vám doručeny bezplatně přímo do vašich rukou , v jejich originálním balení. 1 649 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Lacoste L2890 400 - ONE SIZE (56)
Lacoste Historie značky Lacoste je příběhem tenisové legendy, jejíž nápady navždy změnily sportovní a módní průmysl. Inspirovaný svou přezdívkou, francouzská tenisová superstar René Lacoste umístil symbol malého krokodýla na bílou polokošili poprvé v roce 1920 - tehdy se zrodila ikona. Kolekce oční optiky Lacoste důvěřuje eutentickému sportovnímu dědictví a eleganci. Pro koho? Dioptrické brýle Lacoste L2890 400 jsou součástí nejnovější Lacoste kolekce navržené pro muže . Tento elegantní celorámový model odráží aktuální trendy v designérské oční optice a jeho Wayfarer rám dělá Lacoste L2890 ideální volbou především pro kulaté, oválné a srdcové tváře . Materiály Tento model je vyroben z bioplastu, což z něj činí jeden z našich udržitelných produktů. Bioplast se vyrábí z obnovitelných biologických zdrojů, jako je kukuřičný škrob, cukrová třtina nebo celulóza. Na rozdíl od běžných plastů vyráběných z ropy mohou bioplasty výrazně snížit uhlíkovou stopu a v závislosti na typu mohou být biologicky rozložitelné nebo kompostovatelné. V oblasti brýlí nabízí bioplasty udržitelnou alternativu, která nesnižuje kvalitu ani životnost. Poštovné zdarma Zakupte si Lacoste L2890 400 na eyerim právě teď a budou vám doručeny bezplatně přímo do vašich rukou , v jejich originálním balení. 2 669 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Kolíčky standard 20 ks 096000
29 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Mozaika 09326 Metro Black Mat 30/30
135 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Kůň nežere okurkový salát (Ivan Kraus)
22 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Příběh kryptologie (Al Cimino)
89 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Catan Super Deluxe (Console Edition) NSW
 O hřeZahrajte si oficiální videohru CATAN na konzoli!Získávejte suroviny, ovládněte nové strategie a vybudujte svou osadu na celé ploše, která ožívá. Vyzvěte přátele ve svém obýváku nebo hrajte proti chytré a dynamické umělé inteligenci, staňte se vítězným Katancem a poté tyto schopnosti využijte online s kompletní kompatibilitou cross-play!Klíčové vlastnosti The Helpers (Pomocníci) – povolejte schopnosti a služby nejvlivnějších obyvatel CATANU, zatímco se budete snažit stát se vítězným KatancemChampionship Maps (Turnajové mapy) – hrajte jako mistr světa v CATANU díky DLC Championship Maps, které obsahují 5 rozvržení plochy z předchozího mistrovství světa v CATANUDice Skin & Hex Frames (Skin kostek a rámečky polí) – zkrášlete si plochu díky speciálně navrženým rámečkům polí a skinu kostekConsole Edition obsahuje:Hra Catan Super DeluxeLitografie pomocníků z KatanuTrailer 879 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Anthropology of Dress and Fashion: A Reader (Luvaas Brent)(Paperback)
Anthropologists have examined how diverse human populations modify and dress their bodies since the earliest days of the discipline. The Anthropology of Dress and Fashion: A Reader is the first authoritative anthology of the seminal writings of anthropologists studying clothing and fashion. From classic ethnographies of dress to cutting-edge contemporary research tracing the global circulation of clothing today, this comprehensive volume maps out this vibrant field of study's shifting preoccupations, theoretical innovations, and traditional and experimental methodologies. Comprised of over 40 curated extracts from the work of leading international scholars from Jonathan Friedman to Katherine Frank, the reader is divided into themed sections, each with an introduction and guide to further reading. With each extract introduced and contextualised, the reader will be an 1 118 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Institutional Sexual Abuse in the #Metoo Era (Spraitz Jason D.)(Paperback)
Examining the evolving reach of the #MeToo Movement In this timely and important collection, editors Jason D. Spraitz and Kendra N. Bowen bring together the work of contributors in the fields of criminal justice and criminology, sociology, journalism, and communications. These chapters show #MeToo is not only a support network of victims' voices and testimonies but also a revolutionary interrogation of policies, power imbalances, and ethical failures that resulted in decades-long cover-ups and institutions structured to ensure continued abuse. This book reveals #MeToo as so much more than a hashtag.Contributors discuss how #MeToo has altered the landscape of higher education; detail a political history of sexual abuse in the United States and the UK; discuss a recent grand jury report about religious institutions; and address the foster care and correctional 1 166 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Seasonal Slow Knitting: Thoughtful Projects for a Handmade Year (Thiessen Hannah)(Pevná vazba)
"Thiessen's new book is all about promoting creativity at a slower pace, offering advice on finding the time and space to knit in a restful, calming way." --The Knitter This guide to knitting, making, and living a slow and thoughtful lifestyle all year long is author Hannah Thiessen's follow-up to Slow Knitting, which introduced crafters to a process of more mindful making through five basic tenets: source carefully, make thoughtfully, think seasonally, experiment fearlessly, and explore openly. Now, in SeasonalSlow Knitting, she offers a seasonal approach that encourages knitters to delve deeper into those concepts, applying them to everyday making through a series of essays, projects, and patterns that explore the life of a knitter throughout the year. Organized similarly to a seasonal planting guide or farmer's almanac, each chapter 543 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Old King in His Exile (Geiger Arno)(Paperback)
Shortlisted for the Helen and Kurt Wolff Prize for its translation Shortlisted for the Schlegel-Tieck Prize for its translation What makes us who we are? Arno Geiger's father was never an easy man to know and when he developed Alzheimer's, Arno realised he was not going to ask for help. 'As my father can no longer cross the bridge into my world, I have to go over to his.' So Arno sets out on a journey to get to know him at last. Born in 1926 in the Austrian Alps, into a farming family who had an orchard, kept three cows, and made schnapps in the cellar, his father was conscripted into World War II as a 'schoolboy soldier' - an experience he rarely spoke about, though it marked him. Striking up a new friendship, Arno walks with him in the village and the landscape they both grew up in and listens to his words, which are often full of unexpected poetry.Through his 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Metodo Para Ukulele Libro 1: Hal Leonard Ukulele Method Book 1 Spanish Edition [With CD (Audio)] (Lil' Rev)(Paperback)
(Ukulele). Spanish edition of the popular Hal Leonard Ukulele Method . Designed for anyone just learning to play ukulele, this comprehensive and easy-to-use beginner's guide by acclaimed performer and uke master Lil' Rev includes many fun songs of different styles to learn and play. Includes: types of ukuleles, tuning, music reading, melody playing, chords, strumming, scales, tremolo, music notation and tablature, a variety of music styles, ukulele history and much more. El Metodo Para Ukulele Hal Leonard esta disenado para cualquier persona que este aprendiendo a tocar el ukulele. Esta completa y sencilla guia para el principiante, escrita por el aclamado inteprete y maestro de ukulele. Lil' Rev, incluye muchas canciones divertidas y de diferentes estilos para aprender y tocar. El audio contiene 46 pistas de canciones como demostracion o como base para 310 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

British Battle Tanks: British-Made Tanks of World War II (Fletcher David)(Pevná vazba)
Building on the earlier volume dealing with British armor of the First World War, this is the second of a multi-volume history of British tanks by renowned British armor expert David Fletcher MBE. This volume traces the story of the British use of the tank through the early years of World War II, when Britain relied on its own tanks built in the late 1930s, and those designed and built with limited resources in the opening years of the war. Plagued by unreliable vehicles and poorly thought-out doctrine, these were years of struggle against an opponent well versed in the arts of armored warfare. It covers the development and use of the Matilda, Crusader, and Valentine tanks that pushed back the Axis in North Africa, the much-improved Churchill that fought with distinction from North Africa to Normandy, and the excellent Cromwell tank of 1944-45. It also looks at Britain's 752 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Keyclub Pupil's Book, Bk 1 (Bryant Ann)(Paperback)
A fun packed tutor for beginner pianists. Introducing young players to the rudiments of piano playing, it is packed full of great pieces as well as animated charaters such as the Mud Monsters and the Wizards of the White Wishing Well. It is also jam packed with activities and sticker fun for 252 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories (VanderMeer Jeff)(Paperback)
From Lovecraft to Borges to Gaiman, a century of intrepid literary experimentation has created a corpus of dark and strange stories that transcend all known genre boundaries. Together these stories form The Weird, and its practitioners include some of the greatest names in twentieth and twenty-first century literature. Exotic and esoteric, The Weird plunges you into dark domains and brings you face to face with surreal monstrosities. You won't find any elves or wizards here...but you will find the biggest, boldest, and downright most peculiar stories from the last hundred years bound together in the biggest Weird collection ever assembled. The Weird features 110 stories by an all-star cast, from literary legends to international bestsellers to Booker Prize winners: including William Gibson, George R. R. Martin, Stephen King, Angela Carter, Kelly Link, 888 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Caratacus Reincarnation (Jones Granit)(Paperback)
Following a disastrous Marxist government, Britain is on the verge of ruin whilst a resurgent Russia prepares to regain the territories lost when the old Soviet Union collapsed.In the cold grey waters of the North Sea, a small independent oil company makes a major discovery which could change the fortunes of Great Britain. The discovery is called the Caratacus Field, but before the benefits can be realised, it has to be developed. Two rival offshore construction companies vie for the work leading to sabotage and death on the high seas and a worldwide manhunt for those responsible.Russia knows the risk to its plans should the revenue from the Caratacus Field save the United Kingdom from debt default and humiliation. It is determined to stop or delay the development until it is able to enact its plans to invade Europe.The Caratacus Reincarnation looks towards a frightening and 287 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Cassandra Eason's Healing Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Over 120 Crystals and Gemstones (Eason Cassandra)(Pevná vazba)
Explore the healing power of crystals with this popular reference from Cassandra Eason, now in a hardcover gift edition that's perfect for beginners and crystal experts alike. Access the healing power of crystals with Cassandra Eason's unique and comprehensive directory! Covering more than 120 crystals in detail, Eason sets each one in context, examining its associated mythology, herbs, oils, incenses, and astrological significance. Divided into sections by color, the book describes different ways of working with chakras and auras, and the basics of crystal divination and magic. Learn how to select crystals that protect and empower you, and use them in the workplace, home, and with children, plants, and animals. You'll also discover how to make the most of crystals for decision making, cleansing, fighting the adverse effects of technology, and resisting negative earth 389 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Just Give Me A Cool Drink Of Water 'Fore I Diiie (Angelou Dr Maya)(Paperback / softback)
The re-issue of Just Give me a Cool Drink of Water 'fore I Diiie by Maya Angelou - one of the most celebrated writers and poets of the 278 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Play the Forest School Way: Woodland Games and Crafts for Adventurous Kids (Worroll Jane)(Paperback)
Help your child connect with nature, be adventurous and most of all have fun, with these woodland games, crafts and other activities from Forest School. The rise of the Forest School movement in recent years is part of a groundswell of concern about the wellbeing of our children, with many media scare stories about child obesity, "nature deficit disorder" (as described in Last Child in the Woods) and lack of exposure to risk. This woodland adventure book brings the activities and--learning through nature--ethos of Forest School to the parents of nursery and primary school-age children. It's packed full of ideas, from making nature jewellery and whittling a bow and arrow to building a shelter and foraging for food; it also celebrates the Forest School philosophy of encouraging self-esteem, confidence and social skills through engagement with nature. As well as sharing 333 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Wanderlust British & Irish Isles: Hiking the Trails of the Great Britain and Ireland (Gestalten)(Pevná vazba)
From breathtaking nature to timeless culture, explore the hiking trails and the wonders of the British Isles. The British and Irish Isles are a paradise for hikers. They provide a unique blend of breathtaking nature, fascinating local history, and timeless culture. Stunning photography showcases the diverse natural landscapes and rich national history of the region. The book offers maps, valuable insights on the trails, the best time to hike them, and regional specialties that will help readers make the most of their adventures. Whether you're an avid hiker or an armchair traveler, this new addition to the Wanderlust series will take you from the heart of the Scottish Highlands, to the Lake District, Ireland, and onward to the expansive coastline of the English Riviera. In addition to highlighting the natural and historical monuments of the islands, this book celebrates the best hiking 947 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Troublemakers and Superpowers: 29 Stories of People Who Turned Childhood Struggles Into Strengths (Grand Keely)(Paperback)
This unique and hopeful biography collection explores the lives of 29 individuals from diverse backgrounds who turned their childhood struggles - their personal "troublemakers" - into strengths that enabled them to live their lives to the fullest. Troublemakers and Superpowers is filled with hopeful stories that explore the lives of individuals from diverse backgrounds who have had to navigate a "troublemaker" in their childhood, such as trauma, depression, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, or dyslexia. Each of these individuals had a turning point in their life that enabled them to understand not only their struggles but also their strengths and ultimately learn how to use them to go after their dreams. Did you know... Greta Thunberg used the strengths she discovered with her Asperger's Syndrome to start a climate revolution.Jonathan Van 421 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Life She Had (Armstrong K. L.)(Paperback)
A pulse-pounding new thriller from the bestselling author of Wherever She Goes and Every Step She Takes. If someone were threatening your home, how far would you go to protect it? A stranger is trespassing in Celeste Turner's backyard, moving through the shadows around her shed. It could be a harmless backpacker seeking temporary refuge, but experience has taught Celeste to be extra wary. Not wishing to draw unwanted attention, she cannot turn to the police. Celeste is an outsider to this region of rural Florida, and all the locals see is a "city girl" who swooped in to secure her inheritance. But Celeste needs her new life to work, so she must confront her intruder. To her surprise, she finds out that her unwanted guest is a young backpacker named Daisy. She is polite and friendly, just taking advantage of some shelter as she makes her way 234 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Wicker Man (Wiggins Steve A.)(Paperback / softback)
Many fans of Robin Hardy's The Wicker Man (1973) may know that this classic is considered a fine sample of folk horror. Holiday horror draws its energy from the featured festive day, here May Day. Wiggins delineates what holiday horror is and surveys various aspects of "the Citizen Kane of horror movies" that utilize the 691 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Game of Lies - The new thriller from the No.1 bestseller (Mackintosh Clare)(Pevná vazba)
The clever, twisty new thriller from the #1 Sunday Times bestseller and international 440 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Paddington at the Rainbow's End and Other Stories (Bond Michael)(Paperback / softback)
Three favourite stories of Paddington, the beloved classic bear from Peru, are brought together in this entertaining concept book. Paddington is now a major movie 331 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Snake's Big Mistake (Kurpiel Sarah)(Pevná vazba)
Snake loves art class--until his project is a disaster, and he makes a terrible mistake that hurts a friend. How will Snake fix his mistake? Acclaimed author-artist Sarah Kurpiel's Snake's Big Mistake is a picture book about art, friendship, apologizing, and forgiveness, for readers of The Rabbit Listened and The Book of Mistakes. For weeks, Snake has looked forward to sculpting the most spectacular clay pot in art class. But when his pot breaks and his teacher confuses Snake's pot with Turtle's, Snake takes home Turtle's masterpiece to show his family and pretends that he made it. Now, Snake will have to craft a way to repair a broken pot and a broken friendship.Combining a sensitive, thoughtful text and irresistible illustrations, acclaimed author-illustrator Sarah Kurpiel centers emotions that young readers can 328 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

ClearRevise AQA GCSE English Literature: Shakespeare, Macbeth(Paperback / softback)
English Literature GCSE AQA: MacbethAbsolute clarity is the aim with a new generation of GCSE English revision guides. This clear study guide has been expertly compiled and edited by successful authors of English revision guides, highly experienced examiners and a good dollop of scientific research into what makes revision most effective and more accessible.Past examination questions are essential to good preparation, improving understanding and confidence. This guide has combined revision with tips and more practice questions than you could shake a stick at. All the essential ingredients for getting a grade you can be really proud of.Each specification topic has been referenced and distilled into the key points to make in an examination for top marks. Questions on all topics assessing knowledge, application and analysis are all specifically 269 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Sports Analytics: A Guide for Coaches, Managers, and Other Decision Makers (Alamar Benjamin)(Pevná vazba)
Benjamin C. Alamar founded the first journal dedicated to sports statistics, the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. He developed and teaches a class on sports analytics for managers at the University of San Francisco and has published numerous cutting-edge studies on strategy and player evaluation. Today, he cochairs the sports statistics section of the International Statistics Institute and consults with several professional teams and businesses in sports analytics. There isn't a better representative of this emerging field to show diverse organizations how to implement analytics into their decision-making strategies, especially as analytic tools grow increasingly complex. Alamar provides a clear, easily digestible survey of the practice and a detailed understanding of analytics' vast possibilities. He explains how to evaluate different programs and put them to 477 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

What Hunts Inside the Shadows (Woods Harper L.)(Paperback / softback)
Book two in the Of Flesh & Bone 261 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Psychosocial Assessment in Mental Health (Trenoweth Steve)(Paperback)
Psychosocial and holistic approaches to assessment have become a central feature of modern mental health care. This practical and comprehensive book guides students through the theory and practice of psychosocial assessments to help them integrate the data as preparation for the effective planning of treatment and interventions. This is essential reading for preregistration nursing students and mental health 1 056 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Feminism Against Progress (Harrington Mary)(Pevná vazba)
432 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Children and Interparental Violence: The Impact of Exposure (Rossman B. B. Robbie)(Paperback)
The past decade has seen a burgeoning of research and conceptualization on the implications of parental violence exposure on children's development and well-being. Meanwhile, seemingly daily accounts of violent tragedies committed by our youth brings to our attention the urgency of conveying this information. With these ideas in mind, Children and Interparental Violence focuses on childrens exposure to violence between their caretakers and the subsequent effects on child development.To this end, the authors review current theories, research, and treatment strategies of the 1990s, paying specific attention to families' ethnic backgrounds, parents' sexual orientation, and forensic and legal issues, all factors affecting the nature and severity of impact.Prevention and intervention models (including great detail on risk and protective factors), techniques, and programs are 1 260 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

How to Fire Your Husband in Easy Steps - A Miraculous Divorce! (Holst-Sande Cowdrey Christel)(Paperback)
"Oh, my husband? I fired him!"When Christel divorced her husband, she was expected to fall into a ditch and become a more than a fulsome, grizzly member of the lemon-lipped 'divorced women's club'. Instead, she made a vow that she would stay sane for her children and those around her, uttering nothing negative about anyone and forging herself forward, into a new space. A quarter of a century had collapsed around her, but the memory of her parent's failed marriage held her focus - she was not going to embody any bitterness or repeat the mistakes she had witnessed as a teenager. Many waited for her to launch an attack and were disappointed and confused when she was prepared to walk away without retribution, an action that would have blackened every precious memory. Christel worried: she knew that every step and every word would be witnessed and recorded by their 234 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

DIY Guide to Ponds, Fountains, Rain Gardens & Water Features, Revised Edition: Designing - Constructing - Planting (Koziol Nina)(Paperback)
Plan, create, and enjoy your dream water garden! DIY Guide to Ponds, Fountains, Rain Gardens & Water Features provides essential information on designing and installing all types of home water gardens, from naturalistic to formal, plus fountains, waterfalls, streams, bog gardens, rain gardens, and more. With this expert guide, you'll learn how to construct each of these structures, as well as how to incorporate a variety of aquatic plants, fish, and other pond inhabitants, and even how to design wooden bridges and stepping-stones. You'll also find advice and plants for all regions, plus special tips for gardens in extreme conditions and zone charts. A best-selling resource, this newly updated edition features today's newest technologies and products, such as pond-less waterfall kits for small spaces, as well as a new chapter on constructing naturalistic swimming ponds that are 506 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Dark Above (Finley Jeremy)(Pevná vazba)
In this sequel to the critically-acclaimed novel that grabbed fans of X-Files and Stranger Things, Jeremy Finley returns with another thriller full of aliens and government cover-ups. For most of his life, William Chance has been the living proof that his grandmother and her fellow researchers into missing people were right all along about the terror from the stars. Now, he's avoiding the limelight and hiding out from everyone, including his family. He knows he can avoid everything, except for the nightmares: fires, storms, disease and violence - he dreams of it all. When he's suddenly exposed, he finds that the media, government operatives and renegade true believers are desperate to find him, but he has another mission. Joined by a girl with terrifying abilities, he begins a desperate journey across the United States to find the others who share his dreams to 480 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Aleister Crowley in Paris: Sex, Art, and Magick in the City of Light (Churton Tobias)(Pevná vazba)
- Investigates the tales of Crowley "raising Pan," going mad, and working gay sex magick in Paris - Uncovers Crowley's involvement in the Belle poque with sculptor Auguste Rodin and other artists and in the 1920s with Berenice Abbott, Nancy Cunard, Man Ray, Andr Gide, and Aime Crocker - Reveals Crowley's "expulsion" from Paris in 1929 as a high-level conspiracy against Crowley Exploring occultist, magician, poet, painter, and writer Aleister Crowley's longstanding and intimate association with Paris, Tobias Churton provides the first detailed account of Crowley's activities in the City of Light. Using previously unpublished letters and diaries, Churton explores how Crowley was initiated into the Golden Dawn's Inner Order in Paris in 1900 and how, in 1902, he relocated to Montparnasse. Soon engaged to Anglo-Irish artist Eileen Gray, Crowley pontificates and parties with 722 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Jake and Jen in the Night of the Ninja - Phase 5 Set 5 (Bradford Chris)(Paperback / softback)
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers. The 7+ books are designed for children aged 7+ who need more practice to acquire phonics 249 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Two's Company: Simple: Fast & Fresh Recipes for Couples, Friends & Roommates (Murrin Orlando)(Pevná vazba)
"We're all looking for quick routes to great dishes and Orlando Murrin does it so well in this beautiful cookbook." Tom Kerridge "Two's Company is a wonder and having a version that is "simple" is just even more appealing. Perfect for people who love great food but want less stress in the kitchen." Georgina Hayden 75 deliciously simple recipes, offering advice and guidance on the easiest and quickest ways to feed two people without missing out on flavour or excitement Following the success of Two's Company, this time Orlando Murrin turns his attention to super simple food designed for two people to share. He brings 75 more recipes to the table, encompassing everything from week-night quick fixes and easy-yet-impressive mains, to indulgent desserts. These speedy, often all-in-one, recipes have been carefully created so 516 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Pandamonium! - How Not to Run a Record Label (Williams Simon)(Pevná vazba)
'Hilarious, heart-wrenching and packed with British music history.' - COLDPLAYIt's a life-and-near-death story. But whose life? And whose near-death?As a one-time NME journalist, former Xfm radio presenter, toilet-circuit promoter and the founder of enduring homespun British record label Fierce Panda, Simon Williams has been at the cutting, cutting, cutting edge of all things 'indie' for over thirty years. During his tenure as managing director of Fierce Panda (a role he holds to this day), Simon was responsible for tripping over bands such as Coldplay, Keane, Placebo and countless other acts of independent hue - some of whom have gone on to achieve earth-shattering musical superstardom, while others have merely baffled the crowd at the Bull & Gate in north London on a wet Wednesday evening. Unfiltered and unflinching, Pandamonium! is the story of Simon's time at the indie coalface, 493 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model for a Happier, Stronger Relationship (Klemp Nate)(Paperback)
An accessible, transformative guide for couples seeking greater love, connection, and intimacy in our modern world Nate and Kaley Klemp were both successful in their careers, consulting for high-powered companies around the world. Their work as mindfulness and leadership experts, however, often fell to the wayside when they came home in the evening, only to end up fighting about fairness in their marriage. They believed in a model where each partner contributed equally and fairness ruled, but, in reality, they were finding that balance near impossible to achieve. From this frustration, they developed the idea of the 80/80 marriage, a new model for balancing career, family, and love. The 80/80 Marriage pushes couples beyond the limited idea of fairness toward a new model grounded on radical generosity and shared success, one that calls for each partner to contribute 439 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Collapse of Yugoslavia: 1991-99 (Finlan Alastair)(Paperback)
In 1991, an ethnically diverse region that had enjoyed decades of peaceful coexistence descended into bitter hatred and chaos, almost overnight. Communities fractured along lines of ethnic and religious affiliation and the ensuing fighting was deeply personal, resulting in brutality, rape and torture, and ultimately the deaths of thousands of people. This book examines the internal upheavals of the former Yugoslavia and their international implications, including the failure of the Vance-Owen plan; the first use of NATO in a combat role and in peace enforcement; and the war in Kosovo, unsanctioned by the UN but prosecuted by NATO forces to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the 307 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Should I Tell You? (Mansell Jill)(Paperback / softback)
387 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Thomas White (C. 1736-1811): Redesigning the Northern British Landscape (Turnbull Deborah)(Paperback)
This volume aims to restore the reputation of Thomas White, who in his time was as well respected as his fellow landscape designers Lancelot 'Capability' Brown and Humphry Repton. By the end of his career, he had produced designs for at least 32 sites across northern England and over 60 in Scotland. These include nationally important designed landscapes in Yorkshire such as Harewood House, Sledmere Hall, Burton Constable Hall, Newby Hall, Mulgrave Castle as well as Raby Castle in Durham, Belle Isle in Cumbria, and Brocklesby Hall in Lincolnshire. He has a vital role in the story of how northern English designed landscapes evolved in the 18th century.The book focuses on White's known commissions in England and sheds further light on the work of other designers such as Brown and Repton, who worked on many of the same sites. White set up as an independent designer in 1765, having 1 208 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Times Crosswords - The Times Quick Cryptic Crossword Book 7: 100 World-Famous Crossword Puzzles (The Times Mind Games)(Paperback)
For those ready to try their first cryptic crosswords! Appearing Monday to Friday in the puzzle pages of Times2, this crossword has a reduced 13x13 grid size and reduced difficulty too, the intention being to encourage people to take their first steps in tackling cryptic crosswords. And also to cater for those of us who have limited time to devote to our favorite pastime and need a ready-made set of puzzles that is solvable in a short space of 209 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Land of the Lustrous 11 (Ichikawa Haruko)(Paperback)
An elegant new action manga, Land of the Lustrous is set in a far future Earth, where humanity's distant descendants live on in a small group of sexless crystalline beings who must fight off an invasion from the Moon. RETURN TO NOTHINGNESS Two hundred years after a failed attack on the Lustrous, Phosphophyllite is reassembled and tries again to get Kongō to pray for the Lunarians. This attempt seems likely to succeed, and the Lunarians prepare to depart to nothingness, while the gemstones on the moon prepare to be left behind. Meanwhile, Euclase is awakened by the commotion between Phos and 271 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Understanding Jewellery: The 20th Century (Mascetti Daniela)(Pevná vazba)
One of the most dazzling, absorbing and varied collections of jewellery images ever assembled in a book, from the authors of Understanding 1 556 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Olympus E-M10 MkIII Menu System Simplified (Thorpe David)(Paperback)
The E-M10 MkIII is Olympus's smallest EVF equipped Micro Four Thirds camera body Don't let its small size fool you though, for packed in that little frame is most of the technology present in its larger stablemates. Like any digital camera, at its heart is a complex menu system with more than 130 entries, many with their own sub-menus.This book goes through each and every every menu choice and explains what it does and why you might want to do it. What my books aims to do is to familiarise your with your E-M10 MkIII and learn to tailor it to your own taste and needs. Having done that, you I think you will find using the camera not only a pleasure but inspiring as 305 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited (FULL TEXT, 10th edition) (Rangelovska Lidija)(Paperback)
The FULL TEXT of Sam Vaknin's classic, groundbreaking BIBLE of NARCISSISM and NARCISSISTIC ABUSE, now in its 10th edition. Tips and advice as well as the most complete clinical background. Narcissistic Personality Disorder and its effects on the narcissist, the psychopath and their nearest and dearest in a variety of settings: the family, workplace, in Church, the community, law enforcement, and politics. 100 frequently asked questions and two essays - a total of 730 pages Updated to reflect the NEW criteria in the recent fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM).You are not alone Are YOU Abused? Stalked? Harassed? Victimized? Confused and Frightened? Were you brought up by a Narcissistic or Psychopathic Parent? Married to a Narcissist or a Psychopath - or Divorcing One? Afraid your children will turn out to be narcissists or psychopaths? Want to cope with this 1 112 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

India's Foreign Policy: Surviving in a Turbulent World (Gupta Arvind)(Pevná vazba)
Written by foreign policy experts, academics and practioners, this book develops the frameworks and strategies for India's foreign policy that can be adopted to meet the emerging challenges and non-traditional threats in the new world order. It studies the important aspects of India's foreign policy in the present unsettled world order and comes up with strategies and policy suggestions. It raises several questions to highlight the future direction of foreign policy and the challenges that India may have to deal with in the coming years. The book covers the domestic dimension of the country's foreign policy, which is often missed out in policy discussion. It examines the close link between national security and foreign policy, and shows how foreign policy can be leveraged to strengthen the economy and make India a hub of innovation. This book emphasizes soft power strategies to ensure 2 211 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Art in China (Clunas Craig)(Paperback)
China boasts a history of art stretching over 5,000 years and embracing a vast array of forms--objects of jade, lacquer and porcelain, painted scrolls and fans, sculptures in stone, bronze and wood, and murals. With more than 130 halftone illustrations, including almost eighty in full color, this new edition of Art in China presents the finest one-volume introduction to all forms of Chinese art. The book examines Chinese art in a variety of contexts--as it has been designed for tombs, commissioned by rulers, displayed in temples, created by the men and women of the educated elite, and bought and sold in the marketplace. Drawing on recent innovative scholarship--and newly accessible studies in China itself--Craig Clunas surveys the full spectrum of the visual arts. This updated edition contains expanded coverage of modern and contemporary art, from the fall of the empire in 1911 563 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological Origins of the United Nations (Mazower Mark M.)(Paperback)
No Enchanted Palace traces the origins and early development of the United Nations, one of the most influential yet perhaps least understood organizations active in the world today. Acclaimed historian Mark Mazower forces us to set aside the popular myth that the UN miraculously rose from the ashes of World War II as the guardian of a new and peaceful global order, offering instead a strikingly original interpretation of the UN's ideological roots, early history, and changing role in world affairs. Mazower brings the founding of the UN brilliantly to life. He shows how the UN's creators envisioned a world organization that would protect the interests of empire, yet how this imperial vision was decisively reshaped by the postwar reaffirmation of national sovereignty and the unanticipated rise of India and other former colonial powers. This is a story told through the 540 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Hungry Student Cookbook - 200+ Quick and Simple Recipes(Paperback / softback)
Ditch the takeaways and impress all your mates with this spectacular repertoire of more than 200 261 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 11.09.2024

Quicksand (Mankell Henning)(Paperback / softback)
In January 2014 Henning Mankell was informed that he had cancer. However, Quicksand is not a book about death, but about what it means to be human. It is a book about how humanity has lived and continues to live, and about how Henning lived his own 258 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present (Trenton Nick)(Paperback)
Overcome negative thought patterns, reduce stress, and live a worry-free life.Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. Don't get stuck in a never-ending thought loop. Stay present and keep your mind off things that don't matter, and never will.Break free of your self-imposed mental prison.Stop Overthinking is a book that understands where you've been through, the exhausting situation you've put yourself into, and how you lose your mind in the trap of anxiety and stress. Acclaimed author Nick Trenton will walk you through the obstacles with detailed and proven techniques to help you rewire your brain, control your thoughts, and change your mental habits.What's more, the book will provide you scientific approaches to completely change the way you think 400 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Greek Anthology (Paton W. R.)(Pevná vazba)
The Greek Anthology ("Gathering of Flowers") is the name given to a collection of about 4500 short Greek poems (called epigrams but usually not epigrammatic) by about 300 composers. To the collection (called "Stephanus", wreath or garland) made and contributed to by Meleager of Gadara (1st century BCE) was added another by Philippus of Thessalonica (late 1st century CE), a third by Diogenianus (2nd century), and much later a fourth, called the "Circle", by Agathias of Myrina. These (lost) and others (also lost) were partly incorporated, arranged according to contents, by Constantinus Cephalas (early 10th century?) into fifteen books now preserved in a single manuscript of the Palatine Library at Heidelberg. The grand collection was rearranged and revised by the monk Maximus Planudes (14th century) who also added epigrams lost from Cephalas's compilation. The fifteen books 754 Kč

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Dartmoor(Sheet map, folded)
413 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Attack of the Giant Robot Chickens (McCall Alex)(Paperback)
Winner of a 2015 Scottish Children's Book Award Why did the chicken cross the road? TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD The city of Aberdeen is being terrorized by giant robot chickens who want to peck out every last sign of human resistance. The streets are empty, the adults have vanished -- and those left behind are fighting for survival. Jesse and his friends are desperate to save their families and stop the feathered fiends. They hatch a master plan... but can a gang of kids REALLY defeat an army of angry robot chickens? A hilarious, weird and wonderful adventure from a cracking new 186 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

BIG (Akyuz Sav)(Paperback / softback)
After watching his brother having all the fun, a young boy wishes he was BIG. When his dream comes true, he goes on a joyful adventure. But as he keeps getting BIGGER and BIGGER, he realises that sometimes it's good to be small. A mostly wordless story that develops visual literacy and inspires children to wonder: what would I do if I was 185 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

The Ivy + Bean Secret Treasure Box (Blackall Sophie)(Boxed Set)
A Netflix Original Film Series A New York Times Bestselling Series Over 8 Million Copies Sold Books 1-3 from The New York Times bestselling Ivy & Bean series "Introduce independent readers to the award-winning Ivy & Bean series with this boxed set containing the first three books about two spunky second graders." -- Seira Wilson, Amazon Editor Meet Ivy and Bean, two friends who never meant to like each other: Ivy and Bean are very different. Bean is loud and wild and goofy. She loves to be involved in games and poke her nose in other people's business. Ivy is quiet and full of ideas. She spends most of her time learning how to be a witch. Each girl thinks the other one is weird. Each girl thinks she could never be friends with the other. But sometimes opposites can become the best of friends 395 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Women's Colonial Gothic Writing, 1850-1930: Haunted Empire (Edmundson Melissa)(Pevná vazba)
This book explores women writers' involvement with the Gothic. The author sheds new light on women's experience, a viewpoint that remains largely absent from male-authored Colonial Gothic works. The book investigates how women writers appropriated the Gothic genre--and its emphasis on fear, isolation, troubled identity, racial otherness, and sexual deviancy--in order to take these anxieties into the farthest realms of the British Empire. The chapters show how Gothic themes told from a woman's perspective emerge in unique ways when set in the different colonial regions that comprise the scope of this book: Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, India, Australia, and New Zealand. Edmundson argues that women's Colonial Gothic writing tends to be more critical of imperialism, and thereby more subversive, than that of their male counterparts. This book will be of interest to students and academics 2 217 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Time's Eye - A Time Odyssey Book One (Clarke Sir Arthur C.)(Paperback / softback)
A stunning new companion series to 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY from the world's most important living SF writer and his acknowledged 257 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Fugue for a Darkening Island (Priest Christopher)(Paperback / softback)
Christopher Priest's prescient novel of global migration and 250 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Open Marxism 4: Against a Closing World (Dinerstein Ana Cecilia)(Paperback)
The publication of the first three volumes of Open Marxism in the 1990s has had a transformative impact on how we think about Marxism in the twenty-first century. 'Open Marxism' aims to think of Marxism as a theory of struggle, not as an objective analysis of capitalist domination, arguing that money, capital and the state are forms of struggle from above and therefore open to resistance and rebellion. As critical thought is squeezed out of universities and geographical shifts shape the terrain of theoretical discussion, the editors argue now is the time for a new volume that reflects the work that has been carried out during the past decade. Emphasising the contemporary relevance of 'open Marxism' in our moment of political and economic uncertainty, the collection shines a light on its significance for activists and academics 845 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Definitely Nat: The Nat Enough Collection (Nat Enough #1-3 Box Set) (Scrivan Maria)(Other)
Can't get enough Nat?! Enjoy the complete Nat Enough series, bundled together for the very first time in this three-book box set!Making friends isn't easy, but losing them is even harder!Natalie is navigating her way through the minefields of middle school. Between best friends and boyfriends and ex-friends, Natalie doesn't think she measures up to others. But when she meets new friends, will Natalie be able to focus on who she is, rather than who she isn't and discover that she's more than enough, just the way she is?This three-book box set by New York Timesbestselling creator Maria Scrivan includes Nat Enough, Forget Me Nat, and Absolutely 899 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Badger's Parting Gifts (Varley Susan)(Pevná vazba)
"The gentle message holds particular validity for children and is conveyed in a tenderhearted manner." --Booklist"Warm and sensitive." --Publishers WeeklyAll the woodland creatures--Mole, Frog, Fox, and Rabbit--love old Badger, who is their confidante, advisor, and friend. When he dies, they are overwhelmed by their loss. Then they begin to remember and treasure the memories he left them.Told simply, directly, and honestly, this uplifting story will be of tremendous value to both children and their parents. A gentle classic that can help foster communication, care, and 518 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Are You Prepared for the Storm of Love Making?: Letters of Love and Lust from the White House (Hoobler Dorothy)(Pevná vazba)
A delightful collection of love letters by American presidents to their wives--and lovers--revealing an intimate and deeply personal side of our leaders. Our presidents loom so large in history that we often forget they are human. Are You Prepared for the Storm of Love Making? is a collection of handwritten love letters that offers a surprising and intimate portrait of the men who occupied the White House. From George Washington to Barack Obama, these are not the presidents we see in history books. Instead, when they courted the women they wanted to marry, or seduced women outside of their marriage, they often showed a side the public did not see--playful, passionate, tender, consumed by desire. Some of the letters are incredibly romantic--and surprisingly so. It took Richard Nixon years to convince Pat Ryan to marry him: "Someday let me see you again? In 826 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Outdoor School: Spot & Sticker Butterflies & Moths (Odd Dot)(Paperback)
Finally-a sticker book for the curious and the adventurous. The Outdoor School: Spot & Sticker series delivers the natural wonders of the world in gorgeous, scientifically accurate stickers. Peel and place each sticker on the pull-out poster once you've seen each butterfly or moth-or simply decorate your surroundings to make a fluttering paradise. The hundreds of extravagant illustrations can decorate greeting cards, letters, packages, classroom notebooks, scrapbooks, cell phone cases-anything your heart desires! For the curious-minded, each butterfly or moth on the pull-out poster is identified by name. Full of unique, hand-painted wonders, this book makes the perfect gift for butterfly-lovers, crafters, scrapbookers, and any sticker 226 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Čo s načatým životom? (Danica Janiaková) (slovensky)
12 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024

Golden Gate - A Novel (Chua Amy)(Paperback)
Amy Chua's debut novel, The Golden Gate, is a sweeping, evocative, and compelling historical thriller that paints a vibrant portrait of a California buffeted by the turbulent crosswinds of a world at war and a society about to undergo massive 508 Kč

* Uváděná cena platí pro 12.09.2024